On 18st February The Memorial Day for Vladimir Leonidovich Rastyogin, chairman of the NGO "Association of Writers of Northern Kazakhstan" was held by the regional literary association "The Ark" at the conference hall of the Kostanay Regional Library named after Leo Tolstoy. On the anniversary of the death of famous poet, his close friends, like-minded people, many already well-known authors of our region remembered about him, read their poems devoted to the poet. The poet's friend Yevgeny Demidovich began the Memorial Day. Students of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" of KSPI did not remain indifferent for it.

On February 17, 2017, in the sports hall №. 2 of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, scheduled competitions were held on the asyk atu devoted to the 60th anniversary of the 4-time champion of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Akhmetov Mukhtar. The purpose of this tournament is to inculcate a sense of patriotism among the students of the KSPI and popularize the asyk atu among the youth. Kakashev Karshal Tulegenovich - the senior teacher of the chair of the Theory and practice of physical culture, sports and tourism of the faculty of physical culture, acted as the organizer.

On February 17, 2018 the meeting-conversation on the subject "The Distribution Danger of Destructive and Pseudo-religious Trends " was held within the plan of learning and educational center of language training of philological faculty. The teachers of learning and educational center of language training and first-year students of social and humanitarian faculty of the specialty "History" took part in this extracurricular activity. This meeting-conversation was organized by the learning and educational center of language training and KSU "Center of Religious Problems Research" at the Religious Policy Department of Kostanay region.

On February 16, 2017 in the universal reading room the meeting with the candidate of historical sciences, the associate professor, and the acting manager of department history of Kazakhstan of Bekmagambetova M.Zh. has taken place. At a meeting there were students of 1-2 courses of the psychologist – pedagogical faculty, faculty of philology, socially – humanitarian faculty. Mysore Zhaugashtinovna has interestingly told about the experience of pedagogical activity, in detail answering questions of students. In the reading room the exhibition of scientific works of Bekmagambetova of M.Zh. Studentk of the 1st course has been organized and the student 3 - a course of social and humanitarian faculty Toyshan Beybarys have executed in honor of a meeting with the scientist.

The round table "Integration of education and production: practice of interaction" was held on February 16, 2018 in KSPI. The implementation was initiated by the submission to consideration of draft professional standards. Associate Professor of the Chair of Natural Sciences Chernyavskaya Olga Mikhailovna commented on the design of the labor functions of employees in the direction "Production of chemicals for industry", carried out on the basis of competence-oriented approach. Presentcandidatesofchemicalsciences, specialistsinthefieldofchemicalproduction, standardizationgave a highlyqualifiedevaluationofthesubmittedprojects, maderecommendationsforimprovement.

On February 16 at department of natural sciences the total conference on results of passing of pedagogicalpractice by students 3 courses has taken place. During the period from January 15 to February 10 to practice 45 students to 15 educational institutions among which "Nazarbayev Intellectual school of the physical and mathematical direction of the Kostanay city, KGU "Boarding school for exceptional children Ozat, KGU "Boarding school for exceptional children of a name Y. Altynsarin" of department of formation of akimat of the Kostanay region" have been sent.

Scientific and methodological seminar on the topic "Day of wetlands - Ramsar sites of Kazakhstan. Results of the project QSPI - MES RK "Rare and Endangered Species of Animals in Kostanay Region" was held on February 15 at the Department of Natural Sciences of the Natural-mathematical Faculty. Teachers of the Department of Natural Sciences, D.B.S., Professor Bragina T.M., C.B.S., Professor Bragin E.A., Master of Biology, Senior Teacher Bobrenko M.A. and Master of Biology, senior teacher Ruleva M.M. were responsible for organizing and holding the seminar.

On 15st February students of the first course of specialty 5B011800 "Russian Language and Literature" conducted a curatorial hour on the topic "Benefits and harm of social networks" with the curator Matershova A.I. Students conducted group work. The one group considered the positive aspects of social networks, another group considered the negative sides. Students reviewed the presentations of individual reports after preparation of analysis of group works. Konovalova Ksenia prepared a presentation "The history of social networks", which showed the chronology of the emergence and development of the most popular social networks - Twitter, Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram, etc.

From February 13 to February 15, 2018, the city's basketball championship took place among women's teams in the universities of Kostanay.
The team of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute "10 region" was represented by students of 2,3 and 4 courses. Basketball players of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute defeated girls from KSU them. A. Baytursynov, KinEU and the Law Institute of the Kostanai Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and took the first place. Represented the team - senior lecturer of the Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism Department of Physical Culture - Volkov S.V.

During the period from December to February students of 1 course of specialty "Biology" (curator Rulyova M.M.) of department of natural sciences, within implementation of the social project and work of Birdwatchers club (Bragina T. M., Bragin E.A., Valyaeva E.A.) carried out work on top dressing of birds to the period, very difficult for them. Students regularly came to the central square, examined feeding troughs which were hanged out still by the first birdwatcher in days of the beginning of work of club, filled a forage. Completion of winter work became the carried-out ecological action "Heat grain" on February 15, 2018 in the Gymnasium of A.M. Gorky of Kostanay city.

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