On January 30, 2016 second-year students of FFL joined the discussion of article of the President N. A. Nazarbayev "The plan of the nation – a way to the Kazakhstan dream". Having listened to the report of the dean Doroshok E.L. and having seen the presentation of the deputy dean Umarova A.B., students with enthusiasm answered the questions posed on a youth role in modernization of the country and performance of institutional reforms. Students listened to interesting performances of speakers of Sugirbayev Ә, Slobodyuk A., Asembai M., Elemesov D., and chairman of "Serpin" Erkinbek A.

On January 28, 2016 the dean's office of FFL has held the event for first-year students to explin an article of the Head of state "The plan of the nation – the Way to the Kazakhstan dream". The event has begun with words of the dean of FFL Doroshok E.L. about system of political reforms in RK. This thought was continued by the invited guest, the head of the research center of archeology and ethnology, the master of historical sciences Kaliyev D. D

With approval of carrying out early elections of deputies of Mazhilis of Parliament of RK and Maslikhat of all levels on behalf of teachers and students of KSPI Candidate of Philology Nurmukhametova K.T. together with the 1st year student of FFL Kudaibergen Balzhan appeared on the channel Kazakhstan-Kostanay.

On January 21, 2016 students of FFL have participated in a meeting with the chairman of a youth wing "Zhas Otan" Erlan Tuletayev which is held in KSPI conference room. During the meeting the main areas of work on realization of youth policy of the Kostanay region have been lit. Students have expressed opinion on a possibility of participation in summer labor camps.

On January 18 at the faculty of foreign languages adjusting conference on four-week practice of students for 3d courses has taken place. Heads of practice of Burmagina L.A. and Rakhmetova A.A. have shown the presentation with necessary requirements for reporting documents, they told about a practical training order, acquainted with heads of practice in subgroups.

Annually, students of the faculty of foreign languages take part in the program of the academic mobility, both external, and internal. In 2013-2014 the student of 3 courses Aldabergenova Dana during a semester studied at the Kazakh women's pedagogical university and returned with excellent points and new knowledge base. In 2015-2016 Baymukhanbetova Asel gained knowledge during a semester at the Pavlodar state pedagogical university.

Christmas in Germany is celebrated on December 25-26. It is one of the most beloved holidays of Germans. The festive event has taken place on December 23rd. Students from the German groups 2, 3 and 4 of courses participated in it. Teachers of German Doshchanova B. M., Burmagina L. A. Ismagulova G. K., Rakhmetova A.A. were special guests of our evening.

On 9 December 2015, on the basis of city library named after N.A. Ostrovsky was organized the event dedicated to the celebration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Тәуелсiздiк тарихы – ел тарихы» At this event as an invited guest was made by V.V. Danilova, senior lecturer of the Department of foreign languages of KSPI. The teacher read the poem in three languages – Kazakh, English and German – and congratulated the guests on the occasion of Independence Day.

On December 3, 2015 students of the 1 course FFL have taken part in the event for an explanation of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan. Students of our institute, teachers and also the first deputy of people's democratic party "Nur Otan" of branch of the Kostanay region Saparova Aliya Suyindikovna were invited to this event. Saparova A.S. in the report she has noted that our President on the annual message doesn't disregard youth. Among speakers there were teachers, employees of KSPI and students taking active part in life of institute.

On December 3, 2015 the senior teacher of the department of foreign languages Doshchanova B. M. together with students of groups 32 have held an event "Celebration of the German Christmas" which became an old good tradition for students of faculty of foreign languages. The concert program, draws, competitions with tasty prizes have been prepared. The holiday "Zum Nicolaustag" - one of the most favourite days of a calendar for students of FFL.

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