On September 29, 2017 in the Assembly hall of KSPI there took place the celebration of the Teachers' Day. The action began with a solemn congratulation of collective of the institute the rector of institute professor Abil E.A. The Sign of Y. Altynsarin is handed breast to the Associate Professor Abdikalikova K.A., were awarded with the Certificate of honor of the rector of KSPI: Antayev Zh.T. - is the senior teacher of the department of Public disciplines, bases of the Right and Economy; Ageeva Svetlana Vasilyevna is the senior teacher of a teaching and educational tsetr of physical training; Abdimominova Dildash Kaparkyzy is the senior teacher of department of Physical and Mathematical and technical disciplines.

In September 2017, the Foreign Languages Department in conjunction with the Gymnasium named after A.M. Gorky of Kostanay launched the social project «GERMAN ON THE STAGE». The Project Manager was a professor of the Foreign Languages Department ​​G.K. Ismagulova. In November 2017, the theatre troupe was invited to Almaty to take part in the yearly theatre festival “Deutsch auf der Bühne”, organized by the Goethe-Institute of Almaty and the Republican German Drama Theatre. The students of the specialty "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages": Alexander Slobodyuk, Alexander Voikin, Asel Omarova, and the pupils of the SI "Gymnasium named after A.M. Gorky" of the educational Department of the Kostanay akimat: Alexey Krotov, Anastasia Khlevnaya and Anna Merkulova, played the play “Blaues Zimmer” on the stage.

A round table on the basis of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute on the theme: "Implementation of modernized programs on" Information and Communication Technologies "within the framework of the second National Event of the AСADEMICA Project - 561553-EPP-1-2015-1-BG-EPPKA2- CBHE-JP was held оn September 29th , 2017. At the beginning of the event, the auditorium "Information and communication technologies" was solemnly opened and the presentation of equipment purchased at the expense of the "ACADEMICA" project fund took place.

On 28st September students of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" took part in the conference of readers dedicated to the creation of I. Shchegolikhin, a well-known Kazakhstan writer. Members of the problem group "Creativity of Russian-speaking writers of Kazakhstan in the context of the modern literary process" took an active part in the discussion. The students got acquainted with the book: "I do not want, I do not call, I do not cry." Opinions about the work of the Kostanay author were expressed.

On September 27. 09. 2017 the senior teacher Moldakhmetova G.M. of PPF of department of psychology and defectology and students of 3-4 courses of specialties "Pedagogics and Psychology", "Defectology" have taken part in the television program «Ақ орамал» on regional TV channel «Қазақстан-Қостанай». Within this television program family psychology problems were considered. TV viewers had an opportunity to receive the developed answers to the topical issues connected with psychological features of forming of the family relations.

On September 23, 2017 for first-year students of Natural and mathematical faculty "Initiation 2017" has been carried out. The action has begun with a solemn congratulation of the dean of faculty Sukhov M.V. Further children have gone to perform along a route tasks prepared by undergraduates. First-year students showed the unity, originality, the abilities and talents. Following the results of all competitions 3 teams of winners have been defined. Children were awarded with incentive prizes, a positive and an excellent charge of cheerfulness for all academic year!

On the 22d of September 2017 Lovtsova D. P., Plokhotenko V. N. and Serzhan-Abdrakhmanova S. K., senior teachers of the educational center of language training and education of Philology faculty, conducted the event devoted to the Day of Kazakhstan nationalities’ languages. The students of philological, psychological and pedagogical, socio-humanitarian faculties, the faculty of Natural sciences and the faculty of physical culture, sports and tourism of Kostanay state pedagogical institute showed their talents in singing songs and reciting poems in Kazakh, Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian, Polish languages. The Day of Kazakhstan nationalities’ languages is truly becoming a national holiday, which contributes to the strengthening of the spiritual unity of citizens, education of the younger generation in the spirit of Kazakhstan patriotism on the basis of equal rights and opportunities for all nationalities.

September 21, 2017 with the students of the first year of the specialty "Preschool education and upbringing", "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education" was held curatorial hour to discuss the article of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Leader of the Nation Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev "A look into the future: the modernization of public consciousness." During the event, 4th year students of the specialty "Preschool education and upbringing", "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education" prepared reports, presentations, quizzes concerning the program article and those tasks to be accomplished in the near future.

On September 14, 2017, in the assembly hall of KSPI there took place the meeting of first-year students with activists of the institute, leaders of the students and youth organizations and heads of clubs. The main objective today the administration of KGPI is faced with social activity of each student of the institute. This meeting was directed to promoting and development of an active civic stand and social adaptation of first-year students.

On September 2, 2017 first-year students of natural and mathematical faculty have gathered on the celebratory assembly devoted to Knowledge Day and the Beginning of new academic year. Children have taken the first step in adulthood and it was their first student's holiday.

After an official part and the concert program first-year students have begun acquaintance to the curators and the faculty of faculty. For them have conducted a tour on laboratories, specialized offices and the museums on the basis of faculty.

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