11 March 2016 the faculty of foreign languages met the doctor of chemical Sciences, Professor, Vice-rector on educational work KazNTU Iskakov M. with official. Having heard about the high level of language preparation of students of the faculty, he arranged the meeting with graduates to invite them to participate in the competition for teachers. Speaking English with honors students, participants of the program of academic mobility abroad, the rector praised their knowledge and wished to see them at their University as teachers, wished good luck in the contest and the simultaneous admission to the master's degree.

On February 26 within a week of the department of EC of LP held a competition on knowledge of a state language among students of all faculties Kazaқ тілі - өз тілім". Organizers of the event Lovtsova D.P. and Sholpanbayeva G. A. prepared a number of stages in a competition, such as "Tanystyru", "Ata salt, "Talyptyga nur zhauar" to make it not only intellectual show, but also a bright, unforgettable event

On February 24, 2016 on a week of the department of the center of teaching and educational and language training the senior teacher Lovtsova D.P. held the intellectual quiz "Atameken – altyn besik" with students of the first courses of the specialty "Psychology", "Pedagogics and Psychology" Two teams have taken part in an intellectual quiz: "Bolashak" and "Zhastar". The intellectual quiz "Atameken – altyn besik" has passed in 3 rounds. The knowledge of teams was estimated from 100 to 500 points.

We congratulate 2 year students of FFL Elemesov Damir and Yussupova Akmaral on a victory in the competition "Kyran zhigit-akku kyz", that was devoted to the Youth Day! The competition has taken place between faculties in the assembly hall on February 17, 2016. Couple has prepared the program which has opened creative talent of these two young people. In a competition on raising weights Elemesov Damir has shown the excellent physical shape; in an intellectual competition on knowledge of the Kazakh culture, Yussupova Akmaral has shown her brilliant knowledge.

On February 16, 2016 the assembly hall of KGPI was full of the audience, laughter, an applause. This day was the day of semi-final of the Russian league of KVN and once again the team of FFL has been recognized as the best! The understanding of each other from a half-word, desire of a victory, an ability to make the scenario and at the same time to show a new highlight in the performance - all this became very important for FFL team. Students Elemesov Damir and Baymukhanbetova Assel became the best actors.

The big preparatory work of dean's office of the faculty of foreign languages and students preceded celebration of the Youth Day withing the Birthday of faculty. The official part of a holiday and the concert program have taken place on February 10. Among the invited guests were - Abil E.A., vice rector for scientific work and foreign communications and Zhakayeva S. A., the head of department on social and educational work.

The invitation to participate in the program of the academic mobility has come from East Mediterranean university (Northern Cyprus), and from the International summer school of Antalya. On February 9 the meeting with students of faculty of foreign languages (students of the specialty "Tourism" and "Right Bases" have also been invited) with representatives of language programs has taken place.

On February 8, 2016 psychologist of KSH "Hospital No.1 Kostanay" Zabudskaya E.S. I have provided training on the subject "Prevention of Behavioural Risk Factors" for students of the 1 course of FFL. Students took part in situational games, shared the emotions received during training. Training has helped students to know each other better and to become tolerate.

The girls of faculty of foreign languages have taken active part in a competition of female hairdresses which is organized by dean's office of FFL on February 5, 2016. There were a lot of girls wishing to show beauty of the hair, and the jury had to award prize-winning places.

On February 1, 2015 wall newspapers competition "We are students of FFL", devoted to the birthday of the faculty took place. The strict jury has estimated at first the design of works, and then has attentively listened to representatives of the groups which have explained sense of photocollages, the represented symbolics, drawings.

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