From the 5th of December to the 9th of December, 2017 in the French cultural center of KSPI have taken place the actions devoted to the celebration of Christmas. The purpose of these actions is familiarizing of school and university students with traditions and customs of the French culture and also improvement of speaking skills in French. On December 5 FCC were visited by the students of the Kostanay polytechnical college of Higher Education. On December 7, students of the Kostanay State University have been invited to an action in FCC. For the invited students have been prepared the presentation and also a quiz on the subject of “Christmas in France”.

On December 08, 2017 15 students of philological faculty, specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" wrote the essay on the subject "Spiritual Revival - an Independence Support". This activity is devoted to the 26 anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan Independence Day celebration. Competition aim: spiritual education of students; increment in students' social activity, to wake up in students the pride for independent Kazakhstan.

On December 06, 2017 the teachers of the Department of Russian Language and Literature Konvisarova L.A, Koval O.V. within the student project "You are not alone" held the contest of readers among students studying under the state program "Serpin". The aim and objectives of the competition were: the awakening of the interest of modern youth in Russian poetry, the development of literate and reading skills, the education of literary and artistic taste, the development of skills in speaking to the audience. Students read poems of their favorite authorswith great desire and expression.

December 6, 2017. There was an event dedicated to the holiday "Nikolaustag" based on the Kazakh-French Center. About 20 students of the 1st and 3rd year of the Faculty of Philology of the Department of Foreign Languages with the second foreign language: German / French and students of the 3rd and 4th year of the Faculty of Philology of the Foreign Languages ​​Department with the first foreign languages: German took part in the festival. Also during the celebration, there were head teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages: Doshchanova BM, Burmagina LA, Zhakbebaeva MG, Zhanburshinova GK, and Master of Philology Sukhova AV.

On November 30, teachers of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​organized several events dedicated to the state holiday "Day of the First President". The aim of the events was to promote patriotic attitude towards the Motherland. Third-year students 31 AR, 32 AP, 33 AR and 34 AR took part in the discussion on the topic "The role of the leader in the development of the state", organized by Kudritskaya Y.A. The discussion was based on video material and was conducted in English. The students discussed questions about how the country's leader influence on its development, how state power is distributed among state institutions and how, having studied the structure of power, students can be good citizens of their country by taking part in democratic processes in society.

On 30st November teachers of Department of Russian Language and Literature held a seminar "Modernization of the consciousness of teachers and students as a necessary condition for the effective functioning of the education system." The purpose of the seminar is to identify ways and means of modernizing the consciousness of teachers and students. Teachers from the schools of the city and the region were invited. An interesting conversation about modern educational requirements was held in the seminar.

On 29st November Pchelkina T.R. hold a master class "The usage of electronic means of learning in the course "Author's position and ways of expressing in the prose of the 19-20 centuries ". The aim of the master class is to show the possibilities of using electronic teaching aids in studying the discipline "Author's position and ways of expressing in the prose of the 19-20 centuries ". Students responded to problematic issues, made a thesis plan for an article by a well-known literary critic Yu. Bolshakova, were tested on the topic "The author's problem in contemporary literary criticism. The main attention was paid to the work of creative groups.

On 28st November is the world day of charity. On this day heads of the social project:"Heart to heart" Pchelkina Т.R. and Matershova A.I. summed up the results of the action "Help for E. A. Knyaginin. The action was held by teachers and students of specialties "Russian language and literature", "Kazakh language and literature". Ivan Barannikov and Alexander Neamtsu took part in the transfer of collected funds. Money, food, necessities was given Edward Aleksandrovich. He was glad of the help, thanked the teachers and students.

On November 28, 2017, curatorial hour was devoted to the "Day of the First President", in which 21 students of the philological faculty of the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages". There were 20 students and the teachers of the Foreign Languages ​​Department Rahmetova A.A, Burmagina L.A, Doshchanova B.M. Within the framework of the event, students Popova P., Tankibaeva D., Almuchanbetova S., Abilova S., Dolgushkina A. acquainted those present with the biography and the formation of the President as the Leader of the Nation.

On 27st November students of the first year of the specialty "Russian language and literature" with the curator Matershova A. I. was held a curatorial hour on the theme "Nursultan Nazarbayev - the leader of nation". Students prepared presentations and videos. They paid attention to the political, economic and cultural activities of the first president. The projects realizing the program "Ruhani Jangyrou" were noted in Kostanay region. The problems of preserving the national identity, the transition to the Latin alphabet, the education of a competitive youth were discussed.

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