On October 13, 2017 in the informational-library center has passed evening – a portrait “Қазақ әдебиетінің алып тұлғасы” devoted to the 90 anniversary of the Professor of Kazakh language and Literature Department of the Institute of Philology and Polylingual education in Abai KazNPU, the honored worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the owner of the state award of Kazakhstan, the honored worker of science of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, the Honourable worker of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Academician of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Doctor of Philology, Professor Serik Smailovich Kirabayev.

On October 13, 2017 at natural and mathematical faculty the club of bedvechers "Fifi" by annual tradition has held an event for celebration of the World Day of the Crane. Students of specialty "Biology" have got acquainted with this holiday of the ecological calendar, with rare and endangered species of cranes. Cranes is one of the most beautiful birds living on our planet Earth. On east beliefs, souls of nice soldiers turn into these birds, proud fallen in fights. This international holiday is devoted to protection of such beautiful birds who are included in the Red List.

On October 13, 2017 in a Conference Room of KSPI there has passed the round table " Болашаққа бағдар: рухани жаңғыру бағдарламасы – болашақтың темір қазығы»" in which took part teaching staff of institute and students. Chief of project office Balgabayeva G.Z. has explained to participants of the round table about importance, relevance and the need with joint efforts to realize basic provisions of program article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. A. Nazarbayev "A prospection: modernization of public consciousness".

In today' era the importance and dominance of the English language cannot be discounted at any level of education starting from the lowest to the highest level of learning. Proficiency in the English Language fulfils the dreams of the learners and helps them achieve professional success in the field of science and technology. Designing appropriate curriculum is quintessential to cater to the increasing demands of the learners to apply the skills that they have learnt in professional contexts.

For early vocational guidance of gifted pupils of schools of area on October 12 the current year by the Center of pre-university preparation and academic mobility of the KSPI together with the regional scientific and practical center "Kostanay-Daryny" has held the Junior olympiad on mathematics and informatics for pupils of 5-8 classes. The olympiad took place on the basis of KSPI. Pupils of boarding school for exceptional children of I. Altynsarin have taken part in her 101 pupils from 12 areas and the cities and also.

For the second time the School of Mediation and national diplomacy opens doors and invites everyone to their classes. This time we invite not only students of our higher education institution, but also school students of the city of Kostanay. In a format of a round table on October 12, 2017 at department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan there has taken place opening of the second year of training. With welcome speech has addressed guests the dean of Social and humanitarian faculty Shakhaman Z.B. which has told about need of knowledge of bases of mediation for the modern young man and the expert.

On October 12, the group Russian Language and Literature - 31, together with the curator of the Department of Russian Language and Literature Koval O.V. within the framework of the program «Spiritual renewal» held a curatorial hour on the theme «Spiritual renewal: future orientation» to discuss the program article of the Head of State "Prospection: Modernizing of the Public Consciousness ". Students prepared reports and videos.The articles of the Head of State were considered.A separate aspect was the projects offered by N. Nazarbayev.The students discussed that the transition to the Latin alphabet is timely and responds to the challenges of the era, and it is also the first step in bringing the language closer to world culture.

This year a summer student's Universiade Mr. Taldy-Korgan accepts the Zhetysusky state university of I. Zhansugurov. On their base free-style wrestling, sambo, boxing, judo competitions of students, to archery, rugby, beach volleyball and weightlifting are held. The Kostanay state teacher training college has participated in free-style wrestling and sambo competitions which took place on the basis of the Zhetysu state university during the period from October 8 to October 11.

On October 9, 10, 11, 2017, the discussion of the President N.A. Nazarbayev's article has taken place. The theme was - "Prospection:  the modernization of public consciousness" with students of the first course of all the specialties of the faculty of Additional and Distance education of KSPI. The head of the design office of KSPI is G.Z. Balgabayeva has emphasized political and public relevance of society's modernization. G.Z. Balgabayeva has told about the course of implementation of program article by the PPC group of institute and has drawn the attention of the audience to the importance of the program «Туған жер», to formation of the Kazakhstan patriotism.

In recent years startups have around the world gained great popularity. Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute creates necessary conditions for development and support of startups. On October 11, 2017 has taken place the meeting of the vice rector for scientific work and strategic development Akhmetov T. with the deans , heads of departments with students a startup projects and their research supervisors. At this meeting was considered a number of questions: first, a question of possible participation of students in competitions a startup - innovative projects, announced by Bolashak Association with assistance of the Ministry of affairs of religions and civil society of the Republic of Kazakhstan and also the Ministry for Investments and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with JSC National Technological Development Agency.

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