On December 11, 2017, the «Academic Policy of KSPI» project was organized and discussed among the teaching staff and students of the faculty in order to provide constant feedback in the academic policy of the institute, the development of an effective system of innovation and quality, the culture of the general responsibility. Students and teachers took an active part in the discussion of the topical issues of academic learning reflected in the project «Academic Policy of KSPI». For this purpose curatorial hours were held in allgroups.

8-9 December 2017 in Karaganda in the framework of the program "Ruhani zhangru" at the Department of history of Kazakhstan and the ANC Karsu named after E. Buketov INEA passed III Republican student conference "Kazakhstan - Menin Оtanym". It was attended by students of Karsu named after E. Buketov INEA and other universities of Karaganda, ENU named after Gumilev, Arge named Ibrai Altynsarin, Pavlodar state pedagogical Institute, Institute of foreign languages named after Abylai Khan, Kazakh national University. Al-Farabi and kgpi.

From the 5th of December to the 9th of December, 2017 in the French cultural center of KSPI have taken place the actions devoted to the celebration of Christmas. The purpose of these actions is familiarizing of school and university students with traditions and customs of the French culture and also improvement of speaking skills in French. On December 5 FCC were visited by the students of the Kostanay polytechnical college of Higher Education. On December 7, students of the Kostanay State University have been invited to an action in FCC. For the invited students have been prepared the presentation and also a quiz on the subject of “Christmas in France”.

On December 8, 2017 in our institute has taken place the meeting with the famous person not only in Kostanay region, but also all Kazakhstan. Alamat Zhanabilyevich Tursunov is the Kazakhstan businessman, the inventor, the organizer of agricultural production, the member of council of national investors at the President of Kazakhstan (2007-2011), the general director of LLP “Karasu TIC”, Hero of Labor of Kazakhstan (2016), the clubman of patrons of the Kostanay region. He was born on January 17, 1966 in Karasu village of the Kostanay region; in the same place he has left secondary school.

The Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan is an advisory part at the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Assembly’s objective is contribution of development and realization of the state national policy. On December 8, 2017 in regional philharmonic hall of E. Umurzakov was held the regional festival “Tugan Zher” devoted to the 25th session of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan. With congratulatory speech performed the chief of the department of internal policy of Akimat of the Kostanay region Akkuzhina B.B. The festival united all regions of area. The famous actors of the Kostanay region appeared on festive stage with creative numbers.

During educational process students pass very important stage in the system of the higher education - is an educational student practice. The result of successful training, including passing the educational practice at school, students have a set of professional and general competences. It is impossible to become a good teacher without certain experience. Students have got such experience during educational student practice on the chosen specialty. The practice took place in the first semester at schools of Kostanay. The main goal is a formation of the initial pedagogical abilities.

December 8, 2017 students of the specialty History of the social and humanitarian faculty participated in the work of the theoretical and theoretical conference dedicated to the Independence Day of Kazakhstan and the 25th anniversary of the bodies of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The conference was held on the basis of the Kostanay Academy of the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Kazakhstan named after Sh. Kabylbayev and worked in two directions: state and legal development of the Republic of Kazakhstan: achievements and prospects; cultural-historical and socio-economic aspects of the development of independent Kazakhstan.

December 8, 2017 in educational workshops senior teacher Arkhipova K.G. it was followed by an open session with the students of 2nd year specialty "Fine arts and drawing" on "Ornamental composition" (distspilina "Fundamentals of arts and crafts"). In this lesson, the teacher introduced the learning outcomes of the seminar-training "Methods of critical thinking development" Ph.D., Associate Professor of Aktobe Regional State University. K. Zhubanova lecturer Imzharovoy Z.U. This seminar was held on the basis of KGPI under the "training domestic and foreign experts in teaching professions based on the best international standards in the field of management and in training" (from November 20 to November 24, 2017).

Within implementation of the program article of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev “Prospection: modernization of public consciousness” in KSPI have been organized a number of meetings with significant people of our region. On December 8, 2017 at Kostanay state pedagogical institute has taken place a meeting with own correspondent of the “Egemen Kazakhstan” newspaper, the winner in the “Plan of the Nation – 100 Concrete Steps” nomination Zharimbetova Nazira Kypshakbaykyzy. The meeting’s purpose was – demonstration and holding a master-class about the work with photo and video materials.

From December 4 to December 8, 2017 candidate of pedagogical sciences, head of psychology and defectology department Likhodedova L.N. have provided a training for teachers and students of Rudny industrial institute (in volume of 40 hours) on the subject “Inclusive Education” within the Republican project “Teaching by domestic and foreign experts in pedagogical specialties on the basis of the best educational standards in the field of management and the sphere of training” organized by the Higher school Nazarbayev University by request of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the purpose of improvement the quality of teaching of competitive experts in the fields of education and professional development of teachers of pedagogical specialties.

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