Management on development of languages of akimat of the Kostanay region on 20 April 2016 in the House of Friendship was held a regional competition "Tildaryn", devoted to 175 anniversary of S.Altynsarin. The aim of this Olympiad was to identify and support talented young people, who know Kazakh, Russian and English. The event was aimed at strengthening of Kazakhstan patriotism, education of language culture, the formation of respectful attitude to the languages and cultures of other people. Participants were required to pass 3 rounds: on the knowledge of Kazakh, English and Russian language.

18 April 2016 in the Assembly hall of the pedagogical Institute hosted the finals of the Kazakh League of KVN, at the end of the game our team "Jas New" took the leading place. All teams made a strong offer, and therefore it was difficult for the jury to choose the winner. The team of young, bold, charismatic and with a great sense of humor girls took second place in the difficult struggle for the Cup of rector of the pedagogical Institute. We can only congratulate our stars and wish them success and conquest of new heights!

April 15, 2016 in the reading room of information and library center was held the intellectual game "Kostanay region: past and present", devoted to 80-th anniversary of Kostanay region. The team of FFL took 1st place, and captain Utkelbaev Zhanibek got the diploma "the Best player"! Congratulations our clever and talented youth and wish them new victories!

The annual regional scientific and practical conference entitled "Linguistic education: realities and perspectives" for employees of educational institutions within the Project named "From an Innovation to everyday Practice" was organized at faculty of foreign languages on April, 14th , 2016.

13 April 2016 in the Assembly hall of the pedagogical Institute was held a festival "Birligimiz zharaskan", in which the faculty of foreign languages presented German people. The guys made a presentation about the great representatives of the German people – mentally recited the poems of Goethe, Heine, Schiller; Yussupova Akmaral brilliantly played medley of German classics, a group of 2nd year students studying German as a second foreign language, has shown bachelorette party; at the end a German song about friendship. According to the jury decision, the Department of foreign languages received the diploma "Sophistication and artistry", as well as a gift.

The Faculty of Foreign Languages held the annual scientific and practical students' conference "Sciences from the view of the young researcher" on the 11TH, April, 2016. According to tradition the opening session took place in the conference hall of KSPI. The following participants held the words of greeting: the Dean of FFL, cand. of philos.sciences, docent HAC Doroshok E.L., the chairwoman of the Foreign Languages Department, cand.of ped.sciences Kudritskaya M.I.; professor of KSPI Ospanova A.S.; candidate of philology.sciences, docent HAC Ismagulova G.K.

April 11, 2016 the Dean's office of FFL held a directional meeting with graduates in employment, to where the head of Department of practice and employment Nurusheva A. B.was invited She informed the graduating students about the basic requirements and rules for employment, including the necessity of practising the Republican educational grant for three years in educational public institutions, and having the rural grant – in rural areas. Aliya Balgabaevna also spoke in detail about other provisions set forth in the "Regulations on the specialist work", approved by RK Government regulation of March 30, 2012 № 390, and also answered a number of questions.

Today, April 5, 2016, the Department of foreign languages received a package from the U.S. Embassy in Kazakhstan. In the presence of teachers and students the parcel was opened. Books, magazines, CDs and maps have become an indispensable addition to our Foundation training materials. Most of the literature will be awarded as a prize to the participants of the regional conference of teachers of English and students who participated in student scientific-practical conference.

04 APR 2016 senior teachers of the educational center of language training Abisheva S. K. and the D. P. Lozovoy held intellectual quiz "Friendship of people of Kazakhstan" with students of 3rd course of the specialty "Pedagogy and psychology", "Chemistry".

24 March 2016, the senior teacher of the educational center of language training Lozovoi D. P. held intellectual quiz "Nauryz – bright holiday" with students of 3rd course of the specialty "Mathematics", "Informatics" natural-mathematical faculty. Intellectual quiz objective: to study the history of the Nauryz holiday, the traditions and customs of its celebration, and to increase professionally-oriented vocabulary.

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