March 1, 2018 in the foyer of the 1st floor of Kostanay state pedagogical Institute was held a solemn meeting of students and teaching staff of the Institute, dedicated to the day of Gratitude. The holiday is based on a historical layer of traditions originating in the customs of generosity, hospitality, mercy and solidarity of the Kazakh people. For 8 consecutive years, charity events have been held at the faculty of natural Sciences and mathematics. And this year was no exception.

The manager of KGPI ANC department Evdokimova O.N. has told about history of emergence and traditions of a holiday of Day of Gratitude, making the report in regional prosecutor's office on March 1, 2018. In the performance she has noted that this young holiday has already got accustomed among Kazakhstan citizens. Positively the fact that the idea of a holiday was quickly picked up by youth and it means that it is a holiday for youth. He teaches us to be amicable, sympathetic, keeps the values put in the mentality of the Kazakh people, in his history and culture and the patriotic act.

On March 1, 2018, on the occasion of the Thanksgiving Day of the Department of History of Kazakhstan of the Social and Humanitarian Faculty, a lecture was organized for the general public. Lecturer - Doctor of History, Professor of the Department of History of Kazakhstan Amanzhol Kuzembayuly told the teachers and students of the Institute about the history and significance of this holiday according to the purpose of the event. We all know that in 2016 the people of Kazakhstan celebrated the Day of Gratitude for the first time. President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev, on January 14, 2016, announcing the day of formation of the Assembly of the Peoples of Kazakhstan, on March 1 - Thanksgiving Day, signed Decree No. 173.

By the International Women's Day on March 8 in the universal reading room there has taken place the meeting of students of social and humanitarian and psychology and pedagogical faculties with veterans of pedagogical work from a cycle of meetings "Scientists-students" organized together with Council of veterans of institute and Recreation center of students. Were present at a meeting: candidate of historical sciences, professor of department of public disciplines, bases of the right and economy Alibek T.K., candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor of physical and mathematical and all-technical disciplines of Dyomin N.F., associate professor of VAK of department of the theory and practice of physical culture, sport and tourism Biktasheva G.Sh.

On the eve of the celebration of the "Thanksgiving Day" on February 28 in the regional library named after L.Tolstoy a presentation of the book "Babalar Sozi" was held. Students of the 2nd course of the philological faculty and Ph.D., associate professor Myrzagaliyeva KM took part in this event. At the event K.Myrzagaliyeva read the report, thanked the students for the "Cultural Heritage" program, explained the values ​​of the 100-volume heritage for the students, embodying a good initiative. This book identifies materials that encourage young people to be kind, merciful, highly spiritual. 

28 Feb senior lecturer at the Department of arts, master of pedagogical Sciences Kasabolat A. J. together with a business treniram chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" Richeliu Schwa training seminar "development of entrepreneurial skills and the basics of business" was held for students of the SHF. The purpose of the seminar-training - involving students in project activities, as well as encouraging young people to become entrepreneurs. Business coach of the Chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" Abdykalykov A.A. shared his experience. Business coach of the Chamber of entrepreneurs "Atameken" Abdykalykov A.A. shared his experience.

On the twenty-eighth of February in classroom № 138 ( the regional project office “Ruhani Zhangyru”) the meeting of the first-year students of 13ER,14ER,15ER groups of specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" was held in the form of a round table discussion entitled «Ruhani Zhangiru – a guarantee for the future». The organizers of this event are PhD, assistant professors of foreign languages department K. T. Nurmukhametova and A. D. Bezaubekova. The vice-rector for academic work and social affairs –Mussabekova G. A., the head of educational-methodical management - Nauryzbayeva E. K., the head of the Department of foreign languages Solovyova N. A., the chief manager of the regional project office "Ruhani Zhangyru" Abdibekov N.Y. were invited to the meeting.

On February 28 in the assembly hall of the Kostanay state teacher training college the interfaculty game of game on KSPU cup has been held. The scope of a game was free, consisted of the next tours: 1. "Greeting" – 5 min., 2. "Homework" of -2 min. 6 teams from five faculties fought for a cup (the men's national team of PPF, "The second change" combined SGF, FF "Theater of the absurd", "Over an abyss laugh" EMF). The performance of teams was estimated by veterans and founders of the movement at KSPU – Bolat Kaliyev, Rach Martirosyan, Samat Katayev, Bakytzhan Alkebayev and Abay Zhusupov.

Завершились Республиканские сборы для учащихся по подготовке команды по русскому языку и литературе для участия в Республиканской олимпиаде. Интенсивные занятия с преподавателями Пчелкиной Т.Р. и Мустакимовой Г.В. позволили учащимся систематизировать знания, отработать практические навыки работы с текстами. Большие трудности вызывали задания, связанные с ораторским искусством. Как правильно построить выступление, привлечь внимание слушателей, аргументировать свои мысли, показать широту кругозора? Об этом и многом другом шел заинтересованный разговор на занятиях. Пожелаем нашей команде творческих успехов, организованности и побед!

As part of the week of the department of history of Kazakhstan February 28, 2018 in the audience 126 webinar was held on the theme "Model of teaching history through the prism of the updated content of education". The purpose of the webinar was to disclose two issues: the strategic plan of the Ministry of education and science for 2017-2018; changes in teaching on the subject "History" in the framework of updating the content of education. The event was attended by teachers SI "Secondary school by name Saylau Serikov Esil district Department of education from a school with boarding school", the students of the specialty "history".

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