On April 27, 2016, the "Job Fair-2017" was taken place at Kostanay state pedagogical institute with the aim of employing graduates of the current year. Representatives of four city and 14 district departments of education, school principals, representatives of colleges of Kostanay, directors and methodologists of preschool institutions, representatives of Zhaksinsk district of Akmola region took part in this fair. In the program of the fair, the head of the teaching and methodical department Kifik Natalia Yuryevna and the methodologist of the Personnel management service of the administration of education of the Akimat of Kostanay region Esmagambetova Gulbana Yermekovna made a welcoming speech. Nurusheva Aliya Balgabaevna, the head of the department of employment and marketing of educational programs of KSPI acquainted students and employers with the Decree of the Government of Republic of Kazakhstan №390 of March 30, 2012 as amended on May 13, 2016 "Approval of the Rules for sending a specialist to work, granting the right to independent employment, the duty or termination of the duty to work for citizens who have been trained on the basis of the state educational order. "

The 25 anniversary of Armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan on April 27, 2017 in KGPI there has taken place the colorful and spectacular action. In the assembly hall overflowed to the full fans from faculties supported by a rough applause the representatives. Among the audience – students, parents, relatives and friends of participants. The action is organized with the assistance of Alyans of students of Kostanay, student's Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan by KGPI. For participation in a competition 11 applications from among students of institute have been submitted.

On April 26, 2017 the associate professor of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, the doctor of Ph.D. Kozybayeva Makhabbat Malikovna participated in the action devoted to the celebration the Day of the unity of the Kazakhstan people in the Kostanay regional local history museum. M. M. Kozybayeva report was devoted to a role of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan in modernization of public consciousness. She noted the fact that in the same time in Astana in the Palace of Peace and Reconciliation there takes place the XXV session of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan with the agenda "Stability, unity, consent –is a modernization basis". Exactly today after several stages economic modernization comes a problem of modernization of public consciousness in the 21st century to the forefront. Also fundamental article of the Leader Nation of N. Nazarbayev "A prospection is devoted to this subject: modernization of public consciousness".

On April 24-25, 2017 manager of the museum Karina G.A. and students of a museum circle have held the festive events devoted to a great Victory Day. The guest of honor professor and the author of the book "We from War" of Thorny I.K. has been invited to a holiday. Despite rainy weather, Ivan Kondratyevich has arrived to a meeting – he was waited by young students who want to learn more about history of the institute and teachers. The action has begun with the video about war, the chronicle about teachers, about blockade, about war bombings, about dedication of the great people and courage of adults and children was shown further.

On April 20, 2017, the occupation of the School of mediation and national diplomacy of department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan took place in the House of friendship of KSU "Қоғамдық келісім". Guests were welcomed by the professional mediators of an office of mediation –the lawyer Olga Kravchenko and the psychologist Marina Navoyeva. The goal is to designate specifics of carrying out mediation in labor disputes which often are an integral part of labor relations. Students of institute – are the students of the school of mediation and national diplomacy and teachers participated in the action: the dean of the faculty of the additional education, S. V. Samarkin managing department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, O. N.Evdokimova, associate professor of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, doctor of PhD M. M. Kozybayeva.

On April 19, 2017 management on social and educational work has organized a meeting of students of psychology and pedagogical faculty with the chief of the department concerning youth policy of Akimat of the Kostanay region Alimzhanovy K.G. Meeting has taken place at department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan. A meeting subject – about work on realization of youth policy of RK, about state programs on social support of youth. At a meeting there was also a leading expert of the Agency on affairs of civil service and to anti-corruption Eslamov R.S.

During the period from April 10 to 14, 2017, in Kostanay state pedagogical institute, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan carried out an inspection to determine the compliance with licensing requirements at the university level. The commission consisted of highly qualified specialists representing the Committee for control and supervision in education and science of the Ministry of education and science of Republic of Kazakhstan, deans, heads of departments, professors and associate professors of leading universities of Republic of Kazakhstan. During the verification period, the commission carefully read all the institute's documentation, starting with the student contingent, completing all the personal records of teaching staff. The material and technical base of the Institute, the entire auditor fund, workshops, sports facilities, laboratory facilities, information and library fund were studied.

On April 13, 2017, there took place exit occupation of the School of mediation and national diplomacy of the department of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan KSPI in Association of mediators of the Kostanay region (APK). The purpose is to study the experience of APK in the preparation of professional mediators, to fix theoretical knowledge of mediation, of the legislative and legal base in the sphere of mediation and documentation of the mediate process. Guests were welcomed by employees of APK: the president of APK, a mediator Bogatyrev Sergey Alekseevich, the psychologist, the trainer mediator Zuev Igor Aleksandrovich, the practicing lawyer Sobolev Vadim Nikolaevich. Students of the school of mediation, and also teachers of institute participated: S. V. Samarkin – the dean of the faculty of additional education, O. N. Evdokimova –the manager of the department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, M. M. Kozybayeva is the doctor of Ph.D., the associate professor of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan, and also KSU mediators “Қоғамдық келісім " – Olga Kravchenko and Marina Navoyeva.

"Youth and labor union - the strategy of the future" - under such name on April 13, 2017 to Kostanay the Republican seminar on generalization of work experience of Association of the trade-union organizations of students of HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS and colleges of regional committee of labor union of educators and science of the Kostanay region started. At the end of the first working day, participants of a seminar are representatives of youth from all areas of the Republic, visited the Kostanay state teacher training college. The vice-chairman of the trade-union committee of KSPI Zhukeyeva D. B. made the report "Organizational and information work of trade-union committee – the key to success of the trade-union organization".

February 29, 2016 у. in the House of students KGPI 4 th year student of the specialty " Fine arts and drawing " under the direction of the curator of the group of senior lecturer E.A. Hamilin master class was conducted by arts and crafts «Origami their own hands». The event was dedicated to the celebration of International Women's Day - 8 March . Students of the Faculty of History and Art has made a composition for the decoration of the room in anticipation of the holiday .

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