In January, 2016 the practical stage of implementation of the Plan of the nation "100 concrete steps on realization of 5 institutional reforms" has begun. 59 laws which create a new legal environment for development of economy and society in general have been adopted.

Peace and harmony - an idea value basis of "Mangilik El". To live and work peacefully in the multiethnic environment, formation of the benevolent relations, tolerance – these concepts became the main subject of the lesson briefing "A man studies good from a person" which had passed for students philologists under the direction of PhD (doctorate) in philology, associate professor Karbenova Z.U. on 29.01.2016. Having become for the period of a lesson correspondents of various TV channels, newspapers and magazines students have acquired what is the Kazakhstan identity what has to be the person of the world and the citizen of a new formation – the Kazakhstan citizen!

On January 28, 2016 the dean's office of FFL has held the event for first-year students to explin an article of the Head of state "The plan of the nation – the Way to the Kazakhstan dream". The event has begun with words of the dean of FFL Doroshok E.L. about system of political reforms in RK. This thought was continued by the invited guest, the head of the research center of archeology and ethnology, the master of historical sciences Kaliyev D. D

On January, 28th, 2016 students of 1 rate of a speciality: ПиМНО, Defectology, ДОиВ, ПиП. have visited library of Y.Altynsarin. Objective of visit was the explanation and discussion of the message of President of Kazakhstan. The leading methodologist of library of Latypova Bibigul Kazybajkyzy has told that annually the President addresses to people with the message in which prime objectives and priorities of progress of the state are specified a year.

Corruption (from armor. corrumpere — to corrupt, lat. corruptio — bribery, damage) — the term designating usually use by the official of the powers of authority and entrusted him is right, and also connected with this official status of the authority, opportunities, communications for personal benefit, contradicting the legislation and moral installations.

On January 27, 2016 the representative of Department of the Ministry of affairs of public service Akhmetzhanov D.B. has given a lecture for teachers of the faculty of foreign languages on "About Corruption Counteraction". The main activities of government bodies on prevention of bribery have been considered. It was interesting to view the video about corruption and ask questions.

On January, 27th 2016 «Pedagogics and a procedure of elementary education» Bekmurzinoj Z.M. has been lead by the curator of 1 rate of a speciality under the Message of the President of Republic Kazakhstan of N.A.Nazarbaev on subject matter «Kazakhstan in a new global reality: growth, reforms, progress». Five basic directions of anti-recessionary and structural transformations of Republic Kazakhstan have been certain and considered:

On 26-27 January, 2016 curator hours had passed, dedicated to the message of the President of Kazakhstan, Nazarbayev N.A. to the people of Kazakhstan, dated from 11/30/2015 "Plan of the Nation - The path to the Kazakhstan's Dream" at the Faculty of History and Art.

On January 26, 2016 in the Kostanay state pedagogical institute for students of psychology and pedagogical faculty there had passed the explanation of article of the President of Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev "The plan of the nation – a way to Kazakhstan dream". Kazakhstan has entered in the 25th year of Independence with new Kazakhstan dream which answers a main goal of the realized Strategy-2050.

On January, 26th 2016г. The assistant to the dean of a psychological-education faculty by Alipbaeva G.A. had been lead action on an explanation of article of the Head of the state «the Plan of the nation – the Way to the Kazakhstan dream» for students 1, 2 rates. The assistant to the dean has noted that the practical stage of performance of the Plan of the nation «100 specific steps on realization institutional reforms has begun». Have come into force 59 laws which create essentially new legal environment for progress of the state, economy and societies.

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