November 10, 2017 in a student dormitory pedagogical institute was held a meeting of students enrolled in the program "Serpyn - 2050" with the experts of the office for religious Affairs of the Kostanay region. At the meeting were explained in detail the state policy of Kazakhstan in the field of religion. The speakers also touched upon the causes of young people from engaging in destructive religious movements, what effects they have in a young person's life. At the end of the meeting the students received answers to their questions.

In modern Kazakhstan the strengthening and development of spiritual rebirth is the unifying and strengthening beginning. Top priorities should be the spirit of patriotism, spirit of updating, consistency and victory. The head of state in the article "a look into the future: the modernization of public consciousness" concept outlined the political course of the country and boldly presented the priorities in the field of education, including in the sphere of education of the new Kazakhstan patriotism. The solution of this problem today is the Foundation of success multinational and multi-confessional state. Higher education institutions are active agents of the President N. Nazarbayev in the sphere of ethnic policy and ethnic and cultural education, supporting the work of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan in this direction.

On November 9, during the working visit to Kostanay region, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev visited the Academy of Power Sports. Among the organizers of the meeting with the President was the senior lecturer of the chair, Honored Coach of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Powerlifting Igor Shilov. At the meeting weightlifters from several districts of the region, and the city of Kostanay were represented. The meeting was also attended by four-time world weightlifting champion Ilya Ilyin.

With a presentation of themselves in training "Doll" started School mediation and public diplomacy at the Department of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan on 8 November 2017. This lesson, as usual, was held in the form of training on the theme of "Tools of mediation". Coach was a senior lecturer in psychology Bisembaeva Assem Kumarovna. In class the students spent the building games "Stream", "Hold on to the newspaper" "Two heads". These games provided an opportunity to observe the behavior of each person in the group and in a conflict situation.

On 8 st November students of the third year of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" took part in the international online conference "Kazakhstan-Russia: Reading Without Borders" in the library. N. Ostrovsky. Participants of the conversation were the librarians, Head of Department of Russian Language and Literature, Ph.D. T.R. Pchelkina, public figure and member of the Russian Union of Writers A. Alferov, students. They told about the culture of the two countries. Positive tendencies of the intercultural space were noted. The participants of the conference emphasized the importance of program " Ruhani zhangyru".

All know that vocational guidance represents a complex of special measures of assistance to the person in professional self-determination and the choice of an optimum type of employment taking into account his requirements and opportunities and also formation of competence at him at orientation and adaptation in labor market taking into account a social and economic situation. High school … A hard time for graduates of schools. All this vanity with delivery of the state certification and uniform national testing, preparation to final, and the most important - needs to be chosen profile objects of CNT and approximately already to have an idea of future profession and HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION...

Within the contract of cooperation of KGPI of department the natural of sciences with ID "Sevkaznedra" on November 6, 2017 students of 1 course of specialty "Geography" according to the plan of work of Sayakhat club under the leadership of teachers, the master of geography Zhusupova A.U., Baymaganbetova B.B., an asset of club of students of specialty "Geography" 3 courses have visited the Geological museum ID "Sevkaznedra" located to Kostanay. The excursion purpose – to acquaint students with a variety of rocks, minerals, minerals of the Kostanay region.

One of the stablest at institute is the staff of faculty of physical culture. sport and tourism. Ryaskin Victor who has celebrated on November 6 the 70-year anniversary treats old residents of faculty! Ryaskin Victor Mikhaylovich works at the Kostanay state pedagogical institute since 1971 from the moment of the termination of the Kazakh state institute of physical culture in Almaty in physical culture and sport - the basketball coach. Long time I worked as the teacher, from 1992 to 2000 I worked as the head of the department of sports disciplines. In 1986 to Ryaskin Victor Mikhaylovich the rank of the Honored trainer of Kazakhstan is given. In 1987 the rank "Excellent Student of Education of Kazakhstan" is given.

On November 6, 2017, within the framework of the "Ruhani zharyrou" program, the Department of Natural Sciences hosted a round table "Modern Education and Natural Science Disciplines".

The goal is to discuss an updated secondary education program in natural disciplines. The tasks of the event are to organize discussion of the updated program by the Methodists of the Department and the students of the final courses, to analyze and discuss the techniques of the development of natural science literacy in chemistry lessons.

On November 3, 2017 has taken place the rewarding of participants of the training seminar “Increase in theological and legal literacy of members of council of public consent of APK of all levels”. One of its participants was the student of the 4th course of specialty “Russian and Literature” of philological faculty Rakhimzhanova Diana. Here, in the House of Friendship, was the meeting with the famous poetess of Kostanay Suslova of A.I. The student works on the diploma paper connected with the creativity of the Kostanay authors under the leadership of the senior teacher of the department Mustakimova G. V.

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