On March 17, 2017 in KSPI at faculties the festive events devoted Nauryz event have been organized and held. The purpose of these actions - maintaining national customs and traditions, education of student's youth on the basis of cultural heritage of the Kazakh people. The competition on the best holding celebration Nauryz has been announced. The main criteria, according to the provision on a competition were – mass character, musical action, registration of the hall. The contest committee represented by administration of institute and representatives of labor union of workers and students estimated the level of each performance.

Students and teachers of department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan remembered today the quotation from L.N. Tolstoy’s "Anna Karenina»: “All happy families are similar to each other, each unhappy family is unhappy in own way", on March 16, 2017, on the next occupation at School of mediation and national diplomacy during studying of the subject "Mediation in the family relations". At a meeting, students considered definitions of a family and marriage, the main functions of a family, the party in family fights, the reasons for the conflicts between spouses and readiness of future spouses for constructive interactions in the family relations.

On March 14, 2017 management on social and educational work of the KSPI on the basis of school of Zatobolsk No. 1 has organized and held competitions among pupils of high schools of the Kostanay district on "Asyk atu" on a prize of the rector of KSPI. The senior teacher of faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism Kakashev K. T. was the chief referee of competitions.

From February 20 to March 5, 2017 in Zhitikara city management on social and educational work of KSPI has organized an exhibition of works of the senior teacher of department of arts, the member of the Union of young artists of RK Ordasheva M.Zh. and students 4 courses of specialty "Fine Arts and Drawing" of Zhumatayeva I. Exhibition has been placed in regional Recreation center. Was more than thirty works written by oil and a pencil are presented.

The faculty of Additional education (From March 9 to March 10, 2017) with the Karasu department of education's support organized the training seminar: "Modern Educational Technologies and Innovative Methods of Training in the conditions of Updating of Content of Education". The seminar was presented on the basis of SU "Karasu High School of Education department ". practical and lecture trainings were given by the teachers and specialists of institute: Samarkin S. V., Ishchanovoy R. S., Shalgimbekova A. B., Dauletbayeva G. B. and Abilmalikov K. K.

On March 10, 2017, on the basis of Kostanay State pedagogical institute at 3:00 pm, there was the enlarged meeting of the department of education with the participation of the region akim Mukhambetov A.B. and also, akims and deputy akims of districts and cities, heads of state bodies, heads of departments of education, universities' rectors, and the pedagogical community. In total, more than 450 people attended the meeting. The meeting was dedicated to the development of the region's education because of the Address of the President of the country to the people of Kazakhstan, where the sphere of education is defined as the central link of the new model of economic growth.

The subject there took place the next occupation of School of mediation and national diplomacy on March 9 at the department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan. As the invited expert the head of the department of KSU “Қоғамдық келісім” Mareninova Valentina Viktorovna and a mediator of the House of the friendship Navoyeva Marina Vladimirovna acted. Due to the updating of illegal movements in the environment of the younger generation, and also the activity of new religious movements including by means of social networks the role of mediators in the decision of the public conflicts amplifies.

On March 3, 2017 in institute there has taken place the most grandiose beauty contest of "Miss of KSPI-2017" organized by management on social and educational work, department of affairs of youth together with primary trade-union organization of students of KSPI. In the final 10 students from different faculties of institute fought for a crown. The final consisted of 4 rounds – the business card, a fashion show in a wedding dress, a creative competition, an intellectual competition, a fashion show in evening dresses.

On March 3, 2017, the center of the Multilingualism of KSPI summed up the results of the Internet competition of compositions devoted to the International Women's Day on March 8. More than 90 school students and students of colleges and higher education institutions from all Kostanay region participated in the competition. The most active part was taken: Kostanay Building College, Schools #3 and 4 of Lisakovsk, Sarykol College of agribusiness and right, school #2 of Fedorovka district, the gymnasium of S. Maulenov. The age of participants of the competition varied from 7 to 19 years. The presented works differed in a stylistic, substantial, language and creative variety. All of them are impregnated with huge love and gratitude to the mothers.

On March 3, 2017, at KSPI the ceremony of summing up the regional competition of compositions "Мәңгілік Ел – the nation of the uniform future", devoted to the Day of gratitude dated for day of formation of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan. This day becomes a good tradition to thank all ethnos living in Kazakhstan for ability to be on friendly terms and understand each other, to thank the Kazakh people for understanding, good, geniality and the help which were shown during the most hard and tragic times of deportations, cruel totalitarian regime.

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