18 January 2018 at the meeting of the Department of Arts was discussed the message of President of RK N. Nazarbayev, "the Development of the country in terms of the fourth industrial revolution". The message of the President of Kazakhstan contains 10 key objectives leader for the coming year: "Industrialization will become the flagship of the introduction of new technologies, Further development of the resource potential," "Smart technologies"-a chance for a breakthrough in the development of agricultural sector", "improving the efficiency of transport and logistics infrastructure", "Implementation of modern technologies in the construction and utilities sector".

A practical seminar on the theme "Analysis of the decision-making on the olympiad tasks of the 2 and 3 stages of the Republican Olympiad on the subject "The English language" was organized on January 18th , 2018 on the basis of State Institution "School-Lyceum #3 of the Department of Education of Kostanay Akimat" with the direct support of the Education Department of the City Center for the Work with Gifted Children (Daryn). The leading teacher was V.V. Danilova, PhD, c.p.sc., master of pedagogy and psychology, senior lecturer of the Foreign Languages Department, KSPI.

On January 17, 2018 in the assembly hall of the Kostanay state teacher training college the meeting of collective devoted to discussion of the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – the Leader Nation of Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev "New opportunities of development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution" has taken place. The audience was addressed by the rector of institute professor Abil Ye.A. He has noted that the Message is the major management to further action and search of new opportunities of development of the state.

On January 16, 2018 at the department of Pedagogic the methodological seminar on the subject "Modern Problems of Science and Education" for teachers, students and the staff of the KSPI were held by the doctor of Pedagogical sciences, Professor Berezhnova Yelena Viktorovna. Ye.V. Berezhnova works in MSIMO and Yu MFA of Russia, teaches author's courses for undergraduates and doctoral candidates. Within the Cooperation agreement Yelena Viktorovna annually holds meetings with teachers and students in KSPI, participates in scientific conferences, seminars and gives lectures.

On January 16, 2018 the specialist of department of work with the youth and students’ organizations of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute Esymkhanov Kuanysh Dauylbaiuly and the student of the 2 course, the activist of KSPI, the head of the press center of KSPI “Zhastar Media” Nurusheva Meruert have visited the city broadcasting company “ALAU” in the program “Omir agymy”. In the live broadcast they talked about public life of students, work of the student’s youth organizations and further plans.

On January 16, 2017 students of the 1st course of specialty "Physical culture and sport", within the social project, have organized the help to the Kostanay coach, famous in the past, on carting Knyaginina Eduard Aleksandrovich. Eduard Aleksanrovich entering a 10-ka of the best motocross of the USSR the founder of the Kostanay motor club "Whirlwind", is in very difficult situation now. Students of faculty have helped Eduard Aleksandrovich about the house, have touched and have chopped firewood for the winter, left small humanitarian aid.

During the winter holidays of students, from January 8 to January 13, a training and educational center for physical training of the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism hosts a Universiade among teachers and staff of the Institute. The program includes sports competitions in chess, checkers, tozyz-құmalāқu, tennis, asyқ-ata, volleyball, darts, mini football and cross-country skiing. Participation in competitions involves both individual participation and teamwork. .

On January 12, 2018, the Polylingual Center of the Philological faculty of KSPI, organized the cycle of master classes "Development of the pedagogical skills and English level improvement" for the teachers who are carrying out the pedagogical actvity in English. Teachers of the Educational language preparatory center of the Philological faculty of KSPI Kuskadamova K.S., Moskalyova G.P., Suleymenova G.M. and Serzhan-Abdrakhmanova Sh.K. were involved to holding this action. Integration of contents of the training program with teaching in English and improvement of the language competence of participants became the purpose of the program of master classes.

On 12th of January 2018 in the Kostanay’s Friendship House passed round table within the framework of a Unified republican day to discuss the President’s message of Republic of Kazakhstan N. A Nazarbayev to be people of Kazakhstan new opportunities for development in the conditions of the fourth industrial revolution. The round table was attended by members of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region, members of SEG, members of regional council of mothers, chairperson ethno-cultural associations Kostanay region.

12.01.2018 in the classroom G 205 KGPI a seminar was held on the results of the training courses for coaches under the program of additional vocational training for graduate students of higher educational institutions on the topic "Application of information and communication technologies in teaching and teaching." The purpose of the seminar is the exchange of experience in the use of ICT in classes with students of the specialty "FC and Sport" N. Kovsh. and familiarization with the peculiarities of knowledge control during training using Survio and Google Forms programs. Ergalieva E.M.

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