From 25 to 29 April 2016 Museum members of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute and the head of the museum Karina G.A. had prepared the event "Memory of the Heart", dedicated to the Day of the Great Victory, the memory of war heroes, heroes-lecturers of our institute, and patriotism. On Victory Day, we must say thanks veterans, who are still alive and who had fell in battle, front workers, all those who have borne the ordeal. Their life - an example of courage, heroism, and to them we owe.

On April 29, 2016 there was the welcome open day at Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute. This event is held at our institute every year, and became a good tradition. This yearthe welcome open day at Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute was attended by over 300 pupils of schools Kostanay and Kostanay region. Collegegraduates showed their interest tothe welcome open day – there were representatives of three colleges of Kostanay and its region.

On April, 29 2016 a large-scale event "Open Day" was held at our institute, where our future students and their parents were invited. Each faculty presented their presentations on their areas and specialties, teachers made their speeches. Students of KSPI showed music and dance numbers. At the end of the main part of the event each department invited their future students and their parents to the faculties. This year, the Faculty of Foreign Languages met guests at the French cultural center.

24-29 April 2016 the world championship in bench press took place in Rodby, Denmark among men and women and athletes of all other age categories. 1st year student of FFL Alevtina Nikolaeva won the first place in the category up to 84 kg with a score of 100 kg and became the winner of the second regular title of World Champion! We congratulate our talented athlete on a new convincing victory and wish her to be successful in both academics and sports!

On April 28 the delegation of students of KSPI led by members of RRC "Dіntanu ortalygy" Abilmalikov K.K. and Paniyaz T.P. participated in the regional scientific-practical conference "Islam zhane zaiyrly kogam". At the conference it was noted that religious education in the country should be organized in large quantities. It is necessary to cover all segments of the population.

April 28, 2016 at the Department of pre-school, primary and special education was held a contest of military and patriotic songs, which was attended by students of I-III courses specialties "Preschool training and education", "Pedagogy and methodology of elementary education" and "Defectology" . The purpose of the creative competition - promoting patriotic, internationalist and humanist youth development. Total twelve contestants participated in the Kazakh and Russian languages, six of them - the creative teams.

On April 27, 2016 the auditorium of Kostanay state pedagogical institute was the place for music competition "Two Star" among lecturers and students of the institute. The competition was attended by 9 duets, with songs on Kazakh, Russian, English and French. Each pair had produced a video which was reflected interesting moments of preparation for the competition.

On April 22, 2016 the auditorium of Kostanay state pedagogical institute was the place for the final game of Russian league of KVN among faculties for the cup of the Rector of the Institute. There were: psychological-pedagogical faculty, natural and mathematical faculty, faculty of foreign languages and the faculty of the Kazakh and Russian philology. The game was played in three competitions - "Greeting card", "Warming-up" and "Freestyle" (homework). In the first contest faculty of foreign languages and the faculty of Kazakh and Russian philology scored the most points, in the warming-up - natural-mathematical faculty forged ahead. In the "Freestyle" faculty of foreign languages and the faculty of Kazakh and Russian philology were the best.

On April 22, 2016 Kostanay state pedagogical institute had held the final stage of the student competition of innovative projects on the 25 - anniversary of independence of Republic of Kazakhstan. The main goals and objectives of the competition were: Fostering the intellectual potential of Republic of Kazakhstan; promotion of research and learning activities of students; the selection and support of the most talented and gifted students.

22 April 2016 a competition of student research projects was held, which was attended by 4th year students of FFL Bedenko, D., E. Mushtakova, A. Utenova, Otebay U., M. Kazbekova under the leadership of senior teacher of foreign languages Department, Ph. D. Danilova V. V. the Theme of the project: "Formation of ICT-competence of future teacher of a foreign language through the development of an electronic portfolio based on the level of program NIS "7 modules".

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