In honor of the 23 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan December 12, 2014 in the group M-21, the specialty "Mathematics", was held curatorial hour on "Heart beating for Independence." Students sang songs, read poems, Kunikeeva Dinara played on lute kui, Taizhanova Altynқyz, Ismagulova Ainagul and spent the game on the knowledge of the main landmark, historic dates, as Alsheriev Bektұrsyn very clearly presented the image of Kairat Ryskulov in the scene. Curator hour was finished watching the video "December wind" how the people of Kazakhstan reached independence.

The contestin English language among students of 4th course was organized on December 10, 2014 in room 320. The diplomas were awarded to the winners of specialty 5B011900 "Foreign language: two foreign languages", which was held on December 2-3. The winners were Eugene Ruzenfelt - 44ER group (1 place) Rakhimova Asem - 41EK group (2nd place), Sapargasimova Aziza - 44ER group (3rd place). Adviser and organizer of the contest for the students of 4th course were senior lecturers Balzhanova A.M. and Assanova A.B. Students were awarded by certificates for excellent knowledge of the English language and its culture.

The meeting on thebeginning of winterexamination session was conducted by DoroshokE.L., Dean of FFL, Candidate of Philosophy Science, associate professor to thefirst-year students on December 10, 2014 in the room 320. The importance oftakingthe state examon the History ofKazakhstan successfully was underlined .Studentswere acquainted with therules of behaviorin the exam, they were warnedof the consequencesof non-compliance.

Presentation of essays, poems and other creative works dedicated to the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan, N. A. Nazarbayev was organized at the Faculty of Foreign Languages on December 10 by Doroshok E. L., Candidate of Philosophy Science, associate professor. She congratulated the students with the important holiday for the country and wished the students to be patriots of their country, to achieve good results in all spheres

December 8, 2014 at 16:00 KVN tournament held among the faculties of the institute. From the Department of Foreign Languages performed team of students of first and second courses Erkin Қasiet, Batyrkhan Mүhamedalі, Yelemesov Damir, Akіmbek Inabat, Tasym Baglan. This team, despite its scarcity, gave the room a lot of positive emotion sand charge a good mood. Juror steam was awarded a diploma for active participation and also noted for his special artistic players.

December 5, 2014 in KSPI event was held "Open Day". Future entrants FFL able to meet with faculty, listening to presentations from senior lecturer in foreign languages Kinzhibaeva A.S. and G.S. Ungutbaeva. Also, applicants had the opportunity to take part in the celebration of Nicolaustag, which is celebrated in Germany before Christmas. After that, applicants of KSPI visited the museum, got acquainted with its history. The final point was a visit to the French Cultural Center. Here, students learn about the additional benefits of admission to the Faculty of Foreign Languages, namely academic mobility programs in US universities, France and Germany.

The light of the Christmas tree was hold in the City-centre on December 4 at 18.00. There were all students of the faculties of KSPI, as well as FFL. Despite of the frost, students took part in holiday program, they danced around the Christmas tree and sang Happy New Year's hits. The Atmosphere of the New Year cheered the students up.

The students from the group 21 EK and 29 GK with teachers from the faculty of foreign languages Doshanova B.M. and Kusainov S.S. hold the event "ZumNicolaustag" in the room 307 on December 30. ZumNicolaustag" is celebrated in Germany on the eve of Christmas. The participants organized the holiday program, decorated the room colorfully and created the Christmas atmosphere. The students read the poems, proposed the riddles. This event takes place every year in the German groups of the FFL.

Awarding of winners in the English contest among the students of the 3rd course was hold on December 3, 2015. The first place was received by Ospanova Diana, the second was taken by Aldabergenova Dina, and the third –SuyundikovTayan. These guys study the languages deeply, also they take active part in the life of the faculty. Organizer and adviser of the 3rd course, senior lecturer Kinjibaeva A. S. awarded the winners for deep knowledge in English and wished them the future academic success.

The teacher of the Department of Foreign Languages IsmagulovaGulnarKulmukhambetovna completed advanced training courses at the Technical University Berlin (TUB) at Institute of Language and Communication within the "Scientific Training for Scientists-teachers of Higher Education Institutions" program with financial support of the German service of the academic exchanges (DAAD). GulnarKulmukhambetovna won one of 5 grants allocated with this international organization in 2014 for Kazakhstan.

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