On 15 May at the Polylingual centre of the Faculty of additional education, English summer school began to work. Within English summer school, about 40 teachers and employees of KSPI have an opportunity to increase the level of English by means of immersion in the atmosphere of the English language. The lessons are daily, with the use of computer technologies and innovative techniques of teaching.

May 17, 2017 y. at the meeting of the Department of Fine Arts has been discussed article of the President, "Looking to the future: modernization of public consciousness" from April 12, 2017 y. The condition of the third modernization of Kazakhstan launched two upgrade processes - political reform and economic modernization. Processes the data based on the realization of 6 projects: the phased transition of the Kazakh language to the Latin alphabet, "New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language "Tugan jer", "Spiritual shrines of Kazakhstan", "Modern Kazakh Culture in a Globalized World", "100 new people of Kazakhstan." In the light of the phased implementation of the program highlighted the role of the fifth of the "Modern Kazakh culture in a globalized world." In this direction, the research group of teachers of the Department of Fine Arts is working on scientific projects realized in the framework of the grant funding of the Ministry of Education and Science.

On the period of 15-16th, May, 2017 the Project meeting on ACADEMICA took place in Samarkand Agricultural Institute (Samarkand, Uzbekistan). Representatives of fifteen partner institutions (Bulgaria, Italy, Spain, Austria, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan) took part at this meeting sharing their data and work packages as well as institutional and national reports on the stage 1 phase of the project. Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute within the framework of this project was represented by: a project manager - dean of Faculty of natural sciences, candidate of technological sciences, Sukhov Mikhail Vasilievich, head of the educational and methodical department, candidate of pedagogical sciences, Kifik Natalia Yurievna and senior teacher of department of foreign languages, master of pedagogy and psychology, Danilova Victoria Valeryevna.

May 11, 2017 y. in the Department of Arts Kostanai Regional Juvenile Library. Y.Altynsarin the opening of a solo exhibition 3 rd year student of the specialty "Fine arts and drawing" Temirbekova Zhibek "Sorceress watercolor." Temirbekova J. participant of the International children's festival "Children are painting the world. Central Asia "(Almaty), the regional competition" My native land "(third place), the Republican contest" My Kazakhstan "(third place), the international competition in Togliatti, the regional competition of young artists nominal Novoselova Yew Prize .D. (2016 y.).

On May 4, 2017 at the department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, there took place the ceremony of certificates delivery of the first release of School of mediation and national diplomacy of the department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, the faculty of Additional education. Participated in a ceremony of delivery the vice rector for scientific work and strategic development of KSPI, Professor Akhmetov Tlegen Almukhanovich. Bogatyrev Sergey Alekseyevich is the president of "Association of Mediators of the Kostanay Region"; Kozhakhmetov Alpys Kabdenovich is the acting head of KSU “Қоғамдық келісім” of the Kostanay region's akimat, Kravchenko Olga Sergeyevna is a lawyer of KSU “Қоғамдық келісім” of the Kostanay region's akimat; Karbenova Zaure Urazbekovna – Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences professor of Russian and literature department of KSPI.

On May 4, at the department of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, there passed the round table "Mediation in Kazakhstan: urgent problems and the prospects of development" within the delivery of certificates to students of the School of mediation and national diplomacy took place. Action purpose: to reveal urgent problems and the prospects of development of mediation in Kazakhstan, to study experience of the Kostanay region in preparation of professional mediators, to define problems in legislative and legal base in the sphere of mediation and documentation of meditative process.

On May 4, the Center of the interethnic and interfaith studying relations in the Central Asian region of the Academy of public administration at the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – working body of the Scientific advisory council of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan (further - SAC of APK) in the mode of a webinar held an expert meeting of NES of ANC on discussion of program article of the President of state "The prospection: modernization of public consciousness". The dialogue platform of a webinar was located at department of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of KSPI; the representatives of scientific and expert group of Regional Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region had an opportunity to participate in this action.

May 1 – is a Day of the unity of the people of Kazakhstan. Annually we celebrate this holiday which is an indicator of the unity of the nationalities which are amicably living in one country. Guarantee of economic and political stability in Kazakhstan is the wise policy of Nursultan Nazarbayev. Exactly thanks to his efforts it is created and the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan which activity is directed to implementation and promotion of the national patriotic idea. Traditionally this holiday is celebrated by universal carrying out the demonstration.

On April 28, 2017 in Kostanay state pedagogical institute has undergone the regional seminar “The problems and prospects of three-lingual education development”. The goal of the seminar: prospects of development discussion and practical solutions of problems in the trilingual education field in Kostanay region, exchange of experience and establishment of scientific and business contacts. Organizers: The polylingual centre and KSPI educational and methodical management, the moderator – is Kifik Natalya Yurevna, the head of KSPI educational and methodical management, the candidate of pedagogical sciences.

April 28, 2017 y. (10:30) senior teacher of the specialty "Fine Arts and Drawing" Jusupova D.Zh. An open lesson was held on the discipline "Methods of teaching drawing", 3 year, laboratory class. The theme of the open lesson: "Methods of project activity on the example of a lesson on the theme" Graphic image of an assembly drawing of a musical instrument - kobyz ". During the lesson, the teacher used the method of project training: the customer was given a task to make a drawing of the kobyz, after which the students had to perform a graphic drawing in the course of a team work for 20 minutes. At the end of the lesson, the students' work was evaluated and reflection was carried out.

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