On February 22, 2016 students of Kostanay State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of History and Arts, specialty "History" and "Basics of Law and Economics" held an event "Good beginning - half of the work." That day, students of the Faculty of History and Arts helped to kindergarten №6 to clean the area of the garden from the snow. That winter had brought us a lot of snow. Students of Faculty of History and Arts - active students who always help!

The value of any modern state, which is interested in savingits people and taking care of its future, is traditionally considered the term"a family", but the main value of family life is children. On February 22, 2016 Faculty of History and Art held the intellectual game "Children's Rights. The rights and duties of parents". This event was attended by students of the 2nd year of specialty "History", "Music education", "Fine arts and drawing". The knowledge of the rules of marriage and family law was checkedby participants of intellectual games. Event moderators were senior lecturer Razuvaeva Marina Vladimirovna and the 2nd year students of specialty "Basics of Law and Economics".

On February 20, 2016 a senior lecturer of department of psychology Kairova B. K. with students, had visited the center of adaptation of minors for Kostanay region with a charity event. Creation of conditions for patriotic, spiritually - moral and esthetic education of younger generation; development in children of skills of communication and ability to prove in various life situations were main objectives of this charity event.

20.02.2016 year teachers of the department of pre-school, primary and special education E.D. Lee, Dyker A.F., Bekmurzinа J.M., Alipbaeva G.A., Kushmurzina D.H., Mukalieva B.H., Shevchenko G.V., Nurovа A.K., Bisembaeva J.K., Sultanbekova Z.H., Khasenovа J.O., Borshevskaya I.P., Zhilova Y.P. We took part in the V Regional Scientific and Practical Conference school named T.E.Dauletbaeva «The intellectual potential of the younger generation - the key to successful industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan», held on the base SE «Physico-Mathematical Lyceum» education department of akimat of Kostanay as a jury substantive sections.

On February 18 and 19, 2016 the chief of the Center of religious researches, the member of IPG KSPI – "The center of religious studies" Shaymerden G. I. had taken part in work of the training seminars for teachers of religious studies of Mendygara and Uzunkol districts of Kostanay region. During work of a seminar – "Theoretical features of teaching the course "Basics of religious studies", G. Shaymerden had read series of lectures, devoted to destructive religious trends which carried out the activity in the territory of Kostanay region.

On February 15 and 19, 2016 in the assembly hall of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute there had taken place a quarterfinal of KVN games among teams of faculties of Russian and Kazakh leagues. According to the program, teams had prepared the competitions "Business card" (5 minutes) and Homework (3 minutes). All teams had carried out a big preparatory work which had helped them to disclose the creative skill and sense of humour. The semi-final will take place in March following the results of which it will become known what teams will reach the final on a cup of the rector of KSPI. We wish good luck at the further games!

In 2015 sixteen teachers of KSPI have completed advanced training courses on the basis of the largest universities of Spain, Portugal, Germany and Great Britain.
The main objective of courses - to improve skills of teachers of pedagogical specialties of higher educational institutions in the field of modern technologies of teaching and training for increase of competitiveness of system of the higher education of the country.

In celebration of the 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan's Independence on February 18, 2016 the republican patriotic campaign on changing of an avatar in patriotic style was taken place. Department of History of Art had taken an active part in an online campaign at 10 o'clock 25 minutes 25 seconds, the students had changed their avatars in patriotic style. Participants had pre-registered on the site 25.el.kz earlier. The aim of the action is patriotic education of youth.

We congratulate the 2nd course of FPhETS of the Kostanay state pedagogical institute Sysolyatin Oleg and Turmin Sergey on successful performance of students in the kettlebell sport championship of Republic of Kazakhstan passing on February 15-17, 2016 in Kostanay.

The curator's hour had been carried out on February 17, 2016 at Faculty of physical culture, sport and tourism. The subject of it was A.Bukeyhanov and his role in the formation of the state. Students of the second and third year of the specialty "Tourism" took part in this action. Students have got acquainted with the biography of A. Bukeykhanov and his political activity.

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