March 16, 2018 in the information library of KSPU intellectual club "Horizon" was organized and held a blitz tournament dedicated to the celebration of "Nauryz". Only 3 teams took part in the tournament and defended the honor of their faculties. The tournament consisted of several rounds devoted to the state symbols, the Eastern new year "Nauryz meiramy" and other topics. The team representing the faculty of natural sciences and mathematics "the first Five" showed a high level of knowledge and took the honorable 1st place. 

On March 16, 2018 in KGPU the lecture of the employee of department of the Anti-terrorist center of Department of Committee of national security of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Kostanay region Akhmetov A. S. has been given. For employees, teachers and students of KSPU. Lecture subject: "Prevention of terrorist threats on objects vulnerable in the terrorist relation". During the lecture it has been explained what is understood as the concept "Terrorism".

On 16st March students of the 1 course of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" conducted the competition of readers in the framework of the social project "Heart to Heart". Students of Philological and Psychology and Pedagogical faculties took part in the competition. The theme of the competition was charity, the participants prepared various poems - classical and modern poems. Students didn’t only read poetry expressively, but prepared a video sequence and musical accompaniment for their performances.

In conditions of socio-cultural disintegration of preserving the national and cultural identity of various nations and ethnic groups doesn't contradict the idea of creating an integral ethnotolerant cultural space of Kazakhstan and is part of the national policy of the Republic. In the article "Prospection: modernization of public consciousness" the Head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev has stressed: “Our national traditions and customs, language and music, literature and wedding ceremonies – in a word, the national spirit – must remain with us forever.

On March 15, 2018 senior teachers of the educational center for language training of the faculty of Philology Abisheva S. and Serzhan-Abdrahmanova Sh. held an intellectual game "Nauryz - a holiday of unity!" in order to educate the younger generation a sense of patriotism, love and respect for the Motherland. The event took place among the 1st year students of specialties “Pedagogics and Psychology” and “Defectology”. Nauryz is the beginning of spring, awakening of nature. This is a great holiday of our people, rooted in the depth of centuries, announcing the beginning of New year, the holiday of unity and prosperity, the holiday of friendship and solidarity.

On March 14, 2018 at 15:00 in the small school named after Kadyr Karimov, a round table was held on the topic "Features of teaching Kazakh language and literature in small schools". The director of the secondary school Kadyr Karimov of Kostanay oblast Ibraeva Saltanat Kenzhekhanovna, the deputy director on educational work Zhumasheva Salken Kultayevna and the teachers of the Kazakh language and literature department, the master of pedagogical sciences Alina Didar Aliaskarovna, the master of humanitarian sciences Abdrasheva Aliya Kazhimukhanovna and the students of the 3rd course.

On March 14, 2018 for students activists of institute the meeting with the lawyer of the Kostanay Tursunov S. is held. During the meeting their rights have been explained to students, actions in this or that situation in order to avoid administrative and criminal offenses from student's youth are accurately designated. Tursunov S. has provided several trainings on which students modeled various situations connected with violation of the law tried to present and show, kind of they have behaved in this or that situation.

Cathedra ANK with region’s support of Kazakhstan Assembly Nation spent meet with the students of first course 14 march of 2018 with the goal of realization republic’s program «Rukhani Zhangiru» and with the framework project «Большая страна – большая семья» Kazakh model of public accord and nationwide unity of Nursultan Nazarbayev presented for student at the meeting. Zhakyp K.H. candidate of philosophical science, professor of KSU named after Ahmet Baytursinov made a presentation to the students. He noted in his speech that all projects proposed by Nursultan Nazarbayev they support and implemtent.

Within the framework of the project “Rukhani jangiru” the Department of the Assambly of the People of Kazakhstan and the Russian language and Literature held an event “spiritual continuity of national traditions during the celebration of Nauryz”. It was attended by 1st year students, and the guests of the event were Chinese students who listened with great interest to the history of this holiday, what customs and rituals are used. Nauryz is a holiday of kindness, on this day the dastarkhan is forced by a lot of national dishes.

On March 14, 2018, the director of the Kostanay College of Social Education, doctor of Philology, professor, professional mediator Kadralinova Mariyash Tleugabylovna conducted the lecture in the School of Mediation and National Diplomacy. In her speech, the lecturer reviewed the concept of "Mediation", the principles of mediation, introduced listeners to the basics of mediation and the mediation process, designated the advantages of mediation from the trial process.

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