On November 24, the students of KSPI 21 of the philological faculty of the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" of the 1-4th courses (50 people), who study German like the main foreign language and second FL, visited in the Kostanai Regional Philharmonic named after E. Umurzakov in honor of the 25 years of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Germany. The opening speech was delivered by German ambassador Rolf Mafael Deputy who designated importance and need of a learning of foreign languages.

On November 23-24, 2017 at the philological faculty the senior teacher of the chair of foreign languages Balzhanova A.M. held the olympiad on the English language among the students of the 3d course (specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages"). The olympiad consisted of two rounds and included listening, speaking, writing, reading tasks. The goal of the olympiad: to control the level of students` knowledge of the lexical, grammatical material, skills of reading and understanding the text content, speaking, listening, writing skills.

On 24st November meeting of students of the first year of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" with photographer Veronika Preobrazhenskaya and the head of reconstruction historical club «Temir Tumen» Mikhail Guta was organized. Veronica Preobrazhenskaya is one of the best photographers in the world (by the version of the largest design website www.deviantart.com). She is a winner in the category "The Best Creative Blog" (by the version yvision.kz and Kazakhstan Association of Internet development and resources).

November 23, 2017 in the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute during the educational and methodological week "Kazakh national language and literature in the world space, the path to spiritual modernization" was held round table "Latin alphabet - modern Kazakh culture in the world", organized by the department of Kazakh language and. The purpose of the round table is the importance of switching to the Latin alphabet, designating original sounds in separate letters, removing unnecessary sounds from the alphabet, getting rid of excessive spelling rules, changing the pronunciation of Kazakh words, analyzing information on the optimal and suboptimal sides.

British Council launched a project for Needs Analysis in the sphere of English teachers training in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in November, 2017. 26 Universitiesfrom the two countries were selected as the premises for the data collection. Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute and Foreign Languages Chair were one of the participating parties. Marina Kudritskaya was selected on competitive basis as the British Council Ambassador for carrying out the project in this Institute. She was responsible for observing two classes with their subsequent analysis, and facilitating two Focus Group Discussions: one with teachers and one with students.

In November 2017 on the Department of Russian Language and Literature was held a competition of essays on the topic "Patriotism and the spiritual revival of young students" 45 students of the first year took part in the competition. The goals of the competition: To reveal the modern problems of patriotism. To convey the patriotic idea To determine principles and values ​​patriotism on modern understanding. Kaliyeva Aruzhan and Utegenov Khazret took the first place, Sarsenbiyeva Sayagul, Bultrikova Ayim took the second place, Alpyspaev Olzhas took the third place.

On 17st November the regional stage of the Republican competition of research works and creative projects "Zerde" was held in district №18,. The head of the section of the Russian language, literature and English was the head of the department of Russian Language and Literature of KSPI Pchelkina Т.R. The interesting topics were related to the issues of multilingualism, works of applied nature, interesting methods of studying foreign languages were noted. A high grade was awarded to a pupil of the 6th grade of the secondary school.

On 17st November a meeting of the problem group "Creativity of Russian-Speaking Writers of Kazakhstan" (headed by Ph.D. Pchelkina T.R) was held. The students of 1-2 courses actively worked . They acquainted with the draft versions of the work on creation of the little-studied writers of Kazakhstan. This work is carried out within the framework of N.Nazarbayev's program article "A look into the future: modernization of public consciousness". The students listened the performances of Shvets A., Umanskaya A., Konovalova K.

The graduate of the philological faculty, the specialty "Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language learning" Kalakhova Gaukhartas is – a frequent visitor to the native faculty. She works as a teacher at the secondary school of Mendykara district, teaches the Russian language and literature, comes to the Department to communicate on urgent matters, to exchange ideas, to listen to good advice. So this time, in the free day, she visited the native institution. 11 November 2017 held a meeting with senior courses of the specialty "Russian language". The young teacher told the graduates about contemporary approaches in education, the prospects of working in a rural school, gave a number of valuable tips.

On 8 st November students of the third year of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" took part in the international online conference "Kazakhstan-Russia: Reading Without Borders" in the library. N. Ostrovsky. Participants of the conversation were the librarians, Head of Department of Russian Language and Literature, Ph.D. T.R. Pchelkina, public figure and member of the Russian Union of Writers A. Alferov, students. They told about the culture of the two countries. Positive tendencies of the intercultural space were noted. The participants of the conference emphasized the importance of program " Ruhani zhangyru".

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