22 April 2016 – this day was decisive in the struggle for the Cup of rector in the interfaculty League of KVN! The desire to obtain the coveted Cup was manifested in everything - from business cards to contest hometask, which was attended by eminent Members of Kostanay region. The team of FFL, under the leadership of captain Damir Elemesov, performed brilliantly, the room literally roared with strong positive emotions, such as those shared by our Members

April 22 the first qualifying round for participation in the program of academic mobility at universities in France and Hungary was held. A lot of students tried their luck, including the students of the faculty of foreign languages. There were about forty applications for participation in this program. The Department of foreign languages prepared placement tests, the results of which identified leaders who will be able to undergo further tasks to identify the level of the English language skills to participate in the program. Good luck!

On April 21, 2016 Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute hosted the round table on the theme "Polylingual education as a factor in the effective socialization of future specialists in modern society." The event was held under the auspices of the regional assembly of people of Kazakhstan and educational-methodical department of KSPI. Roundtable participants were: employees of the Secretariat of the regional assembly of people of Kazakhstan, SI "Department of the development of languages" of Kostanay region, members of the regional scientific-expert group of the assembly of people of Kazakhstan, representatives of ethno-cultural associations, teachers of Nazarbayev Intellectual School of physics - mathematical direction, deans, heads of departments and students.

April 20, 2016 intellectual game "XXI-gasyr azamaty" was held in the House of Students. Game organizers were teachers of the department of world history and the social sciences: Ragatova M.O., Zhumabaeva Zh.N., Razuvaeva M.V., Antaev Zh.T., and 3rd year students specialty "Law and Economics": Ibraeva A., Kaliyeva A.

20 April 2016 at the faculty of foreign languages an open Day was held. Senior teachers of the Department of foreign languages Ungutbaeva G. S. and A. S. Kinzhibaeva presented their colorful presentation and told about the study and life at the FFL, about the program of academic mobility at universities of Europe and Kazakhstan; about the possibility to continue training in foreign universities and about the opportunity to become a highly qualified specialist in the field of teaching foreign languages. After presentations and discussions, the event continued with a tour of the educational and methodical office and FCC.

Management on development of languages of akimat of the Kostanay region on 20 April 2016 in the House of Friendship was held a regional competition "Tildaryn", devoted to 175 anniversary of S.Altynsarin. The aim of this Olympiad was to identify and support talented young people, who know Kazakh, Russian and English. The event was aimed at strengthening of Kazakhstan patriotism, education of language culture, the formation of respectful attitude to the languages and cultures of other people. Participants were required to pass 3 rounds: on the knowledge of Kazakh, English and Russian language.

On April 19, Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute had hosted a meeting with representatives of the Graduate School of Nazarbayev University and the general director of research work of the Graduate School of Nazarbayev University professor Tssedisso Makoele and scientific researcher Omarova Tolkyn. In order to share experiences professor Tsediso Makoele had given a lecture for faculty members of KSPI on problem of research methods in the education sector and the rules of placement of scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals.

April 19, 2016, Alshanova B.H., acting associate professor of the department of world history and social studies organized and conducted a master class in religious studies on the topic: "Current issues in teaching the subject "Religion" for students majoring in "Law and Economics".

18 April 2016 in the Assembly hall of the pedagogical Institute hosted the finals of the Kazakh League of KVN, at the end of the game our team "Jas New" took the leading place. All teams made a strong offer, and therefore it was difficult for the jury to choose the winner. The team of young, bold, charismatic and with a great sense of humor girls took second place in the difficult struggle for the Cup of rector of the pedagogical Institute. We can only congratulate our stars and wish them success and conquest of new heights!

April 18, 2016, During the week of the Department of World History and Social Sciences there was public lecture of the candidate of historical sciences Samarkin S.V. on topic "International relations in the early 17th century. Thirty Years War" for the 3rd year students of the specialty "Basics of Law and Economics".

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