Paramount measures for modernization of system of the Kazakhstan education provide introduction of modern technologies and techniques of training, improvement of quality of teaching staff, strengthening of the educational work aimed at the development of the Kazakhstan patriotism, tolerance, etc. The solution of the specified tasks acquires special relevance in the context of implementation of requirements of the Bologna declaration. It is known that formation of common world educational space, first of all, is expressed in harmonization of approaches to the organization of educational process. Within the Bologna Process the great value is attached to the academic mobility of students, teachers and administrative personnel of higher education institutions.

On October 28-29 in Astana students of natural-mathematical faculty of KSPI of specialty “Informatics” have participated in the republican festival of the innovative ideas “Zhastar -Otanga” held by Bolashak association with assistance of the Ministry of affairs of religions and civil society of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The festival consisted of the educational module and an estimated part of the project which included: a seminar trainings from the qualified trainers specializing in area of innovations; master classes in the presentation of the ideas and projects; meetings with the famous Kazakhstan public and political figures; business games; a competition of the innovative ideas where students represented the startup projects for judges.

Students – time of daily opening, acquisition of new knowledge, professional formation, strengthening the life positions. Students is not only educational activity, but also a set of the interesting events allowing to prove as the personality in public, scientific, cultural, sports life of the institute. In the light of article of the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev “Bolashakka bagdar: rukhany zhangyru” activization of youth and youth communities is especially relevant. On October 27, 2017 on the basis of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute there took place the Forum of youth of the Kostanay region.

On October 26-27, 2017 in Astana took place 7 congress of religious scholars of Kazakhstan. Questions of “Efficiency of information and explanatory work on questions of increase in theological literacy of the population” became a subject of the seventh forum. The head of SIPG “Erkin Pikir” Abenov D. E. was a delegate of KSPI. The action was organized by Committee on affairs of religions of the Ministry of affairs of religions and civil society of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At a seminar different types of effective methods of work of information and propaganda groups on questions of realization of state policy in the sphere of religions were presented.

Due to the existing cases of suicide among young people, on October 27, 2017 at 12.30 the curators of the Foreign Language Department organized an event dedicated to the discussion of causes and prevention of suicide. Inna Kokandova, a psychologist of the Kostanay regional center for the problems of forming a healthy lifestyle, was invited to meet with the students of the first year of the specialty "Foreign Language: Two Foreign Languages". The event was held in the form of a conversation. The psychologist discussed with the students the causes of suicide and listed a number of activities for avoiding stressful situations. Students discussed the topic with interest, expressed their opinions and provided examples from life.

In September-October, 2017 the member of the first structure of student’s informational-propaganda group of KSPI “Еркін Пікір” Ruslan Murzagaliyev has provided several trainings, quests and other actions at school № 17, in industrial-pedagogical college, road college of Kostanay and also at schools of Kostanay, Uzynkol and Karabalyk districts. These actions have been spent within implementation of socially important projects of The Friendship Home and Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan of the Kostanay region and Association of the practicing psychologists of RK.

Within the program «Ruhani Zhangyru» at department of natural - mathematical sciences (10/26/2017) curator hour with participation of students of specialty "Chemistry" on the subject "Reproduction of chemists" was spent. The legendary dean of chemical faculty of KAZGU of S.M. Kirov, the famous scientist B.A. Beremzhanov said that the CHEMISTRY is not only specialty, and the whole family of chemists. The scientists-chemists, teachers-chemists of all Kazakhstan inspired with these words always support relationship in scientific and pedagogical activity for the good of development of chemical science and education of the next generation of chemists.

During the period since October 22-26, 2017 in the Discovery-Burabay camp (Shchuchinsk) the Republican seminar of leaders of "Serpin-2050" has been held. For participation in a seminar from KSPI the student of the 3-rd course of psychology and pedagogical faculty Nurakov Nursaule and the student of the 4th course of philological faculty Arystan Nurala training according to the "Serpin-2050" program have been directed. During stay our students participated in a seminar training. A round table was held where questions were raised about the further employment of serpin- students.

On 26st October at 15.00, candidate of philology, culturologist, public and state figure M. M. Auezov presented the book " The Connecting Thread of the Times" in the assembly hall of KSPI. Associate professor of the department of russian language and literature, candidate of philology Zharkova V.I prepared a report. The report contained the problems and subjects, compositional features and educational significance of the book. She emphasized the spirituality of the artistic world.

Pupils of the Fedorovskaya Secondary school №1 were invited to an excursion to KSPI. The main goal of the excursion was further entering to the institute. 24 pupils of the 11th class with the class teacher on October 25, despite the weather conditions, arrived to Kostanay. The staff of reception committee of the institute, teachers of faculties was responsible for professional orientation work met children. "Our institute trains experts in 23 specialties during 78 years, – the Head of reception committee N. Kabdrakhmetov welcomed pupils. - Each year educational grants are selected to institute.

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