During the period since June 1-4 the regional meeting of tourists has taken place. Students 1-4 courses of the specialty "Tourism" "Physical culture and sport" have held a number of events which they entered: obstacle course; relay; competitive program. All-command places: Tornado (Karasu), Irbis(Rudnii), Solneshko (Kostanay). In separate types prize-winning places were distributed as follows...

During the period of May, 30 to June, 4, 2016 the international conference of the British Council "Escaping the Exclusion or Sustaining the Privilege? A Complex Reality of Student Mobility from Kazakhstan" based on Nazarbayev University within the Newton-Al-Farabi project took place.

From June 2 to June 4, 2016 candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Ismagulova G. K. held a seminar on the topic «The Professional Oriented Foreign Language» within the educational project of Goethe Institute and DAAD Kazakhstan on the basis of ENU named L. Gumilev. The seminar was organized for teachers of higher education institutions of the northern region of Kazakhstan. Key questions of a seminar were the role and the Curriculum functions (educational program), practical offers on its use, and also work with the applications developed by authors of this document.

On May 26, 2016 the presentation of innovative projects on the topic "From Innovation to Practice" was held in conference hall of the Institute, where lecturers took the active participation and trained in the educational program of professional development of lecturers of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions of Republic of Kazakhstan on the basis of the FAE "National Centre of Excellence" - RIPKSO of Almaty and foreign universities of Great Britain, Japan, Spain, Portugal, Germany.

On May 26, 2016 on the basis of the Kostanay academy of MIA RK has taken place the psychological quest «The world of psychology», where the team of students of 3 course of the specialty «Pedagogics and psychology» of KSPI has won a victory over team of futury pedagogists– psychologists of the Kostanay academy of MIA RK.

The seminar organized by Embassy of France in Kazakhstan and the French-Kazakh center of Kostanay has taken place in the French center on the basis of KSPI from May 23 to May 24, 2016. The topic of the seminar is: "Estimation of competences of educational process and teaching francophonie". The participants of the seminar were students of KSPI and teachers of French of Kostanay and the region. At this seminar was a director of the French alliance at Almaty Pascale Vitorge. Classes were given by: associate professor Fati Daven and teacher of department of estimation and certification of CIEP Rozelin Marty. Also Danielle Raychvarg, professor from the Burgundian University, have presented Theatrical studio.

From May 19 to May 21, 2016 on the basis of KSPI has been held the regional seminar on professional development of teachers of German together with Goethe Institute Kazakhstan on the subject "Professional Focused German in Higher Education Institutions of Kazakhstan". Ismagulova G., Cand.Phil.Sci., the associate professor of foreign languages (Kostanay) and Medvedeva S., the senior teacher of German (Petropavlovsk) were moderators of this seminar. Also has been invited the head of language department Goethe Institute of Almaty Constanze Krueger.

On May 18 at KSPI the meeting of the commission on distribution of graduates on full-time and part-time forms of studying of 2016, on the basis of the order No. 16-T of 22.04.2016 "Creation of the commission on distribution of young specialists" had taken place. The chairman of the commission, acting rector of institute Abil E.A., the methodologist of department of development of preschool and general secondary education of department of education of akimat of Kostanay region Myrzakhmetova S. U., the chief of educational-methodical department Kifik N. Y., the head of department of personnel work of department of education of akimat of the city of Kostanay Doshchanova A. D., deans of faculties, head of department of practice, employment and state services Nurusheva A.B. had taken part in work of the commission.

The international webinar within the project on cooperation between Shadrinsk State Pedagogical University and the Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute was organized on May, 17th, 2016 under the title "Innovative trends in teaching foreign languages at comprehensive school".

On May 12, 2016 at 12.00 the meeting between graduates and lecturers of Kostanay state pedagogical institute with the deputy head of Department of the Ministry for public service of Republic of Kazakhstan in Kostanay region Dossekenov A.M. has been held. During a meeting Dossekenov A.M. had told about the main questions on participation in procedure of applying on public service, the presentation on the theme is also presented: "How to apply on public service?".

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