On October 25 at 18:00 o'clock in the main gym of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute the basketball championship among students has completed 1-4 courses. Nine teams fought for the first place and the champion's rank – students of faculties of physical culture, sport and tourism, naturally mathematical faculty, social and humanitarian faculty and the team of teachers led by Samarkin S.V. and Abilmalikovym K.K. On the account of team of teachers two victories. In Michael Jordan and Cobi Bryant, Shaquille O'Neill and Alexander Kirilenko's favourite game, students have shown all the skill of ball handling, physical data, strategic and policy strokes of fight against the rivals.

On October 25, 2017 at department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan in School of mediation and national diplomacy there has taken place the third class on which Smagly Tatyana Ivanovna has told about formulas of the conflicts, the gene of conflicts, rules of conduct in a conflict situation and typical distortions in conflict situations. During the training listeners have played 4 sketches – “In a bus”, “In a dining room”, “In a shop”, “Delay on a class” – which all have been together analyzed then. At the end of the analysis listeners have made a conclusion that the tasks offered for playing are real life situations to which each of us can get.

The multilingualism is an objective cultural and economic requirement. In our country entering into the world community the favorable conditions for studying and distribution of languages are created. Now is recognized as training in languages as the priority direction education updating. In the message of the President to the people of Kazakhstan it is told: "Education reform is one of the major tools, allowing to provide actual competitiveness of Kazakhstan. We need the modern education system corresponding to requirements of economic and public modernization. Our main goal – to attract interest in studying of languages. Multilingualism – a way to the future".

25 October 2017 in the House of students of the pedagogical Institute hosted a round table on the theme: "Looking to the future: the modernization of public consciousness". The organizers of this event were the senior teachers of Department of history of Kazakhstan Elkei N.N., Tastekova G.B. At the round table was the head of the project office of the pedagogical Institute, candidate of historical Sciences, Professor Balgabaeva G.Z., candidate of historical Sciences, associate Professor of Isenov U.I. and students. In the course of events Balgabaeva G.Z. and Isenov U.I. and he expressed his opinion on the implementation and support of the program among young people.

On October 25, 2017 at department of natural sciences of naturally mathematical faculty the presentation of two new divisions has taken place at once: experimental platform "Automation and Computerization of a Chemical Experiment" and "Center of studying of problems of a technique of teaching chemistry". At a meeting of a mini-conference there were students of 1-4 courses and teachers of specialty "Chemistry". Main objectives of divisions are development of the pedagogical and scientific directions in research activity of department and also scientifically research of students intensification in general.

At faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism from this academic year is opened “The volunteer wing”. Within this project on October 25, 2017 the students of the first course of “PhC&S” specialty together with public organization GREEN and council of veterans of the Kostanay region have carried out the action “The Computers are for All Ages!” The students have trained pensioners in skills of use of various popular computer applications! This project is intended on several months and brings the big social importance as for students, as for pensioners.

On October 11, 12, 18 and 24 performances of alternating cast of student’s informational-propaganda group of KSPI “Еркін Пікір” have taken place at school № 16, in Construction College, Road College and The College of Household Service of Kostanay. The alternating cast of the group is presented by 8 volunteers from the first course. They are A. Baymukhambetova, N. Manankov, D. Akpanov, A. Asylbekov, Z. Kadyrov, A. Pak, A. Kazmukhamedova and F. Sadakbayev. In a simple and available play form, by the principle – “equal – equal” they have opened to pupils and students of colleges the mechanism of involvement of new adherents in destructive religious trends.

On October 24, 2017 in the assembly hall of the KSPI "dedication to students - 2017" has been carried out actions. After the ceremonial opening the congratulatory speech was made by the vice rector for the academic work and social problems Musabekova G.A. She has handed the symbolical student ID cards to students of 1 course, owners of the sign "Altyn belgi" to Zyuban Vyacheslav and Edres Togzhan which have made the response speech from all first-year students. Further the action has continued a concert.

On October 23, 2017 the member of student's information and propaganda group of KSPI "Erkin Pikir" of the first structure Ruslan Murzagaliyev has provided seminars and trainings in humanitarian college and schools of Arkalyk, within implementation of socially important projects of the House of Friendship of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region and Association of the practicing psychologists of RK. The scope of actions touched on an extensive circle of socially important issues of our republic.

On October 21, 2017 at faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism the open laboratory research on a subject matter has taken place: "Anatomy, fundamentals of sports morphology", the faculty devoted to the 50 anniversary. This action already became a traditional event for students of 1 course which is conducted in the form of the intellectual game "Anatomic Brain Ring". This game develops in the person intellectual ability, ability correctly and quickly to think, to quickly make decisions. 5 teams have participated in a game: "Skeletos", "Atlas", Helios, "Adrenaline", "Optimists". Students have shown the knowledge in anatomy, coordination, ability to work together and to listen to each other.

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