On November 10, 2016 in Kostanay state pedagogical institute the seminar-training on "Destructive religious movements: danger, forms and methods of recruitment" was taken place. Representatives of civil affairs of religion management conducted explanatory work with students, informed about the traditional and non-traditional religious movements. They explained forms and methods of recruitment, spoke about the ways of warning themselves and their loved ones from the dangers of non-traditional religious movements.

On 8-9, November, 2016 on the base of Università degli Studi Guglielmo Marconi (Rome, Italy) the meeting of partners of the international project ACADEMICA 561553-EPP-1-2015-1-BG-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP financed by the European Union Erasmus+ was held. Partners from the Kostanay state pedagogical institute took active part in discussion of the current results of development of the training course on formation of digital competences in this meeting: N.Y. Kifik, M.V. Sukhov and V.V.Danilova.

On December, 6, 2016 the meeting between the students of the 4th year and representatives of the agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan by affairs in the sphere of state service work and the counteraction to corruption in Kostanay region was taken place. The meeting was started by the head of the department of practice, employment and state services Nurusheva Aliya Balgabaevna. The students were given the information about the plan of the institute in the sphere of employment.

November 3, 2016 a meeting with graduates of 2016 teachers of the department DiNO and with students of 1 course of a specialty DOiV, PiMNO. The organizer of the meeting Bogdanova T.V., lecturer DiNO and graduates discussed about the problematic issues of pedagogical activity. Graduates shared their experiences, challenges and successes in professional activities, and the students of 1 course of asking their questions, refined principles of the classroom and especially putting examinations.

This year we celebrate a milestone for our country event – the 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In celebration of this anniversary of our country at the faculty of history and arts 3 November 2016 was held the intellectual game "Brain-Ring". The event was organized by 3rd year students of specialty "Foundations of law and Economics" and the Department.

On November 2, 2016, first course students of the specialty "Pedagogy and methodology of primary education" under the direction of the curator Sultanbekova Zh.Kh. had attended the event "Great Batyr of education" dedicated to the 175th anniversary of a great writer, teacher Ybyray Altynsarin organized by the staff of Regional Library named after L.N. Tolstoy. The event was also attended by Professor of KSPI, member of the Centre for Heritage of Ybyray Altynsarin Ormanov K.T., emeritus professor of KSPI, honorary citizen of Kostanay, local historian and author of books and monographs on the history of Kostanay region Ternovoy I.K.

On October 31, the round table was taken place in Kostanay state pedagogical institute on the topic: Modern realities of school course "Secularism and religious foundations." The roundtable was attended by representatives of the Office of Religious Affairs of Kostanay region, KSPI lecturers, members of group "Center of religious study" and teachers of religious study of Kostanay region.

The faculty of additional education of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute has organized two-week training course on the theme: "Innovative educational technology of professional work of the teacher" from 17 to 29 October 2016 for teachers of universities, colleges and schools.

October 29, 2016 was held open seminar on pedagogy on the theme «The team as a means of education» мaster of Pedagogy and Psychology, a senior instructor Bogdanova T.V. The relevance of this theme is that not all of the external and internal organized group can be called a team. The team as a defining act interaction and relationship between people, mediated goals, objectives and activities of the joint values, t.е. its real content. These and other features have been addressed during the seminar.

On October, 28, 2016 the students of department of arts of speciality visited "Musical education" concert of Chamber orkestr regional filarmonii the name of Е. of Umurzakova. Director of the orchestra and the main conductor – tars Myzin. Brightly and light sounded works of classic of Kazakh literature Abay Kunanbayev " Kozimnin karasy ", "I told Salem Kalamkas" in execution a soloist filarmonii Serikа Abileva . Possessor of Grand Prix of international competition of vocalists in Italy Gulmira of Umbetova made happy an audience by execution of pearl Kazakh song folklore " Alcanar " by the aria of Sara from the orchestra of Mukanа of Tulebayevа " Birzhan and Sara", and also by the surprizing on beauty of melody song of modern composer Erkimbekova Serikа - " I am very sat ". In the program of concert works of osnovopolozhnikov of Kazakh professional classic music of Е. of Brusilovsky, А. Zhubanovа, М. of Tumebaeva, С. of Mukhamedzhanova, Л. of Hamidi, were widely presented in execution the soloists of filarmonii N. Stepanovoy, Krivorchuk, G. of Asanovoy, Е. of Pomozova, I. of Stakanova, Е. Muzhinoy.

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