Here both vacation ended and there came the next academic year. Traditionally he began with the celebratory assembly devoted to Knowledge Day. The come academic year for KSPI became fruitful. To us 12 first-year students who graduated school perfectly well and 22 persons – owners arrived. With the congratulatory speech, the action was opened by the rector of the institute, Professor E.A.Abil. He handed the certificate on a rank of "The honorable educator" to the dean of philological faculty PhD in Philosophy of Essirkepova K.K. the Certificate of honor of MAUN RK were awarded PhD in Philosophy Mamiyeva B.O., and N of Bekmambetova M.Zh.

On October 17, 2016 a meeting of the supervisory board took place in Kostanay state pedagogical institute, which included famous people of Kostanay region, who are involved in various fields of activity. The meeting was also attended by vice minister of education and science of Republic of Kazakhstan Suhanberdieva Elmira Amangeldievna, who unanimously was elected as the chairman of the supervisory board.

At the faculty of Additional education at the Kostanay state pedagogic institute, from May 29 to June 10, 2017 for teachers of colleges and schools, have completed 2 weeks advanced training courses on the theme: "Modern approaches in training of younger school students in the conditions of updating content education". In the context of this subject, questions innovative processes in primary education in the conditions of modernization, active methods and innovative technologies of training at elementary school, information and communication technologies, were considered.

On June 6, 2017, at 14:00 in the conference room of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, an international round table was held on the topic "Education and Education in the Universities of the Commonwealth Countries in the Period of the Global Crisis: Spiritual and Moral Aspects." The organizers were the Department of Preschool and Primary Education of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute and the Department of Practical and Special Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. The round table was attended by teachers of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education of KSPI and the Department of Practical and Special Psychology of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University.

At the faculty of additional education at Kostanay state pedagogical institute from May 22 to June 3, 2017, for teachers of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS, colleges and schools have completed 2 weeks advanced training courses on a subject: " students' critical thinking development". In the context of this subject questions of philosophy of a project "critical thinking development through reading and writing", effective methods of collective learning, modern technologies and techniques of work for the development of critical thinking of students were considered. The leading teachers of Institute gave a practical training, master classes, consultations and group discussions.

For two weeks teachers and the staff of institute increased the English language level at summer language school based on the Polylingual Centtr of KSPI. Fascinating occupations in the easy atmosphere and immersion in the English language allowed achieving good results in studying English. In training process listeners were engaged by different techniques, gained the new knowledge necessary in professional activity, and also felt more confident in use of English as communication language.

On May 25, 2017 based on the Eurasian national university of L. N. Gumilev, APK department of KSPI, the Center of the humanitarian researches "Eurasia" and the department of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of ENU of L. N. Gumilev, held the International academic and research conference "New names and the facts in the history of mass political repressions in Kazakhstan and Western Siberia in the 1920-1950th", devoted to the 80 anniversary of the beginning of mass political repressions, dated for the Day of remembrance of the hunger and political repressions' victims. This subject is especially important in the light of program article of the Head of the country N. A. Nazarbayev "The prospection: modernization of public consciousness" in which an important priority is "studying of the regional history, recovery of cultural and historical monuments and cultural objects of local scale". The scientific, public figures, teachers and staff of higher education institutions, research establishments who are engaged in studying of this subject participated in the conference.

May 21, 2017 in the student house of the Institute teachers of the Faculty of History and Arts in the discussion and implementation of the article “Looking into the Future: Modernization of Public Consciousness” the event “Touhan zherge tuyn tikken tulkalar” was organized. The purpose of this event was to familiarize students with the main priorities of this article, explaining the importance of adopting programs and implementing projects aimed at improving the consciousness of Kazakhstanis. The students of the Faculty of History of Kazakhstan, candidate of historical sciences O.I. Isenov with the lecture “Ruhani zhanyrou - jandanda zhadaidai zaman talaba”, who cited examples from the pages of history, explained the need to modernize the consciousness of the modern citizen of Kazakhstan.

May 20, 2017 in the lecture hall 205 curator of the group master of history Abenov D.E. organized and held a curatorial hour with students of the third year of the specialty “History” on the theme “A new ideological platform in N. Nazarbayev's program article “A look into the future: Modernization of public consciousness”. The aim was to clarify the main provisions, principles and projects outlined in the program article of the President. During the curatorial hour, students watched a video about the transition to the Latin alphabet, and also expressed their views on this issue. Students were given the task to develop their projects aimed at the development of our society, which needed to be protected.

On May 19, 2017, the head of the department of cultural and mass and educational work Aysina Sulushash Temirtayevna participated in the II International conference "Academic Honesty and Management of the University", organized by Higher School of Economics of the KAZSYuU University together with Nazarbayev University. Creation of the platform for the exchange of experience of researchers and practicians, discussion of the best international practices and conceptualization of new strategy for the development of the academic honesty became the purpose of a conference.

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