From November 15 to November 19 to Seoul (South Korea) there took place the kettlebell sport World Cup. The student of the 2nd course of specialty "Physical culture and sport" of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute, the Master of Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kangash Ilya have taken the 1st place. Ilya acted in weight category up to 95 kg. Preparation for this World Cup was systematic, so Ilya was a silver prize-winner of the World Cups already three times. Thus the victory was deserved and fair. We congratulate Ilya and we wish sporting and educational achievements.

During the period from November 17 to November 18 at Faculty of fizicheky culture, sport and tourism among students of specialty "Tourism" there underwent the subject Olympic Games for the purpose of improvement of educational and nonlearning work of students, development of their creative abilities and activization of scientific activity and also creation of conditions for disclosure of professional and personal potential and self-realization. The coordinator of the Olympic Games is Ogiyenko I.V., the senior teacher of department of TIPFKSIT. Also members of department of TIPFKSIT – Ogiyenko N.A. have been involved in this action., Malshakova V.V., Gurskaya I.F., Pletnyova A.G., Shkvarenko N.S., Kudarov R.E. Applications for participation in the Olympic Games have given 6 commands, it has been allowed before participation - 5 teams.

In November 2017 teachers of the Department of Pedagogy Ph.D. Shumeiko T.S., Shalgimbekova A.B., Ph.D. Mnaidarova S.S in cooperation with the IPC PR in the Kostanay region of the FAO NRCK "Dearly" in conducting regional training courses in the program "Development of the professional competence of the teacher in the subject" Art work "conducted classes based on professionally oriented situations and aimed at creating a holistic view of the pedagogical process in the face of personalized education.The modern teacher needs to be competitive, be able to position oneself in a dynamic educational environment.

In the KSPI, there took place the action devoted to the International Students' Day. In the assembly hall of the institute, forces of students - members of Alliance of students of KSPI, prepared a festive action with the invitation of graduates of the last years which are nowadays working in different education, cultures, public service, etc. Students of our institute are initiators of the Kazakh KVN-go of the movement in our region. The festive action opened a performance of students vocalists who performed a modern mix of 15 songs.

British Council launched a project for Needs Analysis in the sphere of English teachers training in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan in November, 2017. 26 Universitiesfrom the two countries were selected as the premises for the data collection. Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute and Foreign Languages Chair were one of the participating parties. Marina Kudritskaya was selected on competitive basis as the British Council Ambassador for carrying out the project in this Institute. She was responsible for observing two classes with their subsequent analysis, and facilitating two Focus Group Discussions: one with teachers and one with students.

In November 2017 on the Department of Russian Language and Literature was held a competition of essays on the topic "Patriotism and the spiritual revival of young students" 45 students of the first year took part in the competition. The goals of the competition: To reveal the modern problems of patriotism. To convey the patriotic idea To determine principles and values ​​patriotism on modern understanding. Kaliyeva Aruzhan and Utegenov Khazret took the first place, Sarsenbiyeva Sayagul, Bultrikova Ayim took the second place, Alpyspaev Olzhas took the third place.

On 17st November the regional stage of the Republican competition of research works and creative projects "Zerde" was held in district №18,. The head of the section of the Russian language, literature and English was the head of the department of Russian Language and Literature of KSPI Pchelkina Т.R. The interesting topics were related to the issues of multilingualism, works of applied nature, interesting methods of studying foreign languages were noted. A high grade was awarded to a pupil of the 6th grade of the secondary school.

On 17st November a meeting of the problem group "Creativity of Russian-Speaking Writers of Kazakhstan" (headed by Ph.D. Pchelkina T.R) was held. The students of 1-2 courses actively worked . They acquainted with the draft versions of the work on creation of the little-studied writers of Kazakhstan. This work is carried out within the framework of N.Nazarbayev's program article "A look into the future: modernization of public consciousness". The students listened the performances of Shvets A., Umanskaya A., Konovalova K.

An annual tradition was the work of pedagogical group "Rovesnik" for the training of first-year students to future professional activity. The purpose of the squad is focused on creating the conditions for the formation of an active, professionally competent personality of a future teacher; it is also conducive to the creative approach to organization of educational work. Freshmen actively involved in the work. In the process of work and cooperation, the students were socialized and adaptation. Participating in the work of the three groups, were able to familiarize with active methods of the organization of pupils; to carry out the fulfillment of personal potential; to deepen professional interests and orientation of the individual.

On November 16, the professional group of KSPI left to Zhitikara. We formed a team from among employees of selection committee, teachers of natural and mathematical, social and humanitarian and psychology and pedagogical faculties and also students of institute – graduates of schools of Zhitikara 2016-2017. To render the help and assistance in the choice of specialty and also to attract future entrants in institute, we visited high schools #2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 12 and a gymnasium, covered professional oriented work about 200 people.

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