On November 11, 2015 in information library center of KSPI was held intellectual game dedicated to the celebration of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate and the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Menin Kazakhstanym zhaina".

On November 11, 2015 the staff of USVR organized a lecture of the head of Department of the center for the study of religious problems in the management of religious Affairs by Amirkhan R. I. for 1st year students. The lecture discussed current issues of suppression of religious extremism in the world community.

On Saturday, 31 October 2015 on the basis of the Zatobolsk school-gymnasium, the head of Department of foreign languages of the faculty of foreign languages Kudritskaya M. I. held a master class "Creating a virtual learning environment based on interactive Internet platform www.Edmodo.com" for English teachers of Kostanay district.

On 23 October 2015 in the Assembly hall of KSPI was carried out KVN, which involved students from all faculties. This year special was the team of students of 1 course of faculty of foreign languages, performing under the name "Zhas New" and providing the image of the school at a high level.

Dear students! The Department of Foreign languages started its work group on the German language "Deutsch mit Vergnuegen", invited 2nd year students of specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages". The club runs on Wednesdays from 12.30 to 13.30. Students are encouraged to study the material culture of the plan.

On October 20, 2015 in a conference room of KSPI the event for an explanation of a state program "Serpin – 2050" to the students who have arrived on the state educational grant on a pedagogical quota has been held. At a meeting there were representatives of regional department for religion, managements concerning youth policy and the Imam of the city mosque.

On October 17 2015 in Zatobolsk school-gymnasium held a workshop with the English teachers "Preparation for transfer to 12-year education: integrated English language training and special content (CLIL)". The seminar was held by head of the English Department of the pedagogical Institute, PhD Kudritskaya M.I. the Workshop was conducted in English, which also contributed to the increase of language competence of teachers-practitioners

The Department of English opened English speaking club organized for the first year students of the faculty of foreign languages. The meetings will be held every Monday at 12.30. In class, students prepare presentations and discuss various topics of everyday communication. Participation in these meetings will help students to develop speaking skills and practice of communication in different situations in English, will increase the pace and confidence of their speech.

In the memory of each student is the first, and because important holiday – the day of dedication in students. 9 October, 2015 in the Assembly hall an event was held "Initiation of students – 2015", which was attended by all the talented freshmen.

On September 30, 2015 students of the 1-3 courses of Kostanai state pedagogical institute had a chance to be acquainted withtrhe culture of the people living on the territory of Kazakhstan. They took active part in the institute social activity "Language is the bridge of friendship", devoted to the Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan which was carried out by teachers of the teaching and educational center of language preparation, the faculty of foreign languages, S. Abisheva, V. Plokhotenko and D. Lovtsov. The goal of this activity was the formation of language tolerance through musical, poetic and dancing works of the Kazakh, Russian, German, Uzbek, Korean and Croatian people.

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