On September 28, 2015 students of FFL have taken part in annual action "Day of health". The purpose of action were promoting sport of youth, the level of sports preparation of our students. Active part was taken by students of the 1 and 2 courses FFL; Akimova Zukhra has sung the song at the opening of the event. This event always takes place with pleasure, enthusiasm, and gives to participants a cheerfulness charge for long time.

The competition of readers "Language – the soul of the people", devoted to Day of languages of the people of Kazakhstan, was held on September 22, 2015 by the teaching and educational center of language training. 10 students took part in the competition:

We remind you that recently, on August 27, we accompanied five students to France, the University Via Domitia Perpinyan: Arthur A. Diketaev A. Aldabergenova D. Akmurzina D. Taukelova A. They had already mastered in high school, they are very satisfied with their studies, and just delighted by meditteranean climate and nature. In addition to them in the previous three yearsthere studied for more than 20 students.

September 8, 2015 FFL meeting held courses of fourth-year students, which purpose was - to introduce the procedure of selecting institution graduates for future employment, registration of accompanying documentation. Dean called deadlines from principals, pre-employment.

The 2nd of September the first year students were gathered for course meeting. Head of the Department of Academic Affairs KifikN.Yu introduced themwith the credit system of teaching. She told about the features of the academic calendar, the functioning of the electronic journal and innovation system «Platonus», forms and types of knowledge control.

The 1st of September the first year students of Faculty of Foreign Languages became participants of the event devoted to Knowledge Day. On behalf of entered students on the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" acted the owner of the sign "AltynBelgi" Chunina Anna.

On the French side ... As it is sung in the song, some students will have to study FFL a semester in France - at the University of Perpignan Via Domitia. August 27 in the dean's office was heldseeing offstudents, participating in the program for academic mobility: Arthur A., A. Diketaev, Aldabergenova D. Taukelova A. Akmurzina D. With parting words, instruction on safety turned Dean Doroshok E.L and Professor Ospanova A.S. Good luck to you guys!

On the sixteenth of June in the auditorium of KSPI was held graduation ceremony of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. The hall was full of guests: parents, friends. The teachers sat on the place of honor. All that day, as never, were solemn, smiling, benevolent.

The 4th of June FFL students took part in the regional forum dedicated to the symbols celebration of the Republic of Kazakhstan. During the festive program the eminent Kostanai region uttered solemn speeches, the artists of the city acted with the concert program. Gathered together university students chanted patriotic slogans. The event was of a pronounced patriotic character and gave the students a lot of positive emotions, energy, and a sense of unity with the people.

The 8th of May, 2015 teachers and students of the faculty of foreign languages took part in a charity event collecting toys for children undergoing treatment in the city hospital. Active participation was taken by the teacher of French Sukhova V. A. and the student of the 4th course AsskarovaTansholpan. The hospital staff thanked all the participants.

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