Within implementation the State program “Densaulyk” on February 6, 2018 in the hall of the 2nd floor was held a flashmob “Dance while you are young!” organized by the management of social and educational work together with the regional center of problems of a healthy lifestyle formation. Activists of YW “Zhas Otan”, ASK and volunteers of institute actively participated in the flashmob. Flashmob’s purpose is: promotion a healthy lifestyle among students’ youth. The specialist of the Healthy lifestyle center Bogatova A.V. told about prophylaxis of diseases and promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

Recently with students of NMF the deputy head of Association of the Children's and Youth organizations of the Kostanay region Zharinova Elena Vasilyevna has held a meeting. During the meeting I there were a speech about one of burning issues of our society – corruption. Execution of public service is expression of special trust from society and the state and places great demands on moral ethically shape of public servants.

On 5 February 2018 Balzhanova Aigul Magzhanovna, senior teacher of the foreign languages department of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, conducted the workshop «Teaching foreign language at primary school in the context of education modernization» for the second- and third- year students of Kostanay college "Zerek". The goal of the workshop is to discuss the methodical maintenance of pedagogical practice at school, usage of modern technologies for teaching English at primary school in the context of realization of the education modernization program.

Students of a final year of specialty "5B010500 Defectology" of psychology and pedagogical faculty have undergone student teaching in KSU "The Kostanay Special Boarding School No. 2 for Children of Orphans and Children without Parental Support, with Special Educational Needs" of Department of education of akimat of the Kostanay region. On February 5, 2018, within the program, under the leadership of elementary school teachers of Tulebayeva A.F., Alekeshova U.I. and Kasayeva M.D. students are Kuzmina Maria, Baybulova Gulmira, Kachko Irina, Zhantenova Zhaynar have held an event "my Homeland - Kazakhstan".

Within the action “In all sincerity” on February 5, 2018 has taken place another meeting with Petrukovich Mikhail Fedorovich, the veteran of the Second World War, which was organized by the students-activists of a volunteer wing of KSPI and YW “Zhas Otan”. The purpose of an action is visit of veterans and assistance in life. Mikhail Fedorovich was born in 1926, he is from Belarus, from that place where the war has begun. At that time he was only 14 years old. Having arrived on a military service, he was at war in Hungary and Czechoslovakia, in 44-45 years. Later a military part was disbanded, and through all Eurasian continent Mikhail Fedorovich has got to Japan, and in 46 to the Kuril Islands.

Within the framework of the work plan of the educational and upbringing center of physical culture and sports, it is planned to hold sports competitions in various sports among the students of the institute. We have opened this direction of the Sambo competition. So, in the period from 02 February to 03 February 2018 in the sports hall No. 1 of the KSPI there were competitions in the Sambo open championship of the KSPI, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of Astana. 25 students from three faculties took part in the competition: the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism, the natural-mathematical faculty and the social-humanitarian faculty.

On February 3, 2018, the Day of Science was held in the School-Lyceum # 2 of the Education Department of the Akimat of Kostanay. For the first time in many years, the conference announced the "Healthy Lifestyle" section. and the students showed interest in writing reports on this area. This section was headed by the senior lecturer of the Department of Theory and Practice of the FSSiT, Volkov S.V., as the chairman of the jury. 8 lecturers - senior students, teachers of physical culture, director and head teacher of "School-Lyceum № 2" took part in the work of the section.

On February 2, 2018 in the Kostanay regional House of friendship there has taken place the meeting of scientific and expert group of APK of the Kostanay region. We will remind that the scientific and expert group of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region is permanent it is advisory - analytical body at Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region. In its structure KSPI represent Abil E.A. (rector of KSPI), Musabekova G.A. (vice rector for the academic and social problems of KSPI) and Evdokimova O.N. (manager APK of KSPI, vice-chairman of NEG).

On February 2, 2018 in the assembly hall of the hostel of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute has been held the competition “Karaoke” where participated the students living in the hostel. The competition consisted of two rounds in which 6 teams participated: “Zhalyn”, “Uly dala dauyssy”, “Dostar”, “Flash”, “Eky zhuldyz” and “Kazakh kyzdary”. The mission of the first round consisted in that participants had to guess a melody of the famous telecasts and movies. Actively participated and have proved the following teams: “Dostar”, “Zhalyn” and “Flash”. In the second round participants needed to choose and sing one of the offered songs.

February 02, 2018 in order to get acquainted with the future profession, 1st year students of the specialty "Preschool education", "Pedagogics and methods of primary education" of the faculty of psychology and education within the framework of social projects "school counselors", "my profession-educator" held in schools of Kostanay among the children of mini – center, pre-school preparation and primary school educational hour on "Winter patterns". The school administration and primary school teachers assisted in the organization of the event.

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