04 APR 2016 senior teachers of the educational center of language training Abisheva S. K. and the D. P. Lozovoy held intellectual quiz "Friendship of people of Kazakhstan" with students of 3rd course of the specialty "Pedagogy and psychology", "Chemistry".

4th year student of the specialty "Preschool education and training" 2016 visited the regional museum of Kostanay region. We admired the products of ancestors from the time we can say for sure that we got a lot of new things and new knowledge. Museum - institution for the collection, study, storage and display of objects - monuments of natural history, material and spiritual culture, as well as educational and promotional work. "Museum - the history of the museum - the chronicle. Museum - knowledge - science. Crossing the various arts and sciences - the museum. In each country, the cultural history of each museum is described.

On March 31, 2016 in the restaurant Premium Palace "Spring ball of KSPI - 2016" was taken place, which was organized by the department for social and educational work for the institute students. It should be noted that this event is the first event in the history of the institute. Many students wanted to participate, the total number of which was more than two hundred people. The main condition was not only consistent with the style of dress - long dresses for girls and suits with black butterflies for the guys, but also the ability to dance ballroom dancing. The Spring Ball was started with words of congratulations opened made by the vice-rector of the Institute, Professor Abil E.A. The students were invited to participate in the competition of ballroom dancing.

In 2015-2016 academic year a senior teacher of department of psychology of Akhmetbekovy Z.D. had planned and conducted with students of 4th course of specialty 5B010300 – Pedagogics and psychology the curator hours with use of multimedia technologies for the following themes: - The curator hour devoted to the 20 anniversary of the Constitution of RK passed in a game form (September); - "Impact of spices on an organism" in a form of a seminar, viewing of the presentation and the documentary of harm of the use of "spices" (October);

In 2015-2016 academic year a senior teacher of department of psychology Kalinichenko O. V. had planned and conducted with students of 2th course of specialty 5B050300 – Psychology the curator hours on the following themes: - "A professional way of M. M. Mukanov" - the curator hour devoted to the 95th anniversary since the birth of the doctor of psychological sciences (October); - "Tolerance – a basis of life of society" - curator hour in the form of psychological training of development of tolerance (November);

On March 31, 2016 KSPI students, including psychology and pedagogical faculty, for the first time for all history of higher education institution, had had an opportunity to take part in absolutely new cultural action - the Spring Ball which had taken place in the "Premium Palace" restaurant. The spring ball was opened by the vice rector of institute, professor Abil E.A. The best students of faculty who were trained on the 2nd course of the specialties "Pedagogy and Psychology" and "Methods of primary education and upbringing" to Ilipova Gulmira and Egentay Aygul had been handed diplomas for excellent study and active participation in public life of faculty.

On March 31, 2016 according to the plan of work of student's volunteer group "Kind Heart" sociological research (questioning) about volunteering and need of voluntary activity for life of each person had been conducted. 45 students of 1st course of the specialties "PMRE", "PsEUp", "Defectology" had taken part in questioning. Also discussion about activity of group, the areas of work and upcoming events had been led. Students actively entered dialogue, asked many questions that testified to genuine interest in activity of group. Everyone on a voluntary basis had been enlisted in ranks of student's volunteer group "Kind Heart".

On March 30, 2016 students of 1st course of the specialty "Defectology" and "Pedagogy and Methods of primary education" had visited a drawing room of the Kostanay regional universal scientific library of L.N. Tolstoy where the recital had taken place "Poets hurry us to good", devoted to the 70 anniversary since the birth of a poet, a translator Abdrakhman Sergaliyevich Dosov.

On March 30, 2016, as part of the methodological week of department of pedagogy, the online conference "Scientific-pedagogical support to teachers of main schools in terms of updating the content of secondary education", which was attended by deans, heads of departments, lecturer staff of KSPI, lecturer staff of ASPI, employees of "Center of pedagogical mastery", Kostanay, teachers of main schools of Kostanay region, the experts of the Office of education of Kostanay region, as well as methodists of education departments of cities and districts of Kostanay region.

From March 24 to March 30, 2016 on the basis of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute there took place the practical seminar for workers of the tourist sphere. Main objectives of a seminar were: creation of the competitive tourist industry for employment of the population; improvement of quality of tourist services; training of qualified specialists in the sphere of tourism; development of tourist activity in the Kostanay region.

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