For the 2017-2018 school year the senior teachers of chair of preschool and elementary education Shevchenko G.V. and D.H. Kushmurzina planned for createqname the formation of scientific and methodological theme of "Substantive integration in the conditions of multilingualism in modern educational space". Development of trilingual education 27.02.2018, student 4 courses of the specialty "Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education" Sideline Ainur Sainovna during the passage proizvodstvennoi practice held an open lesson on the theme "The only and plural of nouns" («Зат есімнің жекеше және көпше түрлері», «Единственное и множественное число имён существительных») in the 2 "A"class state "grammar School No. 24 Department of education of akimat of Kostanay city".

February 26, 2018 in the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, in the framework of the methodical week of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, a methodological seminar on the topic "Using Innovative Technologies in History Lessons" was held to demonstrate the competencies acquired at the courses of advanced training in the National Center for Advanced Studies "Orleu". The methodical seminar was conducted by the senior teachers of the Department of History of Kazakhstan Tastekova G.B. and Elkey N.N. The seminar was attended by the specialist of the faculty of additional and distance education Ishchanova RS and teachers of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute.

The round table which passed on February 26 the current year based on school lyceum #1 of Kostanay was devoted to a problem of increase in prestige of a profession of the teacher in the light of new national objectives in the field of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Teachers of school took active part in a meeting of a round table; students are probationers and teachers of department of Pedagogic of KSPI. B.M Utegenova, managing department of Pedagogic, Professor G.U. Karpykova and the Chief of the Center of Y. Altynsarin of department of Pedagogic were managing the process.

On 26st February the leaders of the social project "Heart to heart" Pchelkina T.R. and Matershovа A.I. held a competition of essay "Kindness will save the world." The goal of the competition is formation the social activity of students through reasoning about important social problems. 22 students took part in the competition. 3 topics were offered to the students: "You become responsible forever for what you have tamed", "Kindness is the sun of the soul," "Kindness will exists, if we create it (on the activities of Kostanay charitable organizations)."

From February 23 to February 25, 2018 in Kostanay the regional selection round of the republican startup contest "Startup "Bolashak": Menin Armanym" was held. The organizers of the contest are Bolashak Association and “Damu” Entrepreneurship Development Fund. The prize fund of the business projects contest is more than 30 million tenge. The applications for the contest were submitted by over 200 people from all over the Kostanay region, and, as a result, 33 projects passed in a quarter of the final. The teams that developed them will go to Astana in May, where they will have a powerful "business pumping". The winners of the contest will receive funding and become the heroes of the television show broadcast on the "Khabar" TV channel.

On February 26 at social and humanitarian faculty the photo exhibition "Botay Eyes of Students" created by student’s 1-2 courses of specialty "History" of the Russian office has been organized. Botay is the sacral place for all Kazakhstan where for the first time ancient monks have cultivated a wild horse. Students historians could collect the best and interesting photos with educational archaeological the practicing and the Botay archaeological expedition.

On February 23, 2018, the Department of Psychology and Defectology held a methodological seminar on "Methodological aspects of the work of teachers of the special education system in the context of the updated content of education." The purpose of this methodical seminar was to discuss the methodological aspects of the special education system in the context of the updated content of education. During the seminar, questions were discussed about the possibility of educational programs on academic subjects within the framework of the updated content of education by teachers-defectologists. The themes of the reports of the participants in the methodological seminar testify to the wide format of the issue under consideration.

In February, 2018 the department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan and department of Kazakh and literature held a regional competition of compositions "New Kazakhstan in the new world" devoted to the 20 anniversary of the city of Astana, dated for Day of Gratitude and Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan. To participation in a competition school students of 9-11 classes of educational institutions of the Kostanay region were invited. Solemn delivery of diplomas, letters of thanks the teacher and certificates to participants was handed at ANC department on February 22, 2018.

On February 22, 2018, within the framework of an open session on religious studies, a discussion of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the Faculty of Physical Culture sport and tourism. The event was organized by Associate Professor Alshanova B.Kh. Representatives of the Council of Veterans and the Media were invited to an open lecture. The Council of Veterans was represented by: Ukin Kenzhebek Ukinovich, Chairman of the Regional Council of Veterans, Emanuilidi Olga Grigoryevna - Deputy Chairman of the Regional Council of Veterans, Rakhmetova Batima Nurgazievna - Executive Secretary.

On February 22, 2018, the educational and upbringing center of physical training organized «Amusing competitions» among the structures of student self-government. The competition was attended by teams from Zhas Otan, student union, student alliance, KDM, as well as volunteer wing of KSPI. Funny starts are timed to the celebration of the Day of gratitude to the people of Kazakhstan and included 10 stages, as well as a contest of captains - a match in the game Asyk Atu. According to the results of the competition, the seats were distributed as follows: The first place is the team "Olympus" (representing the volunteer wing); 2nd place is the team "Profkom"; 3rd place team "KDM"; 4th place is the team "Zhas Otan"; 5th place is the Alliance of Students.

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