On October 20 in the building of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region there has taken place the total meeting of Heads and Members of regional informational-explanatory group on religion questions at which the results of the work have been summed up and plans of work for the next year have been stipulated. The best members of IEG have been encouraged. The report on summing up work of IEG for 2017 and tasks for the forthcoming 2018 was made by the Head of MPI “Center of researches of religious problems” at Department for religions and civil society of the Kostanay region Nugurbekov N.K., who has expressed special gratitude for the done work of IEG of KSGI – the Center of religious studies.

“I want to learn to build the relations without the conflicts”, “I want to learn more about relationship of people”, “I just like psychology”, “For self-development I want to learn methods of mediation”, etc. - such wishes were told by listeners and guests of School of Mediation and National Diplomacy on the second class which were given on October 18, 2017 on the basis of Department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan at the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. We will remind that opening of School of Mediation and National Diplomacy has taken place in February, 2017.

Students of KSPI have taken active part a republican festival of the innovative ideas "Zhastar - Otanga" held by Bolashak association with assistance of the Ministry of affairs of religions and civil society of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The republican festival of the innovative ideas "Zhastar - Otanga" is one of instruments of realization and promotion of state programs of the Head of state, including the Digital Kazakhstan-2020 program. Main objectives and problems of this competition are: assistance to development of business activity and employment of the population, business thinking of youth; improvement of quality of life of the population by introduction of digital technologies.

18.10.2017 department of pedagogics collaboratively with the Centre for Y. Altynsarin studying held a competition of the research works devoted  to 175 the anniversary since the birth of the great Kazakh teacher-educator Ybray Altynsarin. The purpose of the competition was an exchange of experience on studying pedagogical heritage of Y. Altynsarin and realization his ideas in the modern education system. The competition took place on five nominations. Students of all faculties took the fissile part, over 20 works have been presented. Winners have been awarded with monetary prizes. We congratulate our students with prize-winning places and we wish further success and victories!

From October 02 to October 18, 2017 deputy dean of psychology and pedagogical faculty Alipbayeva G.A. decade on prevention of a healthy lifestyle has been organized and spent. These days curator hours on the subject "We for HLS ", meetings, trainings have been spent. Meetings of students with representatives of MU of "The Kostanay regional center for problems of formation of a healthy lifestyle" of the manager of preventive department Naukenova R. M., the psychologist of this center Kokandova I. G. became one of the main actions. Representatives of HLS have held a number of lectures for students of 1 - 3 courses on hot topics such as: "A balanced diet and health", "Prevention of ARVD and ARI", "Addictions", "Prevention of early pregnancy".

October 17 in the audience A-201 held a talent contest "Become a star" among students of the Faculty of Physical Education, Sports and Tourism. The organizers of the competition are students of the 4th year of the specialty "Tourism". Students of 1, 2 and 3 courses have participated in a competition. There are: Egizbay Almas –1 course specialty "Physical educationand sport", a song; Pokhilyuk Alexander – the 2nd course specialty "Physical education and sport", an art word and other.

On October 16 on regional TV channel “Alau” in the broadcast “Көкейтесті сұхбат” has taken place the meeting with Candidate of Chemistry, professor of KSPI Abdykalikova Kalimash Akhatovna. On the eve of the holiday “Teachers’ Day” several teachers of the institute have been awarded with I. Altynsarin’s medal. Among them – Kalimash Akhatovna, who has worked at this institute more than 40 years. During the conversation the journalist has asked questions about the changes in a modern educational system. In particular have been raised the questions about trilingualism, interest in natural sciences and scientific research in the field of chemistry.

Cooperation with the Center of adaptation of minors for the Kostanay region became a good tradition for students of specialty "Pedagogic and Psychology" at the head the senior teacher of department of psychology and defectology Kairova B.K. So, on October 15, 2017 within a decade "We for HLS" the next time students of specialty "Pedagogic and Psychology" of the Kazakh department have visited this center. Students for children from the center have organized interesting outdoor games, trainings, they together sang songs and danced. Cheerful games, pleasant music made active creative abilities of children, they read verses too, sang songs, and the boy by the name of Denis, has masterly played on a dombra having pleasantly surprised students.

On October 14 on the basis of Rudniy High School № 19 has taken place the regional debate tournament devoted to the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev “Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру”. The tournament was held within the state social order of SI “Department of Internal Policy of Akimat of the Kostanay Region”, the organizer of which was KRB “Жас Отан”. The tournament has gathered 16 teams from different districts of the region.

The 1st year student of the specialty "Physical education and Sport" Lipokurov Arthur took part in the Championship of the Republic of Kazakhstan in artistic gymnastics, which was held on October 9-14, 2017 in Almaty. In the all-round sports gymnastics such kinds as: gymnastic rings, supporting jump, parallel bars, crossbeam. Participants from Almaty, Astana, South Kazakhstan, Shymkent and Kostanay took part in the competitions.

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