On 2st March the regional stage of the republican pedagogical olympiad «Talented teacher for talented children» held in the school for talented children «Ozat» The goal of the Olympiad is to create conditions for the development of creative potential and self-realization of young teachers. The head of the Russian Language and Literature Department at KSPI Pchelkina T.R. worked in the jury at the Olympiad in the section of teachers. Young teachers presented their pedagogical projects, showed self-presentations, a portfolio with their pedagogical experience.

Department of Kazakh Language and Literature of the Philological Faculty On March 01, 2018, in connection with the communication of employers, the teachers of the updated model coached to exchange experience for the students of the third year. Coaching was conducted by Salykova Assel, teacher of the Kazakh language and literature of secondary school No. 8 in Kostanay, teacher of the Kazakh language and literature of secondary school No. 1 Rakhimova Elmira Ersalimovna and students of the third year of the specialty of the Kazakh language and literature.

On March 1, 3rd year students of the specialty "Kazakh language and literature" organized an evening "Reliability - a noble quality". On the evening of Thanksgiving, a special exhibition of students was presented. In the course of the speech, the students showed kindness and good qualities that they will carry through their whole life. A third-year student of Zharbosyna Mahabbat Nauryzbaevna spoke, she was able to touch the hearts of her teachers with beautiful poems. A student of the philological faculty Dauletan Aybaris presented his poems.

On the eve of the celebration of the "Thanksgiving Day" on February 28 in the regional library named after L.Tolstoy a presentation of the book "Babalar Sozi" was held. Students of the 2nd course of the philological faculty and Ph.D., associate professor Myrzagaliyeva KM took part in this event. At the event K.Myrzagaliyeva read the report, thanked the students for the "Cultural Heritage" program, explained the values ​​of the 100-volume heritage for the students, embodying a good initiative. This book identifies materials that encourage young people to be kind, merciful, highly spiritual. 

On the twenty-eighth of February in classroom № 138 ( the regional project office “Ruhani Zhangyru”) the meeting of the first-year students of 13ER,14ER,15ER groups of specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" was held in the form of a round table discussion entitled «Ruhani Zhangiru – a guarantee for the future». The organizers of this event are PhD, assistant professors of foreign languages department K. T. Nurmukhametova and A. D. Bezaubekova. The vice-rector for academic work and social affairs –Mussabekova G. A., the head of educational-methodical management - Nauryzbayeva E. K., the head of the Department of foreign languages Solovyova N. A., the chief manager of the regional project office "Ruhani Zhangyru" Abdibekov N.Y. were invited to the meeting.

Завершились Республиканские сборы для учащихся по подготовке команды по русскому языку и литературе для участия в Республиканской олимпиаде. Интенсивные занятия с преподавателями Пчелкиной Т.Р. и Мустакимовой Г.В. позволили учащимся систематизировать знания, отработать практические навыки работы с текстами. Большие трудности вызывали задания, связанные с ораторским искусством. Как правильно построить выступление, привлечь внимание слушателей, аргументировать свои мысли, показать широту кругозора? Об этом и многом другом шел заинтересованный разговор на занятиях. Пожелаем нашей команде творческих успехов, организованности и побед!

On 26st February the leaders of the social project "Heart to heart" Pchelkina T.R. and Matershovа A.I. held a competition of essay "Kindness will save the world." The goal of the competition is formation the social activity of students through reasoning about important social problems. 22 students took part in the competition. 3 topics were offered to the students: "You become responsible forever for what you have tamed", "Kindness is the sun of the soul," "Kindness will exists, if we create it (on the activities of Kostanay charitable organizations)."

From February 23 to February 25, 2018 in Kostanay the regional selection round of the republican startup contest "Startup "Bolashak": Menin Armanym" was held. The organizers of the contest are Bolashak Association and “Damu” Entrepreneurship Development Fund. The prize fund of the business projects contest is more than 30 million tenge. The applications for the contest were submitted by over 200 people from all over the Kostanay region, and, as a result, 33 projects passed in a quarter of the final. The teams that developed them will go to Astana in May, where they will have a powerful "business pumping". The winners of the contest will receive funding and become the heroes of the television show broadcast on the "Khabar" TV channel.

On 22st February teacher of the Department of Russian Language and Literature Koval O. V. held a curatorial hour with students of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature". They discussed the President's Message «New Opportunities for development under the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution». "A ship wandering in the sea needs a compass, because it should not get off the route, and for the country needs own beacon, which the entire state is guided." The beginning of year usually coincides with the appeal of the president of Kazakhstan to his people

On February 21, 2018, the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Philology and the Kazakh Language and Literature Department held a round table on the theme "Latin alphabet - new horizons of the Kazakh language". The purpose of the round table is to analyze the composition of the new Latin alphabet, to decipher the original sounds in the alphabet, to remove unnecessary sounds from the alphabet, to overcome excessive rules of spelling, to analyze changes in words in the Kazakh language, wins and losers.

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