The faculty of additional education of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute from November 21 to December 3, 2016 has held 2-week qualification upgrading courses on the subject "Teaching and scientific research in the modern school" for teachers of universities, colleges and schools. In the context of this topic they have dealt with the issues of formation of intercultural competence in the classroom of foreign language, modern technologies and methods of working for communicative skills development, the basics of the scientific research at the school.

28 November to 3 December at the Department of psychology and defectology of psycho-pedagogical faculty week of the Healthy lifestyle in which took part students 1, 2 and 3 courses of specialty "Psychology", "Defectology", "PIP". Within a week of the Healthy lifestyle was held an educational event on the theme "Prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism". Were invited to a meeting practicing psychologist Kostanay regional narcological dispensary Anna Reshetnyak.

December 2, 2016 in the psycho-pedagogical faculty in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held a competition of videos and presentations on the theme "25 years of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan" among students of 1 and 2 courses specialties "Preschool education and training" and "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education". As a result of the contest was awarded 1st place 2 courses of the specialty "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education".

November 30, 2016 the Department of the Arts in the audience number 215 for teachers of music, fine arts and plotting secondary schools in the city was held seminar "Formation of research skills of students in the conditions of modernization of education." Key aspects of research: During the methodological workshop following issues were discussed definition of the problem, the choice of topics, the final result; organization of scientific work in the educational process; especially research activities in the school music lessons.

November 30, 2016 the Department of pre-school and primary education, psycho-pedagogical faculty was organized and held republican online-conference «Actual problems of training of younger schoolboys in the conditions of modernization of education in the Republic of Kazakhstan». The conference was attended by South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical Institute, Kokshetau State Univercity by Sh.Ualihanov and faculty of the Department of pre-school and primary education of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Director of the center of the branches of pedagogical skill of AEO NIS Kokshetau and Kostanay cities, South Kazahastan and Kostanai regions school's teachers.

On November 30, 2016 there underwent the international online conference "Ethno social processes in Kazakhstan and adjacent territories: features of conducting researches at the regional level", the Republic of Kazakhstan devoted to the 25th anniversary of the Independence in which teachers of department of public disciplines, bases of the right and economy took part and made reports: E. V. Yarochkina (the candidate of historical sciences, associate professor manager of ODES, OPE department), A. B.Amantayeva (the candidate of philosophical sciences, the associate professor), S. V. Nazarova. (the candidate of political sciences, the associate professor), T. P. Paniyaz (the senior teacher, the master of social sciences), O. N. Evdokimova (the candidate of pedagogical sciences, the manager of department of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan), as the moderator from KSPI S. V. Samarkin (the candidate of historical sciences, the associate professor, the dean of faculty of additional education) acted.

On November, 30, 2016, there was a open lesson dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the theme "This President day" in the audience 508 with the participation of students of 1 course of Philological faculty (Kazakh Department). In the course of this class the information, relating to the biography of N. Nazarbayev and his policy papers, was shown: "Kazakhstan 2050", "100 steps", "Mangilik El", etc. Active participants in open class were students of 1 course of specialty "Kazakh language" Istileuova M., Nurlybai Indira.

On November, 29, 2016, a debate game hosted in auditorium A-203 with participation of students of 2nd courses Faculty of History and Art and Philological Faculty (Kazakh branch), timed to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the theme "Memlekettik baskaru zhuiesinin en uzdigi". During this lesson, the following questions features of the presidential form of government, the policy paper of the President of Kazakhstan were considered, such as: "Kazakhstan 2050", "100 steps", "Mangilik El", etc.

The Senate of the Parliament of Kazakhstan adopted the law "Holidays of Kazakhstan", adding the day of the First President of Kazakhstan to the list of already existing holidays. This holiday is celebrated on the 1st of December. The students of the specialty "Basics of law and economics" of the faculty of history and arts had organized and conducted the event dedicated to the Day of the First President. The intellectual game was held among students of 1 courses of specialty "History", "Fine arts and drawing", "Basics of law and economics", " Musical education". Questions were aimed at key events associated with the President Nazarbayev N.A., and the history of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Creativity, erudition, adroitness, cooperation, positive were the main features of the game.

From November 24 to November 26 2016 Nurkhan Omarbekov, the employee of Department of additional education of Nazarbayev University Graduate School of Education, has attended language course of in-service teacher training by the objects "Physics", "Chemistry", "Biology", "Informatics" of secondary schools of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute.

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