February 27-28, 2015 in Almaty in the Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages there was held Republican Olympiad on specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages". Kostanai State Pedagogical Institute was represented by the team consisting of: Aldabergenova Dana, Ungutbaeva Aisha (English), Nenashev Gleb (German), Omarova Aiymgul, Khamzina Anara (French).

On February 27, 2015 the FLF dean, candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor E. Doroshok held a meeting of the 4th year students with candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor M. Kondubayeva who arrived from Almaty with the invitation to enter the MD course of one of the first higher education institutions of the republic – the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai

On February 27, 2015 within a week of the educational center of language training the Festival of foreign songs was held among first- and second-year students of all specialties. The goal: to cause interest of students in learning foreign languages and culture of the countries of the studied languages; to increase the level of scenic culture. The event was conducted in Kazakh, English and Russian. The necessary equipment, soundtracks "minus one" were used. The competition took place in lively atmosphere with constant support of the audience, and had great interest among students. At the competition there were 12 musical performances - solo, duets, trio. The quality of performance was estimated with the following criteria: pronunciation and phonetic correction, memorizing, tempo adherence, voice quality, scenic and performing mastery. The mark was given within a 5-point scale. The jury announced the following results:

February 23, 2015 at the faculty of foreign languages specialist from the Center HLS R. Naukenova together with doctors of the regional tubdispensary had a talk with students on the topic "Prevention of colds and tuberculosis." They gave valuable advice on health preservation, and also distributed brochures and booklets with useful information.

February 21, 2015 The initiative group of KTL "A road to good deeds" held a charity fair in the regional history museum to help children suffering from cancel diseases. It was attended by the first-year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages.

February 18, 2015 there was held a seminar-report on master's thesis of teachers at the faculty of foreign languages that was organized by the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. The first report was prepared by the senior teacher G.Suleimenova on the topic "Intertextuality in discourse.

February 16, 2015 the adviser to the rector, Doctor of Political Sciences G.I Shaimerden gave a lecture on the topic "Prevention of religious extremism" to first-year students of the Faculty of Foreign Languages. They considered disturbing present-day society questions of religious aggression, recruitment in the sect, joining terrorist groups, etc. The students asked many questions on this topic. The event ended with the documentary film about people who find themselves in different situations after joining the extremist groups.

February 13-14, the students of FFL could say about their feelings by sending "Valentines" with unusual mail. The responsible for mail were the first-year student Anar Kenzhebayeva and the second-year student Zhansaya Amirkhamzina. The recipients were pleasantly surprised, so many students got positive emotions and good mood.

February 12-13, the 3rd year students of the FFL worked as guide – interpreters within the International conference on "Legal mechanisms of foreign countries in the sphere of public service and resistance to corruption" with the invitation of experts of the German Foundation for Legal Cooperation «IRZ». 17 students approved themselves as disciplined, responsible translators with good knowledge of English. The event gave an opportunity for students to see and to be seen not only as a teacher, but also as an interpreter.

February 11, in the conference hall of KSPI a round table devoted to the 20th anniversary of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan was held by the Office for social-educational work and the Youth Committee. The representatives of various nations - Executive Secretary of the Regional Council of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan Dandybaev B.A. and representatives of the Tatar-Bashkir diaspora took part in it. The first-year students of the FFL listened to the participants' reports.

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