March 2, 2018 in Zhetysu State University. I.Zhansugurov in the city of Taldykorgan the traditional republican student's youth festival "Ілияс әлемі" was organized. Within the framework of the festival competitions were organized in various nominations aimed at promoting the life and literary heritage of I. Zhansugurov, B. Mailin, S. Seifullin. Students participating in the festival under the guidance of the teacher of the Kazakh language and literature department Seisembay GA returned with prize-winning places.

On 2st March the regional stage of the republican pedagogical olympiad «Talented teacher for talented children» held in the school for talented children «Ozat» The goal of the Olympiad is to create conditions for the development of creative potential and self-realization of young teachers. The head of the Russian Language and Literature Department at KSPI Pchelkina T.R. worked in the jury at the Olympiad in the section of teachers. Young teachers presented their pedagogical projects, showed self-presentations, a portfolio with their pedagogical experience.

March 2, 2018 at the psychological and pedagogical faculty of gratitude under the leadership of Alipbaeva G.A. and Salamatova A.B. a themed evening dedicated to the Day of Gratitude in the Republic of Kazakhstan was held. The event was attended by teachers and students of the faculty. The main goal of the event is to tell about the Day of Thanks to the Republic of Kazakhstan, on strengthening and preserving the development of the unity of the multinational Kazakhstan on the basis of the common history, the memory of the joint difficulties experienced through the support of the Kazakhs and all ethnic groups to each other.

Department of Kazakh Language and Literature of the Philological Faculty On March 01, 2018, in connection with the communication of employers, the teachers of the updated model coached to exchange experience for the students of the third year. Coaching was conducted by Salykova Assel, teacher of the Kazakh language and literature of secondary school No. 8 in Kostanay, teacher of the Kazakh language and literature of secondary school No. 1 Rakhimova Elmira Ersalimovna and students of the third year of the specialty of the Kazakh language and literature.

March 1, 2018 within the week of the Department of History of Kazakhstan, an intellectual game was held among the students of the city schools. The competition was dedicated to the 1st of March - Thanksgiving Day, the Ruhani zharyro program and the celebration of the 20th anniversary of Astana. This competition was organized by the teachers of the chair Elkey N.N. and Muratly Dastan. Experts and methodologists of the educational and methodical department were invited to the intellectual game. Three teams took part in the game - "Alғyrlar" from the secondary school №15, "Dostyk" from the secondary school №115 and "Altyn қanat - Aқ Orda" from the secondary school №17.

March 1, 2018 in the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, the exhibition of the senior lecturer of the Department of "Arts" Ordasheva M.Zh., dedicated to the "Thanksgiving Day" was held. In the work of the exhibition were presented more than 10 works performed in various genres. Painting formed the basis of the exhibition. In the course of the opening ceremony of the exhibition the dean of the GFS of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute Shahaman Z.B. spoke in detail on the history of the holiday. Teachers and students of the Department of Arts shared their impressions. Participants noted the necessity and significance of this holiday.

On March 1, 3rd year students of the specialty "Kazakh language and literature" organized an evening "Reliability - a noble quality". On the evening of Thanksgiving, a special exhibition of students was presented. In the course of the speech, the students showed kindness and good qualities that they will carry through their whole life. A third-year student of Zharbosyna Mahabbat Nauryzbaevna spoke, she was able to touch the hearts of her teachers with beautiful poems. A student of the philological faculty Dauletan Aybaris presented his poems.

On March 1, 2018 the department of pedagogic of the psychologist - pedagogical faculty has carried out a charity event "by Nurly Zhol - the Way of the Independent country!» devoted to Day of Gratitude. Rumple and be proud of the history - it is one of the main messages of a holiday. The purpose of Day of gratitude – education at student's youth of feeling of tolerance, friendliness and respect of each other and also strengthening of interethnic consent and international bonds in Kazakhstan. Letters of gratitude and appreciation were received by all participants of the action.

Within implementation of the plan of celebration of 1 Mart Day of Gratitude of all ethos’s to each other and to the Kazakhs who have shown mercy and accepted as native representatives of different ethos’s during mass deportation to Kazakhstan in 30-40 years of the XX century on February 28, 2018 at department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan there has passed the round table "One people – one family". A holiday story, his ideological filling, traditions and essence of this holiday and about how there took place deportation of the people on the territory of Kazakhstan the master of history, the senior teacher of department of history of Kazakhstan has told Dastan.

The Center named after I. Altynsarin at the department of pedagogics announced a competition among students for the best emblem of the IbraiAltynsarin Center. The purpose of the contest was to develop an emblem for further use of it as a symbol of the Center. Competitive works had to meet certain requirements: individual or group design of the logo in the form of a drawing using any graphic computer editor, taking into account its further implementation in various materials and techniques. The inscription "Ibrai Altynsarin Center" is obligatory on the emblem. Each element of the proposed emblem should be accompanied by a description and an author's interpretation of the symbolic meaning.

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