International webinar coorganised with the M.A. in Special and Inclusive Education, Roehampton University, United Kingdom, - Karsakpayeva Madina was held on December, 9th, 2016 (time:15:30) in the lecture hall 211 on the base of Kostanay state pedagogical institute on the department of foreign languages. The topic of the webinar was "Inclusion as the way to globalised education".

Nowadays we are realizing the policy of trilingualism in education. The president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev stated this policy to ensure the competiveness of the country and its people. The main objective of the program should be approached with the development of Kazakh as the official language, Russian as the language of communication and English as a mean of successful integration

On December 6th, 2016 at department of foreign languages of Kostanay state pedagogical institute the upbringing event dedicated to Nikolaustag celebration together with the volunteer in the field of teaching German - Max Bakkert and the senior teacher of German Doshchanova B.M. was organized. Celebration of new year was held in the form of the organization of the action "secret Santa" during which students of groups exchanged gifts and complements in honor of the coming new year.

On December 5, 2016 on the basis of KINEU Danilova V.V. c.p.s., master of pedagogy and psychology, senior teacher of department of foreign languages organized the workshop on the subject "The Organization and Monitoring of Independent Work of the Student within Experimental Discipline in English". Danilova V. V. acted as the lecturer in front of the teaching staff of the university and students of various specialties.

On December 5, 2016 on the basis of library after N. Ostrovsky the event "Library jourfix: "A parade of talents" (within the project "We Open New Names"). Danilova V.V. c.p.s., the master of pedagogy and psychology, the senior teacher of department of foreign languages participated in this event with reading poems in the Russian and English languages. Also Danilova V. V. gave an interview on Kazakhstan-Kostanay TV channel with a subject about importance of studying of languages and congratulations on the 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

On November, 22, 2016 at the department of foreign languages the curator Danilova V.V. and the organizer – Mulina T., held the event devoted to the celebration of the 23rd anniversary of national currency "tenge" in the group 45ER. Students prepared the report on the history of formation of national currency and organized a quiz. Also participants watched the video, discussed key points within the considered subject. In general, the event consisted of two blocks – theoretical and practical. Students mentioned that carrying out of this type of events is necessary for forming of the Kazakhstani patriotism.

The interview between the senior librarian of the department of servicing Sevostyanova E.A. and senior teacher of foreign languages department of Kostanay state pedagogical institute, candidate of pedagogical sciences, master of pedagogy and psychology Danilova V.V. on October, 28th , 2016 based on the library after N. Ostrovsky took place. The aim of the interview is discussion of priorities of development a trilinguilism in the Republic of Kazakhstan by means of close cooperation of KSPI and the staff of library.

On October 26, 2016 teachers of Learning and educational center of language training D. Lovtsova, V. Plokhotenko, Sh. Serzhan-Abdrakhmanova carried out the literary soiree devoted to the 175 anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh teacher-innovator Y. Altynsarin. The 3d course students of Kazakh and Russian philology faculty, "Kazakh Language and Literature" specialty, and the freshmen of the faculty of foreign languages took active part in this event.

On June, 16-18th, 2016 the 13th international KazTEA conference called "Association of Teachers of English of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Association of English teachers of the Republic of Kazakhstan) - 'Creating the Future with EFL has taken place: Celebrating 25 Years of Kazakhstan's Independence by Looking Forward' in Ust-Kamenogorsk based on the East Kazakhstan State Technical University after D. Serikbayev was held. The work was carried out on 8 sections, speakers talked on a subject of application of modern training methods of teaching English.

During the period of May, 30 to June, 4, 2016 the international conference of the British Council "Escaping the Exclusion or Sustaining the Privilege? A Complex Reality of Student Mobility from Kazakhstan" based on Nazarbayev University within the Newton-Al-Farabi project took place.

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