On 14st February 1st year students of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" held another charity event in "Kostanay Zoo Pulse" within the framework of the social project "From Heart to Heart". Students and a curator Matershova A.I. bought food and took it to the shelter. The volunteers of the shelter conducted an excursion for students who came for the first time. They told about the inhabitants of "Kostanay Zoo Pulse". Students are trying to spread information about the shelter within the framework of the social project "From heart to heart" (preparation of booklets, advertising in social networks).

On February 14 head member of regional information and explanatory group on questions of religions Shaymerden G.I., I have held a number of meetings in the item Zatobolsk, the Kostanay district where has led discussions with the staff of the District Department of Internal Affairs, Jobcenter of the population and the sports Astana complex on a subject: "Danger, essence and forms of activity of destructive and pseudo-religious trends". He has devoted the performances to a subject, relevant for our region, – activity in the territory of the area of various charismatic and pseudo-religious religious trends and groups.

February 13, 2018 Tulegenova Gulzhauhar Kabdikarimovna met with students and staff of the Department of Natural Sciences. Tulegenova Gulzhauhar Kabdikarimovna is the Deputy Director for Academic Affairs Altynsarinskoy high school of Kostanay region, the head of the family home, which has taken on the education of 11 children. In an interview, Gulzhauhar Kabdikarimovna spoke about his close-knit, multinational family, where no one adopted by the education of children does not feel like a stranger or deprived. Gulzhauhar Kabdikarimovna proudly spoke about the achievements of her children.

February 13, 2018 at 11.00 in the audience 520 curators of the group GA. Seysembay and DA Aliyeva organized for the students 2 courses of the philological faculty of specialties "Kazakh language and literature", "Kazakh language and literature in schools with non-Kazakh language of instruction", in the form of a literary and musical evening curatorial hour on the topic «Өлеңге әркімнің-ақ бар таласы». The purpose of the event is to promote the creativity of local poets and writers, to inculcate young people to creativity.

February 13, 2018 the Department of Natural Sciences was organized "Exhibition of scientific works of teachers of the Department of Natural Sciences." The exhibition was on the 7th floor and timed to the week of the Department of Natural Sciences. The exhibition featured more than 150 educational and training manuals, articles and a collection of conference materials. The greatest interest among the visitors of the exhibition was caused by educational and methodical editions of the faculty of the department in the areas of biological, physical-economic-geographical and chemical cycles, as well as methods of teaching biology, geography and chemistry.

February 13, 2018 at the Department of "Preschool and primary education"psychological and pedagogical faculty held a final conference on pedagogical practice of 3rd year students majoring in"Pedagogics and methods of primary education". The practice of students took place in primary school in secondary school №20 and school-gymnasium №24 in Kostanay. The conference was attended by the Dean of the faculty, teachers of the Department, as well as 2nd year students who listened with great interest to the reports of third-year students, accompanied by videos and presentations.

On February 13 member of information and explanatory group, senior teacher of department of history of Kazakhstan Abilmalikov K.K. I have made a speech at a meeting with residents of two villages of the Kostanay district – Nadezhdinka and Lake. The meeting was held together with regional management for religions, department of domestic policy of akimat of the Kostanay district and "The center for a research of religious problems" on the subject "Interfaith Consent". The subject of a meeting has been devoted to a religious situation in the Kostanay region and passed in a format of a conversation at which the reasons of emergence of the destructive pseudo-religious organizations were discussed.

February 12 at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism held a seminar with teachers of the faculty on the topic: "The possibilities of using information technology in physical culture, sports and tourism", conducted by Ph.D. in Pedagogics, associate professor of the South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk) Fedorov Alexander Ivanovich. During the seminar, a survey of teachers was conducted to determine the level of initial knowledge on the problem of information technology. The seminar was built on the basis of the presentation and use of the Internet (demonstration of the possibilities of information resources).

On February 12, 2018, within the framework of the week of the department, Suyundikova Zhanar Tuleutaevna, Senior Teacher of Natural Sciences, conducted an open class on the subject human anatomy which called "As Korytu Zhuiesi" ("Digestion System") for 2nd year students of the specialty "Biology". The purpose of the lesson was to examine the structure, topography, functions and features of the digestive system. During the lesson, there were applied interactive teaching methods such as: associagram, cluster, brainstorming and level tasks.

In the period from January 15 to February 10, 2018, the 3rd year students of the specialty "Pedagogics and methods of primary education" passed pedagogical practice in primary classes at school №24 and secondary school №20 in Kostanay. The main goal of pedagogical practice was to master the basic functions of pedagogical activity of the teacher, the formation and development of pedagogical competence, the formation of professional qualities of the teacher's personality. In the process of practical training students improved skills of teaching, competent presentation of material, finding contact with students, there were ideas about how to organize the team, keeping the attention of the class, the formation of interest in the teaching material, the creation of positive educational motivation.

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