From November 29 to December 5 at the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism held a competition of posters dedicated to the international day of the fight against AIDS. The organizers of the competition were the dean's office and the curators of the student groups. The purpose of this event is to popularize knowledge about the dangers of these diseases and to conduct prevention among university students. The urgency of the problem of HIV / AIDS lies in the fact that this disease is not only a medical problem. Its distribution, affects all areas of society and concerns each of us.

On January 4, 2018, the teaching staff of the Department of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism took part in an international scientific and practical seminar (on-line) on the theme "Physical culture, sports and tourism in the system of training specialists in the field of information and communication technologies". The organizer of this international event was the Aktyubinsk State Pedagogical University. K.Zhubanova, among participants besides the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute there were represented: Institute of Physical Culture, University of Economics in Bydgoszcz (Poland), National State University named after. Abai, Atyrau State University. H. Dosmukhamedov.

Features of the international life generate new tendencies in the higher education. Today in the world the common educational space assumes broad exchange of students of the universities of the different states. The international academic mobility grows every year and the Kostanay state pedagogical institute is a bright confirmation for it. On December 28, 2017 the 4 year students of our institute, of philological faculty Petrova Natalya, Bakeeva Zarina, Asembay Marzhan and also the 3-year student of the same specialty Chunina Anna have returned to walls of native institute from Perpignan, the South of France, where they studied at the international university L'Université de Perpignan Via domitia framework of the program of the academic mobility during the first semester.

On December 28, 2017 the results of tender of student's online projects "History of the native land in persons were summed up. Ybray Altynsarin is the outstanding representative of the Kostanay Earth". Under the terms on tender it was possible to present projects in the form of the interactive training websites devoted to a research of history and the culture of the native land, studying of life, activity and Ybray Altynsarin's creativity. Authors of 6 projects participated in a competition. Competitive works were estimated by criteria - compliance of the project to the purposes, tasks and nominations of tender.

On December 28, 2017 the results of the correspondence tender of scientific projects among pupils of schools of the Ybray Altynsarin's Phenomenon in the Kazakh History and the Culture of the 19th Century area are summed up. A competition was held by the Centers of Y. Altynsarin at the department of Pedagogic and Pre-university preparation and the academic mobility of the KSPI together with the regional scientific and practical center "Kostanay Daryn" of the department of education of akimat of the Kostanay region.

On December 25, 2017 in the hostel of Kostanay state pedagogical institute by the annual tradition was held the New Year ball. Before the New Year’s action, management of social-educational work with deputies of deans of the faculties were passed across rooms for determination of winners of the competition “The Best Room”. By results students were given presents from faculties. Organizers – student council of the hostel creatively prepared this event: prepared the New Year’s scenario, performances, were invited Father Frost and the Snow Maiden who came with gifts.

25 December 2017 in the framework of the social project of the students of the 1st course of the specialty "Fine arts and drawing" and a Children's village of family "Zhanuya" was held a festive exhibition of creative works of students and Christmas face painting for children. The children choose pictures for face painting. Head of the project "ainalayin", senior lecturer of the Department of Art Casebolt A.J. and students 1, 3 courses gave the children gifts and sweets. At the end of the event, the students organized games with the children.

On December 25, 2017 the Centers of Y. Altynsarin at the department of pedagogics and pre-university preparation and the academic mobility of the Kostanay state teacher training college together with the regional scientific and practical center "Kostanay Daryna" of department of education of akimat of the Kostanay region carried out Altynsarinsky readings for pupils of schools of area. Tender of readers of works of I. Altynsarin was carried out for the purpose of promoting among school students of the Kazakh literature, including the literary heritage by the great Kazakh teacher educator Ibraya Altynsarin, identification and support of the talented pupils motivated to profound occupations with literature.

December 22, 2017 Department of Natural Sciences KSPI received guests from the school - Gymnasium No. 5 in Rudny. Pupils of the 2nd grade visited the Museum of Paleontology at the Department of Natural Sciences together with their teachers O.V. Otto and T. Bereziy. The students listened to the senior lecturer S.I. Kurlov with great interest and examined unique specimens of the museum which collected and systematized under the guidance of professor Yu. V. Perezhogin. Students enthusiastically told and asked questions about the plant and animal life of their native land and archaeological finds and the possibilities of new discoveries.

On December 22, 2017 took place the meeting of the rector of the institute Professor Abil E.A. with the students living in the hostel. During the meeting were raised the social questions, were discussed living conditions in the hostel. The rector shared with plans of the administration about carrying out in the next year of major repair of the hostel. The meeting took place in an informal context. During the conversation, students asked the rector questions about the living conditions, about the timetable of holding examinations.

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