From September 12 to September 14, 2017 in Aktobe within the 6th Republican rural games «Ақ бидай» the team of the Kostanay region on «Asyk atu» has taken the 1st all-command place. The senior teacher FPCST Kakashev K.T. directed team. Within 6 - x the Republican rural games «Ақ бидай», which were taking place in Aktobe team of the Kostanay region has borrowed 3 – her all-command place on a togyzkumalaka.

On October 10, 2017 students of KSPI have taken part in work of the V conference of the Kostanay regional branch of a youth wing "Zhas Otan". Work of a conference has begun with welcome speech of the deputy akim of the Kostanay region Zhundubayev M.K. Daley made the member of regional council of MK "Zhas Otan" Kakenov A.M. the report "Discussion of program article "A prospection: Modernization of public consciousness", the report on the done work was made by the chairman of the MK "Zhas Otan" Kostanay regional branch at Nur Otan party E. Tuletayev.

We congratulate students of faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism - prize-winners of the championship of the Kostanay region on the kettlebell sport which has passed on October 5-7, 2017 in the city of Kostanay: Kangash Ilya (up to 95 kg) - 1 place, Sysolyatin Oleg (up to 78 kg) - the 2nd place, Boger Dmitry (up to 68 kg) - the 2nd place, Turmin Sergey (up to 85 kg) - the 3rd place, Mishchenkov Nikolay (up to 63 kg) - the 3rd place, Mishchenkov Vasily (up to 73 kg) - the 3rd place.

The Day of European Languages, an annual event was held in Almaty on October 8th, , at which our student of the Philological Faculty of the Chair of Foreign Languages ​​ Elizaveta Belozerskaya attended as a VIP guest. During the event participants could get acquainted with various scholarship programs of foreign universities, visit the language course of German, English, French, Italian, Spanish, Polish language they are interested in, as well as participate in contests and receive valuable prizes, among which was a certificate for free exams IELTS.

In honor of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute for Students and Teachers, the concert of the Daryn Prize laureate, the performer of patriotic songs of Yesskendir Ibrahim, was held. On the initiative of Yesskendir Ibrahim, in order to support young performers, students of the specialty "Musical Education" took part in the concert. The event was held within the framework of the project dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the state symbols of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Youth wing "Zhas Otan" with the PDP "Nur Otan" in the Kostanay region.

The IX summer Universiade among students is held for involvement of youth to regular trainings by physical culture, and sport; strengthenings of educational work and formation of a healthy lifestyle; every possible use of physical culture and sport as an effective remedy of patriotic education of student's youth and also preparation of the Olympic reserve in national teams of the country and national college teams for participation in the World Universiades.

On October 5, 2017 in KSPI the meeting of students of older years of Social and Humanitarian faculty with the acting Head of the department of prevention of corruption of Department for public service across the Kostanay region - Bolat Rustem took place. The principles and methods of against corruption work of Department and also a reception condition on public service were in detail stated to students. Students learned what structure of public service of the RK and what basic laws it is necessary to know at revenues to civil service.

On October 4, 2017 In the regional center the track and field athletics run devoted to Y. Altynsarin's memory of the great Kazakh educator took place. This track and field athletics tournament became a good tradition of the Kostanay region – a lot of years the athletes from all area and not only participates in this tournament. The main distances in a track and field athletics running were: a distance on 2 km, on 6 km and on 20 km. Students of the Kostanay state teacher training college of specialty "Physical culture and sport" participated in a running on 20 km.

On October 3, 2017 on the basis of natural and mathematical faculty of KGPI discussion of article of the President of Kazakhstan Nazarbayev N.A. has taken place: "A Look into the Future: Modernization of Public Сonsciousness". The action has been organized for first-year students, for the purpose of the address to "recruits of faculty" as to future teachers who will have to embody the program of the considered article in reality. During discussion of article the main theses of the program for modernization of new type have been lit.

The senior teacher of department of Pedagogic of KSPI Shalgimbekova Aliya Batyrkhanovna participated as a jury in a regional competition the master - classes of Art teachers "My creative laboratory" which passed in September, 2017. The competition took place two stages and more than 30 teachers participated in it. Identification of the best pedagogical experiment on the organization of lessons and the occupations in the field of the fine arts, stimulation of creative activity of teachers, distribution of the best pedagogical practices among teachers of area and creation of the collection of master classes of art teachers was the purpose of a competition.

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