On March 23, 2018, the results of the Miss Virtual Kazakhstan 2018 contest were summed up. According to the results of the voting, our student Kabyl Tursunay, a master of sports of international class in powerlifting, took second place at the contest! The contest was held from November 1, 2017 to March 23, 2018, there was a strict selection of contestants, applications were submitted by more than 3000 contestants. Tursunai, among the five finalists of the contest, presented our Kostanay region at this contest. From the bottom of the heart we congratulate her on this victory and we wish the big successes in creativity, sports and study!

Social initiatives proposed by the Head of State N.A. Nazarbayev and received wide publicity in the media, society and world politics. So, on March 20, 2018, students and teachers of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute discussed a new presidential program document on the dialogue platform:” Five social initiatives of the President are a major step on the way of social modernization”, which organized and conducted by the Chair of the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. These initiatives of the President have affected the sphere of housing, education, business and gasification.

On the basis of the Department of Foreign Languages ​​of the Philological Faculty of the Eurasian National University after L.N. Gumilyov (Astana) on the March, 20th, 2018 the Republican Student Olympiad in English was organized among students of 1st and 2nd year of non-linguistic specialties, dedicated to the revival of the spiritual values ​​of the youth of Kazakhstan. According to the results of the Olympiad, the third place was taken by the second-year student of the specialty "History" - S. Kozhamberdiev with the technical support of the 3rd year student of the specialty "History" - Adyrbaeva Zh.

March 19, 2018 at the faculty of mathematics and natural Sciences of KSPU was organized and held a solemn event dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz. The organization of the festive program fell on the shoulders of the NMF activists, the most talented and worthy students. In the center of the auditorium was installed Yurt, which was dominated by the spring atmosphere. Directly in the audience, artistic students played theatrical performances and scenes dedicated to the celebration of Nauryz.

The student research project "Karliash - School of Adaptation and Socialization of Children" is realized at the Department of Pedagogy as an interactive platform for providing assistance from students for orphans, children left without parental care, and children from low-income families. The head of the project is Teacher of the Chair of Pedagogy, Master of Humanities Bekenova Asiya Kykpaevna. N.A. Nazarbayev in his programmatic article "Ruhani zhangyru" emphasizes: "The peculiarity of tomorrow is that it is the competitiveness of a person, and not the availability of mineral resources, that becomes a factor in the success of a nation."

On March 19, 2018 at department ФМиОТД there has taken place the celebration of the Nauryz which is traditionally organized by the senior teacher Abdimominovy D.K. The event was a framework of curator hour. 3 courses of specialty "Professional Training" according to the Rukhani Zhangyru program are conducted by students. Main goal of curator hour: to promote expansion of understanding pupils of a national holiday of Kazakhstan – the Nauryz, education of interest in the culture of the Kazakh people on the basis of national traditions, customs and life, morals, patriotism, to promote unity of collective.

Senior teachers of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education Shevchenko G.V. and Kushmurzinа D.H. Within the framework of the planned scientific and methodological theme "Subject integration in the conditions of multilingualism in the modern educational space" in 2017-2018 academic year, a number of activities were carried out to train future specialists in accordance with the state policy of multilingualism and the program of spiritual modernization of society.

At the beauty contest "Tatar Kizi Kostanai-2018" the girls showed their talents. As a result, the student of the third year of the specialty "Tourism" Dina Abdrakhmanova became the winner. The girl is a future guide-translator, likes to go camping and sing songs by the fire, is fond of vocals, speaks three languages perfectly: Kazakh, Tatar and Bashkir. The final of the contest was held in the Kazakh Drama Theater. The relatives, friends, colleagues and simply residents of Kostanay came to support the beauties. The hall was full, the applause did not stop.

Annually in March in all French Alliances at Embassy of France in Kazakhstan passes Week of francophone which in this year is renamed into Francophone Spring. This year it has been solemnly opened by Ambassadors of the francophone countries on the 1st March and will last until the end of April. Various competitions with involvement of students of the universities, pupils of schools and colleges are held within this action. The purpose of these actions is acquaintance with various francophone cultures, motivation French learning.

January 16 at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism was celebrated Nauryz. The event was held in the sports hall №2 and №1. In the organization and carrying out of the event, students of 1,2,3 courses participated. As spectators and participants, students from other faculties took part. A ceremonial event dedicated to Nauryz, Gulvira Aidarkhanovna Musabekova, vice-rector for academic work and social issues, was opened. It was noted that this event is symbolic, since it is already held in the walls of the Kostanay State Pedagogical University. Also, Gulvira Aidarkhanovna opened student competitions by dropping the first asiс.

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