On November 27, 2017 in the assembly hall of the Kostanay state teacher training college for the purpose of prevention of crimes among young people, there took place the meeting with representatives of law enforcement agencies the inspector on protection of public order Sarsenbayeva M.A. and local police inspector Shpikin A.V. During the meeting representatives of law enforcement agencies explained to students of our institute about their rights, also what crimes are committed by most of young people of higher educational institutions in society.

On November 28, 2017, curatorial hour was devoted to the "Day of the First President", in which 21 students of the philological faculty of the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages". There were 20 students and the teachers of the Foreign Languages ​​Department Rahmetova A.A, Burmagina L.A, Doshchanova B.M. Within the framework of the event, students Popova P., Tankibaeva D., Almuchanbetova S., Abilova S., Dolgushkina A. acquainted those present with the biography and the formation of the President as the Leader of the Nation.

On 27st November students of the first year of the specialty "Russian language and literature" with the curator Matershova A. I. was held a curatorial hour on the theme "Nursultan Nazarbayev - the leader of nation". Students prepared presentations and videos. They paid attention to the political, economic and cultural activities of the first president. The projects realizing the program "Ruhani Jangyrou" were noted in Kostanay region. The problems of preserving the national identity, the transition to the Latin alphabet, the education of a competitive youth were discussed.

On November 24-26 in the city of Taraz there passed the XIV Republican meeting "The alliance of students of Kazakhstan". From our institute participated the student ІІІ Shaislamov Aziz's course and the student ІІ the course Halykova Camilla. The explanation and implementation of basic provisions of article of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev «Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру» and ways of implementation of the Latin alphabet among youth. Also students were informed of the work plan regional "Alliance of students of Kazakhstan".

According to the work plan of the I.Altynsarin Center at the chair of pedagogy of KSPU on November 22-25, there was an active intellectual QUEST game "Explorer: hidden tips" (a trip to the institutions and the street of the city named after Ibrai Altynsarin) (further QUEST). QUEST was organized to develop the intellectual and creative potential of the individual by improving the skills of active research behavior, developing research abilities and the ability to work in a team. In the QUEST were 4 teams of 5 people, consisting of students 1-4 courses KSPU.During the game, participants attended five stations: the regional memorial museum of Ibrai Altynsarin, the boarding school for gifted children named after I.Altynsarin, the regional library for children and youth named after I.Altynsarin, the memorial complex of Ibrai Altynsarin and the street named after I.Altynsarin.

Students of faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism not only carry out the training program on the specialties, but also increase the professional level, leaving on training camps and on competitions of different level. So, Krestova Anastasia, the student 3 courses of specialty "Physical culture and sport" have taken the 3rd place on the international World Cup on short track which passed in Seoul (South Korea). So, Krestova Anastasia, the student 3 courses of specialty "Physical culture and sport" have taken the 3rd place on the international World Cup on short track which passed in Seoul (South Korea). As it is reported on the website of National Olympic Committee on November 23 after the termination of a series of the World Cup stages, the International Union of Skaters of ISU has distributed quotas in short track for participation in the XXIII winter Olympic Games of 2018 in Pyeongchang.

On November 24, 2017 students of the KSPI took active part in a flash mob, organized in support of a republican youth student's action "Adal Bol” The flashmob was held at the initiative of Department of the Agency on affairs of public service and to anti-corruption across the Kostanay region together with Management concerning youth policy of akimat of the Kostanay region. The event purpose was forming of anti-corruption culture in the student's environment.

On November 24, the students of KSPI 21 of the philological faculty of the specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages" of the 1-4th courses (50 people), who study German like the main foreign language and second FL, visited in the Kostanai Regional Philharmonic named after E. Umurzakov in honor of the 25 years of diplomatic relations between Kazakhstan and Germany. The opening speech was delivered by German ambassador Rolf Mafael Deputy who designated importance and need of a learning of foreign languages.

On November 23-24, 2017 at the philological faculty the senior teacher of the chair of foreign languages Balzhanova A.M. held the olympiad on the English language among the students of the 3d course (specialty "Foreign language: two foreign languages"). The olympiad consisted of two rounds and included listening, speaking, writing, reading tasks. The goal of the olympiad: to control the level of students` knowledge of the lexical, grammatical material, skills of reading and understanding the text content, speaking, listening, writing skills.

On 24st November meeting of students of the first year of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" with photographer Veronika Preobrazhenskaya and the head of reconstruction historical club «Temir Tumen» Mikhail Guta was organized. Veronica Preobrazhenskaya is one of the best photographers in the world (by the version of the largest design website www.deviantart.com). She is a winner in the category "The Best Creative Blog" (by the version yvision.kz and Kazakhstan Association of Internet development and resources).

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