Students of the second year of the specialty "Russian language and literature" visited the educational center "School of speed-reading and development of intelligence IQ007". They got acquainted with the activity of the center. Teachers of the Kostanay school IQ007 studied in Zlatoust (Russia). Russian and the CIS countries centers for speed-reading and development of intelligence work under the methodology by the specialists of the School IQ007. The teachers of the center acquainted the students with a brief review of the rate of speed reading and development of intelligence.

A practical seminar on the theme "Analysis of the decision-making on the olympiad tasks of the 2 and 3 stages of the Republican Olympiad on the subject "The English language" was organized on January 18th , 2018 on the basis of State Institution "School-Lyceum #3 of the Department of Education of Kostanay Akimat" with the direct support of the Education Department of the City Center for the Work with Gifted Children (Daryn). The leading teacher was V.V. Danilova, PhD,, master of pedagogy and psychology, senior lecturer of the Foreign Languages Department, KSPI.

On January 12, 2018, the Polylingual Center of the Philological faculty of KSPI, organized the cycle of master classes "Development of the pedagogical skills and English level improvement" for the teachers who are carrying out the pedagogical actvity in English. Teachers of the Educational language preparatory center of the Philological faculty of KSPI Kuskadamova K.S., Moskalyova G.P., Suleymenova G.M. and Serzhan-Abdrakhmanova Sh.K. were involved to holding this action. Integration of contents of the training program with teaching in English and improvement of the language competence of participants became the purpose of the program of master classes.

On January 11, 2018 the department of Kazakh and literature of the Kostanay state teacher training college together with employers has carried out coaching together with school teachers of the updated education model. Coaching was visited by teachers of Kazakh and literature of the Kostanay high schools No. 8, No. 18, No. 2, No. 11, No. 1 and teachers of department of Kazakh and literature of philological faculty. Coaching the teacher of Kazakh and literature of school of lyceum No. 1 Rakhimova Elmira Ersalimovna and the teacher of Kazakh and literature of school No. 8, the master of the item of N. Salykova has seen off Asel Dariakyzy.

January 10, 2018 Department of further and distance education Kostanay state pedagogical Institute together with the Centre of pedagogical skills, "Nazarbayev Intellectual schools" and Cambridge University (UK) organized a seminar on three-level program on the topic: "New approaches to teaching and learning: dialogue and group training, critical thinking" for teachers of the faculty of social Sciences and Humanities, philological faculty, which was conducted by the Department of the Kazakh language and literature of philological faculty Aliyev D. A., Sasami G. A., K. A. Abdrashev.

On January 10th , 2018, a workshop "New Approaches in Teaching and Learning: Dialogue and Group Teaching" was organized on the basis of KSPI by Danilova V.V., PhD, senior teacher of foreign languages, Zhusupova D.Zh., senior lecturer of the Department of Arts. This event is devoted to the disclosure of the features of organization of group work and critical thinking on the level program "NIS" - "7 Modules". The first phase set up the participants of the event in a positive way, having arranged for joint activities. The second phase is aimed at developing abilities to respond to the situation from different points of view.

Features of the international life generate new tendencies in the higher education. Today in the world the common educational space assumes broad exchange of students of the universities of the different states. The international academic mobility grows every year and the Kostanay state pedagogical institute is a bright confirmation for it. On December 28, 2017 the 4 year students of our institute, of philological faculty Petrova Natalya, Bakeeva Zarina, Asembay Marzhan and also the 3-year student of the same specialty Chunina Anna have returned to walls of native institute from Perpignan, the South of France, where they studied at the international university L'Université de Perpignan Via domitia framework of the program of the academic mobility during the first semester.

On 15st December a first-year students of a specialty 5B011800 "Russian Language and Literature" with curator Matershova A.I was held a charity event in the public association "Kostanay Zoo Pulse" within social project «Heart to Heart». The chairman of the public association, the candidate of veterinary sciences of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, the associate professor of the RK Mashadieva V. V. and the deputy chairman, doctor of veterinary sciences of the Russian Federation, professor of the Republic Kazakhstan Shagiakhmetov Yu.S. told the students about the activities of the center, living of animals in "Kostanay Zoo Pulse".

On December 14, 2017, the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute organized a regional round table "Organizational and methodical work on the introduction of the Kazakh alphabet on the basis of Latin graphics in the educational institutions of the Kostanay region", organized by the philological faculty. The aim of the regional round table is to share our thoughts on the transition to the Latin alphabet, share the plans for the future implementation of a wide range of the Latin alphabet.

On 12st December curatorial hour was conducted at the Department of Russian language and literature by the 2nd year students. It was devoted for Independence Day. The goals of the curatorial hour were the education of respect for the history and the heroic past of the nation; the formation of a pride, a responsibility for the fate of the country. The welcome address was made by the curator of the group candidate of filological sciences, associate professor Segizbaeva K.К. and candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Karbenova Z.U.

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