During the period from November 10 to November 30, 2015 the faculty held different competitions of posters, poems, essays devoted to Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev and the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On November 30, 2015 2 course students Boltushenko Dmitry and Butenko Victor have held an event for students of the 2 course devoted to the explanation of provisions of a seminar training "The ideas changing the world". The could show the main ideas of this seminar and youth policy on development of new Kazakhstan patriotism. The audience has taken active part in discussion of a seminar.

On November 30, 2015 at 11:00 a.m. in the classroom 224 teachers and students of the Faculty of History and Artshad watched the live broadcast of the Message of President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan.

Within celebration of Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan from November 16 to November 26, 2015 I the best video competition was held between the students of FFL Butenko V., Abdrakhmanov A., Velundruzi. Kudaibergen B., Erkinbek Ә., Hamzina A., Ungutbayeva And., Nikolaeva A. and the teacher of department of foreign languages Miroshnichenko R. S.

On November 25-27, 2015 students of FFL Butenko V., Boltushenko D., Elemesov D., Sansyzbayev O., Hamzina A. participated in a seminar training "The ideas changing the world", being based in library after the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

On November 26, 2015 master of the humanities, senior teacher of the department of foreign languages Smagulova A.S. and students 41 and 42 have held an event of "Thanksgiving Day" for students of 1 course. It was theatrical performance where the roles of radical settlers and English colonialists were played by undergraduates.

On November 24, 2015 in a conference room of KSPI it was held the meeting of the students who study at Kostanay region within the state program "Serpin – 2050" with the vice-Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Balykbayev T.O.

On November 24, 2015, Kusskadamova Kuanysh Suleymenovna, the senior teacher of the Educational center of language training held a methodical seminar "Methods of teaching professionally-oriented foreign language". During the seminar Kusskadamova K.S. presented a textbook of Professor M. Steinmetz "German for engineers".

In 2014, on the initiative of the students of the faculty of foreign languages, was opened by the Football League KSPI. The main objectives of the League are campaigning students and youth to lead healthy lifestyles and instilling the desire in students to play sports

On November 20, 2015 the students of 35 and 36ER groups with Danilova V.V., senior lecturer of foreign languages Department of the faculty of foreign languages KSPI visited the regional Russian drama theatre. According to the repertoire plan, attended the play "Balzaminov's Marriage" (act 2).

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