On April 6, a meeting with students of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism took place in the conference hall of the Kostanay State Pedagogical University. They took part in the Olympic Games in Pyeongchang in February 2018. They are students of the 3rd year. Krestova Anastasia is an international master, Zhaksibaev Mersaid is a world-class sports master , 2nd year student Shaymukhanov Yerkebulan is a world-class sports master, and also a 3-year student of the national short track team Tikhonova Olga.

On April 6, 2018 in Miras palace of culture by request of management concerning youth policy of akimat of the Kostanay region the festival of regional league KVN "Dostar" has been held. Teams of the highest and average educational institutions where they fought for an exit in ¼ finals participated in a festival. The national team of our university has for the first time acted in this league and has ensured an exit in ¼ leagues "Dostar".

A contest of social videos on the following subject of "My profession is what I am proud of" was organized within the framework of the psychology and defectology departments among the students majoring in Education Science and Psychology, Psychology and Defectology under the direction of the vice-dean of the faculty of Psychology and Pedagogics G.A. Alipbaeva altogether with the senior teacher fellow S.D. Ahmеtbekova on the 6th of April 2018. The contest sets the following tasks and goals, that is to support and develop students' creative abilities.

April 6 in the school №115 held a meeting with a member of the outreach group of the University by Abylkalykova K. K. in cooperation with non-governmental public organization "Society and I" on the theme "Prevention of religious extremism and terrorism". The meeting was attended by 11th grade students studying in the Kazakh language. Prevention among young people is the main priority Of the office of religious Affairs, non-governmental organizations, IRG, because it is young people aged 15 to 30 years who fall into the network of terrorist and pseudo-religious institutions, including in Kostanay region.

Senior teachers of the Department of psychology and defectology Kairova B. H. and Usembaeva A. H. conducted career guidance and explanatory work with graduates of Kostanay pedagogical College on April 6, 2018. For admission to our University pedagogical invited College Graduates, given full information about the benefits of training in it, its specialties, distributed information booklets. The graduates showed keen interest in the information provided and received comprehensive answers to their questions concerning entrance examinations, educational system, social and living conditions.

From January 5 to March 30, 2018, within the framework of the social project "Digital Kazakhstan" courses were held for workers in the rear and veterans of retirement age. 10 people received certificates. The courses were conducted at the gymnasium of M. Gorky. A social project for pensioners was developed at the Kostanay State Pedagogical University in conjunction with the City Council of Veterans. Teachers of computer science Dauletbaeva GB, Aitbenova AA, Tsyganova AD became the main assistants of the students. and volunteers (students of the specialty "Informatics" 1-course (Kazakh, Russian, multilingual department) natural-mathematical faculty).

April 4 in the school-lyceum №1 of Kostanay city held a meeting of expert of the Department of history of Kazakhstan of the University Abylkalykova K. K. with students of grade 11 and teachers of the institution. The theme of the meeting was devoted to the religious sphere – "Religion as a way of knowing the world". The 11th grade students learned a lot from the history of the origin of the first religions, primitive beliefs, cults, about the new so-called non-Christian and neo-Islamic organizations, which, under the guise of religion, pursue their political and economic goals.

In the 3rd of April at the KSPU was an intellectual and musical game between two faculties: social-humanitarian and natural-mathematical. The SHF "Deep House" team consisted of 5 first-year students of the specialty "History": Aydana Idrisova, Aidar Bidalov, Aydana Baltabekova and Ivan Potemkin. The captain of the team was Dmitry Lepetya. The game took place in four stages: descriptive, comparative, music-defining and analytical.

On April, 3th, 201ү the round table « Prevention of autoaggressive behavior of adolescents» in partnership with prosecutor's office Kostanay area, a department of formation Kostanay regional psychiatric hospital has been lead. With reports Toporova E.V. head of the Center for Practical Psychology "Development", Kostanay, Kostanay of regional psychiatric hospital of Isljamova G.A., the senior teachers of faculty of psychology of Nazmutdinov R.A., Demisenova Sh.S., Tashenov А.А., Makanova A.Zh., Kalinichenko OV, Grigorova Yu.B., Bisembaeva AK, Moldakhmetova G.М.

According to the schedule of a visit of the deputy of Mazhilis of Parliament of RK chosen from APK, Timoshchenko Yu.E. to the Kostanay region visit of APK Kostanay department of the state pedagogical university has been planned. In this regard, on April 2, 2018 at ANC department Timoshchenko Yu.E. meeting has taken place with the faculty of higher education institution. As has noted a main objective of a visit – explanation of Five social initiatives of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, informing each voter on key provisions of large-scale initiatives of the President and evident demonstration of process of implementation of the address of the Head of state including in respect of legislative support.

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