November 15, 2017 at the Eurasian national University of L. N. Gumilev was held the 5th meeting of the Republican Association of the departments of the Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan. The meeting was attended by members of the APK, representatives of state bodies, ethno-cultural associations, undergraduate and graduate students. The meeting was opened by welcoming speech of the rector of ENU. L. N. Gumilev, academician Sydykov E. B., which noted the importance of departments of the APK scientific and practical center. "The idea of opening the Department originated within the walls of ENU at a meeting of the Academic Council, in the conference room, where the V meeting of the Republican Association of the APK. For several years our Department already in the 33 universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan opened the Department of the APK.

November 15, 2017, the pedagogical Institute was held the meeting of the Commissioner on the ethics of SU "Akim's Apparatus of the Kostanay region" Sundikov Kairat Zhandildenovic with students final year social Sciences and Humanities, naturally-mathematical faculties. The moderator of the meeting was the Head of the pedagogical Institute staff Bekmagambetov R. K. In his opening remarks he noted that the Institute constantly cooperates with local authorities. In March 2017, was signed a Memorandum with the Department of Agency for civil service Affairs and anti-corruption in Kostanay region, thanks to the revitalization of some of our graduates today are focused on work in public institutions. Jointly work on combating corruption.

November 15, 2017 in the Assembly hall of the pedagogical Institute held a "Job fair", organized by the Center for multilingualism in collaboration with the Department of foreign languages for students of the faculty of Philology of the specialty "foreign language: two foreign languages". The meeting was conducted by representatives of the language center "Grand Luxe" for the purpose of further employment of future graduates, employees of the center presented information on vacancies of translators, English language teachers, managers of international Department, also spoke about international programs and internships, opportunities to learn and improve English.

On November 14, 2017, within the framework of the «Рухани жанғыру» program, an open class was conducted by аssociate professor of the Department of Preschool and Primary Education, S.A. Baizhanova, candidate of pedagogical sciences. A lecture on the topic «Functions and educational potential of the family» was held for the third year students of the specialty «Pedagogy and methodology of primary education» in the discipline «Theory and methodology of educational work in an elementary school».

14 November 2017 to the students of the first course were made by members of the regional outreach group of the office for religious Affairs of akimat of the Kostanay region, the candidate of philosophical Sciences, the head of the Department of the Academy of the MIA of the RK D. Toimatayeva and Chairman of the "Association of psychologists of the Kostanay region" The speakers devoted to the phenomenon of fanaticism in General and of religious bigotry in particular. He pointed to the relationship of fundamentalism, extremism, terrorism and fanaticism. The analysis of methods of engagement and methods of psychological impact on potential followers devoted his speech to Yu. Kalyuzhnaya.

From 8 to 12 November 2017 on the basis of the KSU and of the pedagogical Institute was held external evaluation of educational achievements (TDMA). The students of Kostanay state pedagogical Institute was tested on 19 specialties. The purpose of TDMA is to assess the quality of educational services and determination of level of mastering by students of General education programs of primary, basic secondary, General secondary education and educational programs of higher education provided by the state obligatory standards approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of August 23, 2012 No. 1080 "On approval of state compulsory educational standards of respective levels of education".

13 Nov 2017 hosted a forum of working youth with the participation of the Youth resource center in Kostanay region, Children and youth organizations in Kostanay region, committees on Affairs of youth of enterprises and universities. The purpose of the forum was the improving the work of the committees of youth Affairs in enterprises of Kostanay region and to develop recommendations for employment of young specialists. The forum presented the activities of the committees of youth Affairs producing industrial enterprises. Participants were familiarized with work of the enterprises of the city such as "Aqua-Arasan", "Kostanay Astyk plants", held the participants a tour of the workshops of the enterprises.

The graduate of the philological faculty, the specialty "Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language learning" Kalakhova Gaukhartas is – a frequent visitor to the native faculty. She works as a teacher at the secondary school of Mendykara district, teaches the Russian language and literature, comes to the Department to communicate on urgent matters, to exchange ideas, to listen to good advice. So this time, in the free day, she visited the native institution. 11 November 2017 held a meeting with senior courses of the specialty "Russian language". The young teacher told the graduates about contemporary approaches in education, the prospects of working in a rural school, gave a number of valuable tips.

At faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism as well as on all other pedagogical specialties the discipline "Professional reference points of the teacher" is conducted. The purpose of this discipline - acquaintance of students with new techniques, new approaches in the organization and carrying out studies both at school, and during the organization of training process. This discipline izu4chayetsya on the 4th course, on the Russian office teaches it the senior teacher of department of the Theory and practice of physical culture, sport and tourism the Kovsh Natalya Alekseevna. The teacher's occupations always take place in a creative interesting form, students are active participants of educational process.

At department of natural sciences the open lecture classes by the high teacher Baubekova G.K. were given on October 10, 2017. on discipline Professional reference points of teachers on the subject "Estimation for Training and Training Estimation" for students of specialty "Biology" 4 courses, the B-14 groups. The subject of the lecture "Estimation for Training and Training Estimation" is one of seven modules which is included in the Program of advanced training courses. The purpose of a lecture occupation – to study the basic theoretical provisions, types of estimation in the modern education system, to be able to make criteria of estimation within a module study.

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