On December 20, 2017, the 1st year students of the specialty "Geography" organized a tour of the 8th grade "B" SGC of the I.Altynsarin to the geological museum as part of the implementation of the 1st stage of the social project "Kostanay - Altyn besigym". The purpose of the excursion is to acquaint students with the variety of rocks, minerals, minerals of the Kostanay region. The head of the museum, Vera Petrovna, told and showed to schoolchildren samples of geological, paleontological materials. These are the bones of ancient elephants and the teeth of mammoths.

The Independence Day is the main holiday of our state. This day each citizen of our homeland remembers how we have reached the main property of the country – Nazvisimosti. Learns to appreciate it, to respect and be proud. The concert program passing on December 15 in the dormitory No. 1 of Kostanay has been devoted to this holiday. This action has been organized by students of natural and mathematical faculty of KSPI. All participants of a concert have shown the talents, pleased the audience with fine performances, thereby developing patriotic feeling of the audience and their pride of the country.

On 15st December a first-year students of a specialty 5B011800 "Russian Language and Literature" with curator Matershova A.I was held a charity event in the public association "Kostanay Zoo Pulse" within social project «Heart to Heart». The chairman of the public association, the candidate of veterinary sciences of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Kazakhstan, the associate professor of the RK Mashadieva V. V. and the deputy chairman, doctor of veterinary sciences of the Russian Federation, professor of the Republic Kazakhstan Shagiakhmetov Yu.S. told the students about the activities of the center, living of animals in "Kostanay Zoo Pulse".

From December 8th to December 14th in Dubai (UAE) played the Junior Asian Paralympic Games. The student of the 1st course of the specialty Physical culture and sport, the world class master of sports on powerlifting Kabyl Tursunay took part in them! More than 800 athletes from around the world have participated in this competition! On December 11 Tursunay has won a gold medal in a press of a bar lying, having shown result of 51 kg in weight category to 41 kg. The gold medal became the first in the history of the Kazakhstan youthful Paralympic sport! Also she has received honor to be flagonosets at the opening ceremony of competitions!

On December 14, 2017, the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute organized a regional round table "Organizational and methodical work on the introduction of the Kazakh alphabet on the basis of Latin graphics in the educational institutions of the Kostanay region", organized by the philological faculty. The aim of the regional round table is to share our thoughts on the transition to the Latin alphabet, share the plans for the future implementation of a wide range of the Latin alphabet.

13 December 2017 in the framework of the social project of 1st year students of specialty "Music education" and Children's village of family "Zhanuya" forces of volunteer students was held a gala concert devoted to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan (supervisor – senior lecturer Kunsulu Zakaeva). Kids are always very happy when visitors come to them and have the opportunity to escape from the usual routine. Communication with volunteers for the kids is always a holiday. And this time, the volunteers took the children on competition, awarding the winners of each round prizes.

On December 12, 2017 in the building of regional philharmonic hall of E. Umirzakov for the staff of Kostanay state pedagogical institute was held the festive event with an involvement of actors of philharmonic hall, devoted to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At the hall there were home front workers of the Second World War, veterans of pedagogical work, scientists, teachers and students of the institute. The congratulatory speech was made by the acting rector of KSPI, the candidate of pedagogical sciences Musabekova G.A.

On 12st December curatorial hour was conducted at the Department of Russian language and literature by the 2nd year students. It was devoted for Independence Day. The goals of the curatorial hour were the education of respect for the history and the heroic past of the nation; the formation of a pride, a responsibility for the fate of the country. The welcome address was made by the curator of the group candidate of filological sciences, associate professor Segizbaeva K.К. and candidate of pedagogical sciences, professor Karbenova Z.U.

At department of pedagogy of psychology and pedagogical faculty purposefully work of student's research groups is also systematically organized. One of perspective student's researches is conducted on the subject "Formation of Patriotic Spirit of Youth on the basis of Valuable Orientations of the National Idea "Mangilik el". The heads of the project: Ivanova E.N., Mnaydarova S.S., Bekenova A.K., Brimzhanova K.S. Project purpose: formation of the Kazakhstan patriotism of youth by means of implementation of a complex of modern educational actions and also interaction and cooperation with neighboring countries.

On December 11, 2017 students 3 courses of the specialty Biology of Department of natural sciences of NMF have spent the curator hour devoted to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Pupils of 1 course of the specialty Biology of the Kazakh, Russian and polylingual offices have been invited to an action. Students Tolegenova Kyzzhibek and Kamit Botа have presented to children a remarkable musical gift – kui Balbyrauyn. All participants of curator hour with pride have watched the video about a way of our state to Independence.

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