On 22st February teacher of the Department of Russian Language and Literature Koval O. V. held a curatorial hour with students of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature". They discussed the President's Message «New Opportunities for development under the conditions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution». "A ship wandering in the sea needs a compass, because it should not get off the route, and for the country needs own beacon, which the entire state is guided." The beginning of year usually coincides with the appeal of the president of Kazakhstan to his people

On February 22, 2018 with students 3 courses of specialty "Mathematics" of the Kazakh office the curator Berkembay of R. Ә. I have spent curator hour on the subject. The purpose of curator hour –is promotion of the Message of the President and an examination of students. During curator hour students Saken Dinara and Risbekova Balzhana have held 5 competitions. The team became the winner of a competition. All students actively took part and have shown good knowledge of assimilation of the Message of the President.

February 22, 2018 at the faculty of natural Sciences and mathematics held a meeting of representatives of the public institution "Kostanay regional center of healthy lifestyle" with students of the faculty. Psychologist Kantureeva Roza Duisenbaevna spent with the guys various trainings, and complete and clearly explained the issues of prevention of tuberculosis and HIV-AIDS. The purpose of this event was to raise awareness of the population, including students, about the risk factors of double infection, the importance of its early detection, timely treatment and preventive measures.

On February 22, 2018 "Day of information", for teachers and students of specialty "Chemistry" of natural and mathematical faculty is spent. During the action readers have got acquainted with the new literature in the Kazakh, Russian and English languages which has come to the information and library center for the aid to educational and scientific process. Visitors were interested in books: Proteins, nucleonic acids / K.O. Sharipov, S.S. Zhakypbekova, G.E. Berganayeva (2016), Tasks for SRSP on discipline in chemistry of natural connections / M.Yu. Lezhneva, T.A. Mikheyeva (2016), Organic Chemistry/G.Zh. Seitenova, M.O. Turtubayeva (2016) and others.

On February 21, 2018, the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Philology and the Kazakh Language and Literature Department held a round table on the theme "Latin alphabet - new horizons of the Kazakh language". The purpose of the round table is to analyze the composition of the new Latin alphabet, to decipher the original sounds in the alphabet, to remove unnecessary sounds from the alphabet, to overcome excessive rules of spelling, to analyze changes in words in the Kazakh language, wins and losers.

February 20, 2018 within the week of the educational center of language training of the faculty of Philology held a seminar-training on "Interactive methods of teaching a foreign language." Seminar-training was held by senior teacher of the center Kashkadamov K. S. The purpose of the seminar is to improve the professional competence of teachers. Kashkadamov K.S. familiarized the participants with the teaching methodology in Germany and demonstrated interactive methods of teaching foreign languages, as games, she uses in class. The use of game modeling in teaching a foreign language ensures the unity of emotional and rational in the learning process.

On February 19 of this year in a conference room of the Kostanay state teacher training college in the run-up to the IV Congress of "Zhas Otan" at Nur Otan party the meeting the coach mentors of "Zhas Otan" at Nur Otan party with students of KSPU has been held. At the meeting: the coordinator of the direction "Lady" - Chukeyev Zhanat, the assistant to the direction "Lady" of "Zhas Otan" – Zhumabayev Almat, the chairman of "Zhas Otan" of the Kostanay region - Tuletayev Yerlan.

On February 17-18, 2018, a volleyball tournament was held in the sports complex "Astana", dedicated to the 29th anniversary of the withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. The tournament was attended by 15 teams, including the national team of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. Our institute was represented by students from 1,2,3,4 courses of the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. Team FPCSaT lost only one match of the national team "10 region" and took second place. The third place in the tournament was taken by the team "Astana". As a result of the tournament, the best player of the KGPI team was a student of the 4th year Sergey Shakirov, he was awarded an honorary diploma and a memorable cup.

On February 16-18, 2018 in Kostanay, the Happy Dance battle in dance styles Wacking, Hip-Hop, Runaway, Vogue, Street dance was held. More than 90 people took part in the championship, including well-known Kazakhstani dance groups. In the dance competition took part the fourth-year student of the specialty "Tourism" Karimova Adel with her dance group "INTERDANCE" The studio of modern dance. The championship came at a high level with the involvement of famous dancers from St. Petersburg. As a result, Adele won first place in Solo-Wacking and 2nd place was occupied by the Studio of Contemporary Dance "INTERDANCE" under her direction.

In the city of Kostanay on February 16-18, 2018 on the basis of the sports complex of the physical culture and sports society "Dynamo" the Republican tournament on sambo was held among the young men 2006-2007, 2008-2009. and girls born in 2004. This tournament was dedicated to the memory of Soviet masters of sports of the USSR Vladimir Vladimirovich Popov and Babenko Vladimir Ivanovich, the tournament was held with the support of the State Institution "Physical Culture and Sports Administration of the Akimat of Kostanay region". The organizers of these competitions are employees and cadets of the Kostanai Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

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