On November 3, 2017 has taken place the rewarding of participants of the training seminar “Increase in theological and legal literacy of members of council of public consent of APK of all levels”. One of its participants was the student of the 4th course of specialty “Russian and Literature” of philological faculty Rakhimzhanova Diana. Here, in the House of Friendship, was the meeting with the famous poetess of Kostanay Suslova of A.I. The student works on the diploma paper connected with the creativity of the Kostanay authors under the leadership of the senior teacher of the department Mustakimova G. V.

On 2st November the lesson of the discipline "Fundamentals of Scientific Research in Philology" was spent in the form of the business game for students of the 4th year of the specialty «Russian Language and Literature» (a teacher - the candidate of philological sciences Pchelkina T.R.). It was to prepare for writing for diploma paper. All participants of the lesson got their roles: the head of the department, the student, the supervisor of studies, the reviewer, the library worker, the secretary of the SAC and others.

On October 31, 2017 on the basis of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute the department of foreign languages has organized the international scientific and practical conference "Globalized  world: social-economic and political tendencies in education" with participation of scientists of the international scale (M. Estrada, the doctor of philosophy of the Varvika University, Great Britain, V. Petrov, the Kazimeshsky University after K. Veliky, Poland, professor Sankarakumar, India). The moderator is Solovyova N.A., candidate of pedagogical sciences, an associate professor, a head of the department of foreign languages of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute.

Due to the existing cases of suicide among young people, on October 27, 2017 at 12.30 the curators of the Foreign Language Department organized an event dedicated to the discussion of causes and prevention of suicide. Inna Kokandova, a psychologist of the Kostanay regional center for the problems of forming a healthy lifestyle, was invited to meet with the students of the first year of the specialty "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages". The event was held in the form of a conversation. The psychologist discussed with the students the causes of suicide and listed a number of activities for avoiding stressful situations. Students discussed the topic with interest, expressed their opinions and provided examples from life.

On 26st October at 15.00, candidate of philology, culturologist, public and state figure M. M. Auezov presented the book " The Connecting Thread of the Times" in the assembly hall of KSPI. Associate professor of the department of russian language and literature, candidate of philology Zharkova V.I prepared a report. The report contained the problems and subjects, compositional features and educational significance of the book. She emphasized the spirituality of the artistic world.

The multilingualism is an objective cultural and economic requirement. In our country entering into the world community the favorable conditions for studying and distribution of languages are created. Now is recognized as training in languages as the priority direction education updating. In the message of the President to the people of Kazakhstan it is told: "Education reform is one of the major tools, allowing to provide actual competitiveness of Kazakhstan. We need the modern education system corresponding to requirements of economic and public modernization. Our main goal – to attract interest in studying of languages. Multilingualism – a way to the future".

In today' era the importance and dominance of the English language cannot be discounted at any level of education starting from the lowest to the highest level of learning. Proficiency in the English Language fulfils the dreams of the learners and helps them achieve professional success in the field of science and technology. Designing appropriate curriculum is quintessential to cater to the increasing demands of the learners to apply the skills that they have learnt in professional contexts.

On October 12, the group Russian Language and Literature - 31, together with the curator of the Department of Russian Language and Literature Koval O.V. within the framework of the program «Spiritual renewal» held a curatorial hour on the theme «Spiritual renewal: future orientation» to discuss the program article of the Head of State "Prospection: Modernizing of the Public Consciousness ". Students prepared reports and videos.The articles of the Head of State were considered.A separate aspect was the projects offered by N. Nazarbayev.The students discussed that the transition to the Latin alphabet is timely and responds to the challenges of the era, and it is also the first step in bringing the language closer to world culture.

The Day of European Languages, an annual event was held in Almaty on October 8th, , at which our student of the Philological Faculty of the Chair of Foreign Languages ​​ Elizaveta Belozerskaya attended as a VIP guest. During the event participants could get acquainted with various scholarship programs of foreign universities, visit the language course of German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish language they are interested in, as well as participate in contests and receive valuable prizes, among which was a certificate for free exams IELTS.

In September 2017, the Foreign Languages Department in conjunction with the Gymnasium named after A.M. Gorky of Kostanay launched the social project «GERMAN ON THE STAGE». The Project Manager was a professor of the Foreign Languages Department ​​G.K. Ismagulova. In November 2017, the theatre troupe was invited to Almaty to take part in the yearly theatre festival “Deutsch auf der Bühne”, organized by the Goethe-Institute of Almaty and the Republican German Drama Theatre. The students of the specialty "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages": Alexander Slobodyuk, Alexander Voikin, Asel Omarova, and the pupils of the SI "Gymnasium named after A.M. Gorky" of the educational Department of the Kostanay akimat: Alexey Krotov, Anastasia Khlevnaya and Anna Merkulova, played the play “Blaues Zimmer” on the stage.

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